
The Daily Life of Spirit Hall Prince

harukazuchi · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

5. Hu Liena

Hu Liena POV

I was shocked when I heard that there is a new Holy Son. I asked Elder Gui but he just said to be careful and don't provoke him. It seems that even the elders couldn't lay a hand on him. What a fearful man!

Fortunately, I can meet my teacher today. I will ask teacher about this man's background later! It has been around half a year since my teacher asked me to come to her palace. I really miss my teacher.

When I entered the palace, I saw my teacher already waiting for me.

Bibi Dong: "Nana, come here."

Hu Liena: "Yes, teacher! *happy* Teacher, do you want to teach me now?"

Bibi Dong: "Ah, not for now. I will teach you later. Today I want you to meet someone. *smile*"

Hu Liena: "Someone? *surprised*"

Bibi Dong: "Go to the garden first."

Hu Liena: "Yes, teacher!"

I was surprised when the teacher said that she wanted me to meet someone. Did she arrange someone to become my fiance? I am already 8 years old now so it's normal to have a fiance! Hehe! I need to go to the garden quickly.

When Hu Liena arrived in the garden, she saw Ye Lan singing a song while Xiao Ke was dancing at the pavilion. Xiao Yi, who saw Hu Liena, greets her and asks her to wait beside her.

"(Hmm.. What is it? Why I have to waiting here?)"

Xue Li: "Good. This princess likes your voice. *smile*"

Ye Lan: "*happy* Your Highness' word is not worthy for this lowly servant. *kneel down*"

Xiao Ke: "Princess, how about Xiao Ke's dance?"

Xue Li: "Same as always, it's the worst. *laugh*"

Xiao Ke: "Eh!! But Xiao Ke is always training everyday for Princess! *pout*"

Hu Liena: "(Your Highness? Princess? Who is her?!)"

Xiao Yi: "Your Highness, excuse me. Miss Hu Liena has already arrived."

Xue Li: "Good, bring her to me."

Hu Liena, who could only see Xue Li's throne-like chair from behind, felt annoyed with Xiao Yi's attitude. But after Xue Li asks her to come, Hu Liena becomes nervous and timidly walks closer to Xue Li.

Xue Li: "So you are Hu Liena?"

Hu Liena: "Ah- Ye-yes! *surprised* (How beautiful!)"

Xue Li: "*stare*"

Hu Liena: "*ba-dump*(What do I have to do now?! Is she waiting for my introduction?) I-I am Hu Liena. Level 22, Spirit Grandmaster. I am a Supreme Pontiff disciple. Please nice to meet you, Your Highness. *bow down*"

Xue Li: "Oh, teacher disciple? So you are also a princess. Please forgive my rudeness, Princess Hu Liena. *smile*"

Hu Liena: "Pri-princess? *happy* *confuse*"

Ye Lan: "Your Highness, Miss Hu Liena is not a princess. So Your Highness doesn't need to call her a princess."

Hu Liena: "*stab* *cough* (Did she hold a grudge with me?!)"

Xue Li: "I see. But you are a teacher's disciple so I give you permission to call me without honorifics. *smile*"

Hu Liena: "*ba-dump* Yes, thank you, You- Xue Li! *bow down* (What? Why? How?! Does she use seduction?! I feel like my body move according her will!!)"

Bibi Dong: "Oh, it seems that the two of you already get along well. *happy* Nana, you need to take care of Xue-er well. He is your little brother."

Hu Liena: "Ah, teacher! Yes, I understand! (Hmm.. Did I hear something wrong?) Teacher, did you just say 'little brother'?"

Hu Liena thought that Bibi Dong just slipped her words. How could such a beautiful girl that is even more beautiful than herself become her little brother? Her teacher's 'dumbest' maid also called her princess. Wait, even Xue Li addressed herself as princess before, so how could he be 'she'.

Unfortunately, Hu Liena who heard Bibi Dong's explanation became shocked and could only give a small dry laugh.

Meanwhile, Xue Li who met Hu Liena for the first time became curious with her. Xue Li asked many questions about Hu Liena and he even asked her to tell him about 'school'.

Hu Liena couldn't refuse Xue Li's request after she saw his 'cute' face. She answers every question. She even told everything about her classmates and students gossip. They become closer like a sibling in just a short moment.

Bibi Dong became very delighted when she saw her disciples' bonds so she asked Hu Liena to come everyday after school to play with Xue Li. From today, Hu Liena always spent his day accompanying Xue Li like a sister. She even forgot her main objective.

One day, Hu Liena came and hugged Xue Li's leg suddenly.

Hu Liena: "Xue-er!! Your elder has been bullied again!"

Bibi Dong: "*sigh* (It's start again..)"

Xu Li: "What is it, Nana-jie? *drink a tea*"

Hu Liena: "Today, teacher Yun told everyone to make a four person team. We need to choose a story from the library and then perform it in front of class next week."

Xue Li: "Perform?"

Bibi Dong: "Ah, 'perform' is like a Xiao Ke who imitates the character in the story. This time Nana needs to do the same thing like Xiao Ke in front of her classmate."

Xue Li: "I see. Then it's easy. Just don't do it like Xiao Ke. *smile*"

XIao Ke: "*laugh* Princess really good at jokes!"

Others: "..."

Hu Liena: "*cough* I know that! I won't do something 'weird' like her! It just- I made a little bet with Renxue and then she mocked me! She said that I'm just a little fox who can only bark!"

Ye Lan, XIao Yi: "(So, you are the one who started it again!)"

Bibi Dong: "(Renxue..)"

Xiao Ke: "*hold laugh*"

Xue Li: "I see. Don't worry, you can just ask Xiao Ke. She could imitate every animal's voice and move."

Xiao Ke: "Yes, leave it to me, Miss Nana! I can show it to you no- *slap*"

Ye Lan: "*cough* (It seems that I need to put a choker in her mouth!)"

Hu Liena: "No, I don't want to lose!! Xue-er, why do you assume that I already lost a bet?!"

Xue Li: "*tilt his head* Because I never saw you win against Xiao Ke when we were playing a game before."

Bibi Dong, Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "(Ah, it makes sense!)"

Xiao Ke: "*proud face* Hehe!"

Hu Liena: "..."

Xue Li: "Ye Lan, I want to hear you sing-"

Hu Liena: "Wait!! Please don't abandon me! Can you help your sister?"

Bibi Dong, Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "(8 years old kid ask 4 years kid's help..)"

Xue Li: "What help?"

Hu Liena: "*Actually, I already chose a story. I chose one of the 'Witch Queen' series, 'Witch Queen and the 3 Heroes' ! I need you to help me perform as a witch queen!"

Bibi Dong, Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "*cough* *cough* (Wh-what is her thinking?)"

Xiao Ke: "Ah, then it's an easy thing for a Princess!"

Xue Li: "Then tell me the story first! *smile*"

Bibi Dong, Ye Lan, Xiao Yi: "(No!! Xue-er / Your Highness!!)"

Actually Hu Liena just wants Xue Li to become one of the three heroes and help her dialogue. But Xue Li and the others misunderstand Hu Liena's request.

Meanwhile, although Bibi Dong and the others wanted to stop Xue Li, they couldn't do anything to stop him because it is Xue Li's favorite genre.

After Xue Li agreed to help her, Hu Liena gave an easy explanation about the story.

Once upon a time, there was a queen who ruled a small kingdom. Although it is just a small kingdom, no one dares to attack this kingdom because of the queen's beauty. It said that the queen's beauty can make many kingdoms and great sects fall down. She can even seduce a god to fight each other with only her smile.

One day, the jealous god bestows three people with a powerful strength that can even kill a demon lord with one hit. With their strength, they have been given a hero title by the kingdom's alliance.

Unfortunately, these three people don't have a 'hero' heart. They divide the continent into 3 areas and each of them rule one area. They indulge themselves in women and violence.

One day, one of the heroes comes to the queen kingdom to marry her. The queen couldn't refuse him because she was afraid that he would wreck her kingdom down. So the queen could only make a one year promise.

After the hero left, the queen found a way to defeat the hero but she found that no one can match the hero's strength except from the other heroes.

Hu Liena: "The queen decided to seduce the 3 heroes and made them fight each other. By the way, the first hero is a handsome man with white hair who looks kind but rotten inside. He likes a young and pure woman. The second hero is an oldman who likes a small girl. The last hero is the one who proposed a marriage to the queen. He looks like a ruthless man and like a strong woman."

Xue Li: "I see. So you need to seduce them."

Hu Liena: "Yes! The queen use-"

Xue Li: "It's enough. I can show you how to seduce them. You can just imitate me later."

Hu Liena: "Eh?! (What does he mean? I think I just asked him to help with my dialogue.. *confuse*)"

Xue Li: "(Hmm.. I just need to call the other two here.) Fog uncle, call white oldman and frail oldman to come here now."

Gui Mei: "*appear* Yes, Your Highness!"

Bibi Dong: "*hold laugh* (I see!! So, Xue-er also sees him as a rotten man! Hmm..Let's call the other elders too to make it more 'lively'!)"

Bibi Dong persuades Xue Li to move to Spirit Hall's arena. She also calls Spirit Elders to gather at the arena. Fortunately, only 10 elders can come because the other elders are outside Spirit City.

After around 1 hour, everyone gathered around the arena. Xue Li standing inside the arena. He already changed his clothes with an elegant dress like a queen.

Hu Liena: "Eh?! Why did the elders gather here?! *worry*"

Bibi Dong: "*smile* Don't worry, just look at your brother. He will show you a great show. If you can imitate him, you will get a perfect score next time you perform in front of your class."

Hu Liena: "Ye-yes! (Eh?! Is that really easy to perform the witch queen?)"