
S1E6: The War is Begin (Part 2)

I blinked my eyes several times and took a deep breath. Shit, I might be fall asleep again.

I stretched my muscle. "Oh, God!" I give my nape a little massage and took a deep breath.

These days, I constantly yawning. Maye... I should drink more water. Once, my biology teacher told me if you constantly yawning for unknown reason, you feel sleepy, and your back hurts. You should drink more water.

Oh, God. I want go back to sleep again. I walked to my couch, lay my body. This is... heaven.

*knock... knock...

I closed my eyes as she opened the door. I tried to sleep again, but something heavy on my stomach.

I opened my eyes and looking on the top of my body and smiled. "Morning. Your... breakfast is ready." She opened the curtain as showed my cats played in the backyard.

"Meow." I pet him as he's making biscuit on my chest. I shouldn't buy a massage chair, if my cats can cooperate to give me a massage. "Um..." what? Why you don't leave? Is there something you want to tell me?

"Your parent..." I sighed. Why they always bothered me in the morning!? I get up and sighed. "They bring Galih, Lobak. Something was off..."

This is it. I had enough! I picked my baseball bat and we walked to the living room. "Why you not told them to fuck off?" She slapped my mouth.

"Be... respectful to your parents, Ms. Gabriela!" She whisper as try to intimidate me.

I saw my dad, Galih, and his dad sat on the couch. "Ah... Good morning... Ms. Gabriela and... Ms. Salsabila.." Galih said as he rubbed his thights.

I sat with my baseball in my hand, as I hold her hand tight. "What's bring you here? I thought we have an agreement, right?"

"Haha.. yeah, w-we..." he glancing to his dad.

"Um... we... um... wanted to... cancel the agreement" Mr. Wardiono said. This is interesting. I took a deep breath and try not to provoked by his dad words. "W-we decided because you're..."

I crossed my leg, scoffed. "I'm too young?" How cliche it is, right? Women should be in kitchen, and men the one who's working. "In that contract earlier... we mention about penalty, right?"

He nodding his head. "We're also..."

"So, you can paid the penalty, then? You and my 'fiancé' agreed that... the penalty should be around 80% of your company worth, right? Do you have that much money?" Rose tried stir the situation. Someone wants to break the agreement, and I found it suspicious.

In the other hand, I want to continue the deal, but... something was off. Why he pulled the contract? "Besides..." all eyes looked at me as I trace the wood fiber in this baseball bat with my finger. "...I already paid you... around 10%, right?"

All of their face sweating. "Lobak..."

I'm scratching my eyebrow. My baseball bat trace Galih's face. "You're handsome, but... your heart not." I pulled his collar, then pushed him on the ground. I hold his chest with my feet.

"Y-You..." I'm pointing my baseball bat to Mr. Wardianto.

I swing my baseball bat to the floor next to his head. Rose screamed.

Galih's face turned into pale as his body shivering. I'm looking at his pants. What a coward! "What I paid for, that's mine. No matter what it's only 10% or... 80%. You already use it for a party, right? Remember this?" I'm scrolling his Instagram posts.

"I-it's..." I smiled in victory. He gets up and stormed out of my house followed by Mr. Wardiono. My dad only watched me in silent.

"Your... 'errand man' was a coward and love played victim. My suggestions... don't disturbed me, or else!" I said as glared into his eyes.

My dad spitting on my feet, then leave. I heard the door slammed and sound of car engine gone. "Are you... losing your mind, Lobak!? What if he..."

I stared into his eyes. "He's not. His public image already damage by the media."

I'm walking upstairs to have fun. My editor said another event start at 4.30 PM, until then, I want to relax.

I don't want to get bored and ending up wasting my time. I opened the drawer and looking at my game consoles. I'm a collector and hobbyist.

I have the first console in the world, Magnavox Odyssey. I hunt every each of them. "Lobak?" I'm looking at her as she standing next to the couch. "I want go to the hospital."

Who's sick?! "You... have relative?" Why do I care? She's nodding her head and sighed.

"My mom. Before I worked for you, she... hasn't discharge because... we need money to paid her medical bills and paid my debts" I scoffed.

"I'll pick you up. You can call me if you already done." She looks at me. I tried to be polite! "It will cut your cost to... well, you know... fare.." she's chuckling.

She leaves me. After I heard the closed door, a smile draw on my face. I rushed opened KFC official order website and the adrenalin already inside my blood. There's so much food!

I want to eat them all, but... she will found out and turned me into a herbivore. Ordering a beverage more difficult rather than ordering food. Should I choose Mountain Dew aka The Gamer Juice, Miranda, or Pepsi? Argh... it's a rare opportunity.

Okay, I already decide to order 1 bowl of OR and spicy flavor fried chicken and 1L Pepsi. If she order me to eat 10 bowls of herbivore food, I don't care. Now, let's we wait until the delivery guy arrived.







I looked at my watch. It's already 02.56 PM. Time to change clothes! I don't want her presence ruined my event, but I don't want to be late to get there.

I hope she did not complain about it. "McGee, Ed. Come on! You guys joined me." I grabbed them and put inside my cat's bag. I'm looking at myself in the mirror.

McGee and Ed they will come with me. They need an intensive care because of Scabies. Scabies in cat it's highly contagious. It's not about the environment, but somehow... they got it. I already investigate further about it, but I still don't know about the answer is.

I grabbed my money clip, key car, and sweater. "Ms. Gabriela. Do you have a time?" I'm nodding my head as he give me a brown wide envelope. "I already did as you told and the result was concerning. They..." My guessing never missed.

"Keep digging and thank you. I appreciate your work." They hiding something behind my back.

I opened my garage door remotely and scratching my hair. I walked to my Range Rover. Mostly, I'm choosing coupe with two passengers only. Today is different.

I saw Jane standing in front of my car. What the fuck she wants?! I took a deep breath. From whom she found my address!? I'm pressing my honk. "Move!"

She keep standing in front of my car. When she walks from the side of my car, I stepped on my foot on the gas. I'm looking in my rear-view mirror and ignore her.

How many times should I tell you, Jane? Should I die first, then you can have a peace not bother me again?

What she's seeing me anyway? I'm a jerk, bastard, douche, and you can call me a bad name on me. That's what other people said. I don't want to give a damn about it.

I let them hate me as like as they want. I never response to their comment anyway. Inside their mind what they hatred, jealousy, and greed. They never care and defending myself make it worse.

I'm looking at a notification message and sighed. My dad pissed because of earlier, I refused to returned their company. Why he so blind and pissed about that?! If it's because of money, I can give him as much as he wants.

I took a deep breath and sighed. What's good in him, anyway?! I parked my car in front of her, then unlocked my door. It's better not to overthink about it. "Did you waiting for too long?"

She closed the door and buckled up. "No, I just standing there. Kenzie and Sarah send their regards for you." I'm nodding my head.

I don't know her mom hospitalized at this hospital. Something about her that I want to is... where she lived? Does she live with her mom surround this area?

This is awkward. I turned on the radio to break the ice. "Hey, hey, hey! We comeback again with your handsome host, Daniel Panggabean, at Love Short Story with Daniel," oh my God. I missed the show.

"Before we proceed to the last segment, we will the best story from our Twitter. If you want to share your story with us just mention us on @love_ssGZFM or you can email us at loveshortstory@gzfm.com with subject my love story. We will pick randomize stories every day and your identity save with us! If you need a friend to... vent about your love live... don't be shy. We maybe can help you." I never joined such a thing, for me it's wasting time and it will disturbed my privacy.

"We picked randomized mention from our Twitter." I stepped on the brake. "It's a thread from.... @wkwkwk_02. The username is unique, right? No picture, but the Twitter made in 2010. Wow.... the OG twitter, huh?!" I'm chuckling. What kind of username is that!?

I'm looking at the traffic light as I heard the host telling their love story. "do you like the show? Rose asked.

I took a glance at her. "Yes, I do like it." I replied. I stepped on the gas when the lights turn to green. Next stop, my event.