
The Daily Life of Spirit Hall Prince

harukazuchi · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

12. Yue Guan's Scheme

Although everyone had already left, Bibi Dong still felt nervous. She hopes that Xue Li's spirit rank won't break more than level 20. In the worst case that his spirit rank breaks the full-innate power, she needs to ask Yue Guan and Gui Mei's cooperation.

Fortunately, Xue Li's spirit rank stops at level 20.

Xue Li: "Teacher, my spirit rank is 20 now! I also got two martial souls! *happy*"

Bibi Dong: "*hug* Teacher really proud of Xue-er! *smile*"

Xue Li talks about everything that happened to him in his consciousness. He even told Bibi Dong about the woman's warning.

Bibi Dong: "(I see.. So, Xue-er really trusts me. *happy*) I see.. So it was Heaven-like something Sword and Heaven-like something Dog, right?"

Xue Li: "Yes, their real names are long and I forgot their middle names.. *try to remember*"

Bibi Dong: "*cuckle* It's okay. You can just call them Snow Sword and Black Dog like that woman said. Xue-er, you can tell everything only to the teacher. If someone asks you about your martial souls just answer them like that woman said. Do you understand?"

Xue Li: "Yes, I understand."

Bibi Dong: "Good boy! *pat Xue Li head* Let's go to Wang Restaurant to celebrate your spirit awaken!"

Xue Li: "Really?! Let's go now!"

Bibi Dong brings Xue Li to his favorite restaurant for celebration. Bibi Dong is really happy and proud with Xue Li but she also feels nervous at the same time. She needs to think of a method to prevent anyone from knowing about Xue Li's identity.

Meanwhile Hu Liena who arrived at Bibi Dong's place was stopped by Ye Lan.

Hu Liena: "Xue-er awakened his martial soul?! *surprised*"

Xiao Ke: "Fufu! Your Highness not only awakened two martial souls, he even got a full-innate power! *proud face*"

Hu Liena: "(Why are you proud?! My brother is not yours!) I see, so he is a genius! *happy*"

Ye Lan: "Miss Hu Liena, please refrain from telling anyone about Your Highness's awakened matter for now. We still need to wait for Your Majesty's decision."

Hu Liena: "Okay, I know. I will go back to school then. I really miss Xue-er.. *sigh*"

Hu Liena decided to go back to school. Although she couldn't meet Xue Li, she was happy when she heard that Xue Li awakened two martial soul spirits and got a full-innate power.

At night, Bibi Dong is sitting on her bed while looking at Xue Li's sleeping face.

Bibi Dong: "(*thinking* If I can't hide it, I just need to spread it.. Let's just make many rumors to cover the truth. *smile* Xue-er, don't worry. Because your teacher will always protect you..)"

On the next day, Bibi Dong asks Yue Guan and Gui Mei to send a message to her elders. She is planning to gather the elders to announce Xue Li's awakened matter. Soon after the elders received the message, they were surprised and happy at the same time because there are two young generations that were born with full-innate power.

Qian Daoliu: "I see! So, that's the reason why Gui Mei and Yue Guan unleashed their spirit! *laugh*"

Golden Crocodile: "Two martial souls and full-innate power! *shake his head* It seems that our young generation will surpass us quickly in the future! *smile*"

Qian Daoliu: "By the way, what do you think if I let Renxue marry him?"

Golden Crocodile: "*surprise* That's a good idea! Hmm.. But I don't think that his teacher will agree."

Qian Daoliu: "*cuckle* We just need to let them meet. I will ask Bibi Dong to let him go to school at tomorrow's meeting."

Golden Crocodile: "I see.. With the little prince's beauty, even Renxue wouldn't be able to ignore him."

Qian Daoliu: "Little prince could 'save' Bibi Dong, so he can also save Renxue. I believe it."

On the next day, the elders already gathered at Spirit Temple's meeting hall in the morning although the meeting will start at noon. The elders even bring their gift for Xue Li.

At noon, finally Bibi Dong and Xue Li arrived at the meeting hall. Everyone was surprised when they saw Xue Li' appearance. Xue Li doesn't look like a 'girl' anymore. He looks very handsome with a long white suit.

Everyone also can feel something different with Xue Li's presence. Although Xue Li doesn't activate his spirit, the elders can feel a 'pressure' from his presence. It seems like they are standing in front of the king.

Qian Daoliu: "(It's weird. Why didn't I feel any spirit power? No way! Is he a beast?! *surprised*)"

Golden Crocodile: "(Is he the same as the Elephant Clan? But why couldn't I feel any spirit power? *thinking* Is it a 'beast body'?!)"

Bibi Dong: "(I see.. It seems that I really couldn't deceive these two 'relic'.)"

After sitting on her throne, Bibi Dong let Xue Li stand on her right side. Bibi Dong explains about Xue Li's awaken matter before everyone talks.

Everyone felt something weird with Xue Li's soul spirit because his soul spirit's name is too simple. Bibi Dong didn't try to explain more and she just asked Xue Li to show his martial souls.

Xue Li activate his Snow Sword martial soul and change to beautiful girl. Everyone were surprised and smited with Xue Li's beauty. Xue Li hair become long silky white. His 'masculine' appearance disappear without a trace. Although his 'king' presence disappeared. Xue Li's beauty gives off a 'dangerous' vibe.

Bibi Dong: "(So even Xue-er's girl version is also very beautiful! It seems that no man and woman can match Xue-er beauty! *proud* *smile*)"

Qian Daoliu: "(Daughter of banshee! What kind of martial soul is that! Too beautiful! She can destroy this continent easily with her beauty!)"

Golden Crocodile: "(How beautiful! Her beauty is like a goddess of love's portrait in myth!)"

Everyone thought the same thing, Xue Li's beauty is far too 'dangerous'. Unexpectedly Bibi Dong who has been watching Xue Li from the start, feels something different with Xue Li's behavior.

Qian Daoliu: "Yo-your Highness, you can pull back your martial soul. (Too dangerous! My heart couldn't bear it anymore!)"

Xue Li: "Eh~ White grandpa, you thought that I am ugly? *naughty smile*"

Qian Daoliu: "*cough* N-no, of course not! It-it just-"

Xue Li: "*walking closer* Fufu! Then why do you close your eyes now? Oh, how about you frail grandpa?"

Golden Crocodile: "*kneel down* Nothing can compare with Your Highness's beauty! This frail oldman really happy! My regrets are all gone after I saw Your Highness! This old bone finally can rest in peace now! *tears*"

Xue Li: "*cuckle* I will be in trouble if you die because I want you to serve me for a thousand years. *smile*"

Golden Crocodile: "*boom* This oldman swore to live another thousand years to serve Your Highness!"

Others: "(He broke his bottleneck again!)"

Xue Li: "Good! Oh, and of course I want all of you to serve me too. *close one of her eyes* *cute smile*"

Elders: "*kneel down* Yes, Your Highness!"

Bibi Dong: "(I see.. Xue-er's behavior really changes when he changes to a girl. I need to do something about 'her'.) Xue-er, you can release your martial soul."

Xue Li: "Okay~ *smile*"

Bibi Dong didn't explain anything more and brought Xue Li back with her. Meanwhile the elders are still kneeling down in daze.

Qian Daoliu: "What a dangerous martial soul!"

Golden Crocodile: "Hmph! How rude! Don't insult Your Highness!"

Qian Daoliu: "How could I insult Your Highness?! I praise him! "

5th Worship: "Everyone please hear me! We need to protect Your Highness! With her beauty, many men will come to woo Your Highness in the future!"

Others: "*nod*"

Yu Long: "So, what can we do to protect Your Highness?"

Ci Xue: "We need to ask Your Majesty to not let Your Highness use his Snow Sword martial soul!"

Tuoba Xi: "Hmm.. I agree with your idea."

4th Worship: "Yes, I also agree."

Yue Guan: "Wait! I don't agree with your idea!!"

Yu Long: "Yue Guan, Your Highness's safety is far more important than your beauty freak!"

Yue Guan: "Whose beauty freak?!"

Qian Daoliu: "Calm down. Yue Guan, tell me your reason."

Yue Guan: "Everyone here knows that a martial soul is a cultivator's heart. To ask a cultivator to not use his martial soul is the same as asking him to die."

Golden Crocodile: "Hmm.. Your thinking is right."

Gui Mei: "(This 'dumb' brother! What is his planning now?!)"

Yu Long: "Then, do you have a better idea?"

Yue Guan: "Of course I have! We just need to make Your Highness become a twin!"

Others: "*surprised*"

Qian Daoliu: "I don't think that we can protect Your Highness with your idea. *confuse*"

Yue Guan: "(*laugh* Now it's time to show my b**lsh*t technique!)"

After convince everyone with his b**lsh*t technique, everyone reluctantly agrees with Yue Guan's idea. They felt something wrong with Yue Guan's explanation, but after they heard that they can see Xue Li's girl version, everyone lost to their own 'desire'.

On the next day, Yue Guan came to the palace to meet Bibi Dong. He told Bibi Dong about the elders' idea. He also brought many gifts from the elders because everyone forgot to hand over their gifts yesterday.

Bibi Dong could see that it was just Yue Guan's scheme. But after thinking for a while she agrees with the elders' plan because she wants to know more about Xue Li's girl personality.