
The Daily Life of Celestial Beings

The Daily Life of Celestial Beings.

Synthima · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Night Talk

It was a fun time having dinner with Joey and the others. The food were delicious too. After the dinner everyone went to their rooms and slept. They gave us a guest room that we could use. I saw Mideniko outside floating on her orb so I went out and walked to her.

"The sky sure is beautiful isn't it?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"Yeah." Mideniko replied as she gazed upon the starry night sky.

"So have you been enjoying this place?" I asked.

"Yes, it's been pretty fun and the people are nice too." She answered while still gazing at the sky.

"Yeah everyone is kind and fun to be around with, learning magic with Joey was especially exciting for me." I replied.

"So are you enjoying magic?" She asked she looks down on the ground.

"Yeah it's really fun and I'm excited to learn more about it!" I answered as I lean back and lay on the ground.

"Well good for you, as long as you don't use it for anything wrong." She replied.

"By the way I'm curious, what is your magic attribute?" I asked as I leaned forward and sat down.

"My attribute is... Well, it's nothing." She answered as she looked away.

"Nothing? So you don't have a magic attribute?" I asked.

"Well technically, yeah." She replied.

"Huh, ok then I won't force you if you don't wanna tell me." I said as I stood up.

"But I am telling the truth." She replied as she looks at me with a frown.

"Okay, okay, I believe you. But what kind of nothing is it? Is it no magic or is it an attribute called nothing?" I asked as I leaned towards her.

"My attribute is called "Null". It's different from all the other attributes." She answered.

"That sounds cool, can you show it to me?" I asked.

"No, I don't want to use it here." She answered.

"Awww why not?" I asked again.

"It's too dangerous." She answered with a gloomy expression.

"Oh, okay then I understand. But can you teach me some magic or something?" I asked.

"No, I can't either. My magic is different from other kinds of magic. Sorry." She replied.

"Awwww man, then I'll just have to keep practicing on my own and ask Joey for lessons. Anyway it's getting late we should go to sleep." I replied as I sighed and yawned.

"You go first, I'll stay here for a while." She replied as she gazes back at the night sky.

"Okay then, I'll be going. Good night." I said as I walked away.

I went to the room Steve lent us and went to sleep. I'm planning to train some more tomorrow and maybe learn a new spell. I'm also really curious about Mideniko's magic. When it became morning I woke up and went to the dining room to eat dinner. Anna and Mary were already eating so I joined them. Steve and Bob went to train together and Joey went to the town hall. Mideniko was still outside asleep on her orb so I guess she fell asleep there.

"Did you sleep well?" Anna asked.

"Yes I did, thank you for letting us use that room." I answered with a smile.

"That's good to hear. Feel free to use the room as much as you like." Anna replied.

"Thank you!" I said as I started to eat.

"You're welcome, eat as much as you like too." Anna replied and continued eating.

After eating I thanked Anna for the meal and went outside. I looked around town and saw some pretty cool stuff. There were lots of stores selling different items and food. There was also a small school for magic and a training grounds. After that I went to the town hall to meet Joey.

"Good morning Joey!" I said as I opened the door to the central hall.

"Well look who's here. Good morning to you too Aster, how are you?" Joey asked.

"I'm doing great! how about you?" I answered as I walked towards him.

"I'm doing quite fine myself. So what can I do for you today?" Joey replied.

"Well I want to learn some more magic and also train." I answered as I sat down on a chair.

"So what do you want to learn this time?" Joey asked.

"I want to know if there's any other way to obtain spells." I answered.

"Hmm, yes there is one I didn't tell you about. You can get spells from dungeons too. Some spells are rewards for clearing the dungeon and some spells are from beating the boss." Joey replied.

"Wait what there are dungeons!?" I asked in excitement.

"Yes, you some spells you can only get from certain dungeons and if you get lucky you might get some from bosses." Joey replied.

"Whaaaaat, why didn't you tell me this sooner that sounds so cool." I replied.

"Well you aren't ready for dungeons yet, so I figured I'd tell you when you get stronger but I guess this is fine too." Joey replied.

"You do have a point. So why are you telling me this now?" I asked in curiosity.

"You can get stronger faster if you train in dungeons, plus you get some battle experience and maybe some items too." Joey replied.

"You get items from dungeons too!?" I asked in amazement.

"Yes you do, that's if you're lucky though." Joey replied.

"But I dont even know where any dungeons are." I said as I calmed down.

"Actually there is a dungeon nearby, it's outside town. It's called The Temple of Nature and it's pretty good for beginners, though it does get harder the deeper you go." Joey replied.

"I wonder if it's that weird rock structure we saw while on our way here." I said while holding my chin.

"Those were probably the stone pillars outside the dungeon." Joey replied.

"But I can't possibly go to a dungeon alone now can I? It would be too dangerous." I said in disappointment.

"Who says you're going alone?" Joey replied.

"Wait, are you saying you're gonna go there and bring me with you?" I asked as I stood up in excitement.

"Yes, indeed I am. I need to go collect some items there and I figured you could learn more things if you tagged along." Joey replied.

"Yes! So when do we go?" I asked as I jump around in excitement.

"Well, if you're not busy then let's go now." Joey replied.

"Yeah I'm not busy at all! Let's go!" I said as I walked towards the door.

"Oh yeah, can i bring Mideniko too?" I asked as I looked at Joey while opening the door.

"Yeah sure, the more the merrier." Joey replied.

I then ran all the way back to Mideniko who was still asleep.

"Hey wake up! We're going to a dungeon!" I said as I shook Mideniko to wake her up.

"H...Huh..?" She said while still drowzy and half asleep.

"Come on let's go." I said as I dragged Mideniko with her orb towards Joey.

"O...Oka-y..." Mideniko replied as she falls back to sleep

"Hey now, don't be too excited. You might run out of energy before we get to the dungeon." Joey said as he walked towards the Town's gate.

We are now on our way to a dungeon. I just learned magic so I don't know if I can do much in there so I'm really glad Joey is with us. I can't wait to see what it's like in a dungeon.