
the daily life of the modern monster hunter

After the gates opened the world fell apart. It took years to put the pieces back together, now hunters are the rising stars the heroes the ones every kid looks up the ones everyone looks up to. But the strong rule over the weak and the weak do whatever it takes to survive.

Jonathan_A_May · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 the academy

As Seth walked toward the main building he could see hundreds of vehicles and their drivers some he knew from his personal life some he knew from the news as powerful hunters and others he never saw before, He felt out of place while he drew closer the massive building made from the very trees that the walls were made it reminded him of a ski lodge he camped out in before he got his bus the large windows and timbers screamed high class and money but before he knew it he was at the front doors. Entering the building he saw line after line of hunters reached marked by the districts A to E so following the masses he got in the line that felt appropriate. It was about an hour before Seth was at the desk, the reseptionest asked a few basic questions name, district, age, and education if any which Seth only knew the basics how to read and write and some math, after the questions he was handed some paperwork to fill out and that be was in group fifteen and to come when it was called Seth nodded and began the paperwork. As he filled in out he heard someone laughing loudly looking up he saw a large muscular man with a buzzcut and a cleaver shaped sword hanging on his back.

"If it isn't Seth Deken surprised you made it man" said the muscular man as he walked over

"mark glad to see you made it to" said Seth in a tone that said otherwise

"What still pissed I got that Bigfang before you" said mark with a gloting smile

"The Bigfang was luck and you know it but no I'm surprised I made it here before you you did always pride yourself on being ahead of me after all" said Seth with a gloting smirk

Marks smile vanished and he glared at Seth with anger but before he could say or do anything group fifteen was called Seth smiled and followed the rest of group fifteen. Entering the room Seth saw that it was like a lecture hall at a collage large and open with rows of seats that sloped downward to where Headmaster Braxton was saiding the group was shocked to see him in person he told everyone to sit down and they all did

"Thank you all from joining us at New Eden I cant thank you enough for being here" said the Headmaster as he looked at the group

"Now I'm here to explain how this Academy works first if anyone here is missing a highschool deploma you will get the level of education to earn one, second this academy stands to teach how to better servive ageaist the beasts out there so anything you know about them please tell us to help broaden what everyone knows, and third know that what we give we can take away as well just remember that now any questions before I continue" said the Headmaster as he looked around the room

a women stood up she was on the thinner side and had black hair and aggressive brown eyes.

"With all of us here who's going to fend off the beasts attacking citys and conveys" asked the women

"Glad you asked and ik you all are thinking it but currently the awakened devison is protecting the conveys between the cities as for defending them we have make breakthroughs in travel using the energy in the crystals and with them we will be able to send to these cities to help defend them when it is needed" said the Headmaster as he clicked a button on the wall

Suddenly a projector turned on and the lights went out showing a video of a large black jet with two large engines on each side of it as it can to life and moved forward it shot ahead and took of at frightening speed.

"This is the Hammer the most state of the art transport jet in the world it can go from Dallas Texas to Anchorage Alaska in 2 hours instead of the 6 commercial aircraft take, this is what will take you to any place that need our help that is if your all willing and strong enough to jump out of it" said the Headmaster

Everyone watched and listened intently as the headmaster explained everything, it gave Seth a headache from the mission system to the credits they were paid with for them but before he knew it he was told to leave and that a tour was squeduled for us. exiting the room he was given some more papers with information on them and was dragged along for the tour. It was long very long the group was shown every from the cafitera to the weapon foundry and when it was finally over they were back at the entrance. Seth's head was pounding from everything he just wanted to passout till classes start in a two days. Seth began to walk back his bus but stopped when he saw Mark taken to the women from his group he could see that see was unconfterble and was debating either to get involved or not, that is until she punched him in the gut and sent him across the parking lot Mark was on his knees and coughed up a mouthful of blood stood up and walked away past Seth who couldn't get the grin off his face and continued to his bus. Once he arrived he cut a spikling steak off the meat in the back freezer cooked it up and turned on the news. As Seth ate be heard a knock on the door to the bus he stood up and opened the door to see the women from his group.

"can I help you" asked Seth

"Depends can I come in" said the women

Seth moved to the side to let her in when she entered he closed the door and walked back to the table.

"So what do you want" asked Seth as he went back to eating

"I just wanted to know why you didn't help" asked the women

"I was debating it till you punched him" said Seth plainly

"And why did you have to debate" asked the women in a questioning tone

"Me and Mark have history" said Seth as he looked at her

"enough to stop you from helping someone" said the women in a upset tone

"yeah he stole every big hunt I've ever had and got more than a few cores out of it and besides you definitely didn't need any help" said Seth as he stood up

Seth walked back to the freezer and cut off another piece of the spikling.

"you still should have helped even if it wasn't needed" said the women

"I don't make a habit of helping people I don't know" said Seth as he walked back

"Then the names veronica Qwann" said Veronica

"Seth Deken and here" said Seth as he handed here the spikling meat

She looked down at the meat confused

"Why you know how hard it is hunting beasts so why give away meat" Asked Veronica

"I know you now so I'm gonna help and your to skinny to put any weight behind your punch power nothing without anything to put behind it" said Seth as he sat back down

"Thanks for the tip" said Veronica

"No problem the stoves over there I'm not your chef you can eat here or wherever" said Seth

Veronica cooked the steak sat down and watched the news with Seth

"Dont expect this in the class thothere we gotta pull our own weight" Said Seth

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Said Veronica as she began to eat