
The Daily Life of a Villain and a Hero

This is a modern world but one day for unknown reasons dungeons started appearing in this world and from those dungeons monsters started appearing too. The villain is a handsome guy named Yang and the hero is a beautiful girl named Yin. Yang might be the most dangerous villain that everyone fears but he's got a mischievous side to him, which always causes trouble for Yin. Yin is the strongest among everyone in the country of Luciana. Many men tried to pursue her but she ignored them all. Yin has a different aim and that is to defeat Yang and prove that she's even stronger than Yang the biggest villain in history. Or so she thought. Everything Yin finds Yang, Yang always manages to run away from her clutches after teasing her and distracting her rather than fighting. This is a romantic comedy story of a villain that always pulls pranks on the hero and the hero who wants to catch him but always falls for his tricks. What will happen to them? Will they fall in love or will fight in the end? Will Yin finally be able to defeat Yang or fall for his pranks again?

Gibe_Hug · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Detective Yang

"*Ring…*Ring…*Ring…" A call rings at Yin's house


Yin picks up the phone "Hello, it's Yin speaking". "Hello there miss Yin. I'm calling from the guild. We have some important work for you so you requested here at the guild. So could please drop by?" says the man on the phone. "*Sighs, Yes I'll be there in an hour or so," says Yin and then hangs up the phone.

After eating her breakfast and finishing her other chores in the house she leaves for the guild.

Meanwhile, Yang early in the morning prepares to infiltrate the Dawn Guild for some information. He infiltrates the guild using the air ducts from outside and enters the washroom. "Whew, that was easy. Well now, where do we go from here, hmm…. Oh I should check the control room they might have a blueprint for the building" says Yang.

[Authors Note: Yang infiltrated the guild when Yin was still in her house]

Yin enters the guild and goes to the meeting hall. There were other members of the guild and James and Dawson were also present there. Everyone took their seats and started the meeting. "Thank you everyone for coming here. We've called this meeting because we've got some new info about our enemy" says Dawson. Everyone starts whispering. Yin thinks "What could it be? I'm curious". Then Dawson says "Well the new info that we got is that the enemy preparing for the war faster than we anticipated"

James asks "That's quite troublesome don't you think Yin?". "Shut up," says Yin. Yin then asks Dawson "Then it means they're gonna attack soon. How long can we expect the attack to be?". Dawson replies "Well according to our calculations let's say..hmm…..2 months more or less". "That's….. that means we don't have much time. Shouldn't we tell the public about it?" says Yin with a worried face. Dawson says "Relax miss Yin and besides the government will take of it and we can't disobey the rules and it would create a panic. Don't you think?". Everyone agrees with Dawson. Yin doesn't say anything after that because she knew it won't be of any help.

Meanwhile, Yang dodges all the guards to reach the control room. "Damn it, there are 10 people here and so many damn books and files. Where am I gonna find the blueprints?" says Yang while scratching his head. "Alright let's calm down and take things one at a time. First I gotta distract these guards," says Yang. After thinking for a while he thinks of a plan. He sets a piece of paper on fire by using his elemental powers. The smoke from the fire turns on the fire alarm. The people in the control room hearing the fire alarm ran out of the room without even looking at where the fire is.

Yang took this opportunity and started looking around the room searching for the blueprints of the building. "Where is it?, Where is it?. Ah found it". Yang spreads out the blueprints and looks at them. "Bingo," says Yang then climbs up the air duct after setting the room to how it was before. The guys who ran outside met with another guy. The guy asked, "What happened why are you all running?". They said, "There's a fire in the control room". The guy says "What? And you just left. Do you know how many important files are there? Let's go back or guild master will kill us". The guys got scared hearing that so they went back to the control and saw there was no fire. The other guy said, "Idiot there's no fire maybe one of you was smoking so it triggered the alarm".

Yang reaches the washroom again. He puts the blueprints on the floor "*Sigh… how many times am I gonna come back to the washroom again and again". He looks at the blueprints and says "Let's see, now, where's your personal weapon room, Dawson". Yang looks confused and says "Wait, this can't be right. It's not on the blueprints, then where could it be?" Just then Yang hears a footstep he wraps up everything and hides behind one of the doors inside the washroom. What Yang didn't know was this was a ladies' washroom.

The footsteps Yang heard were Yins. Yin enters the washroom. She looks at the mirror and splashes some water on her face. She says looking at the mirror "How can they be like that? The people have the right to know that there's gonna be a war soon so that they can prepare themselves". Yang was hearing quietly from behind the door while thinking "Only if people were like. You don't know how evil they can be".

Yin felt a presence so she quietly moves near the door and then kicks it hard. The door opens and she sees Yang. "Erm..hi," says Yang. Just as Yin was about to scream seeing a guy in a girl's washroom, Yang holds her mouth with his hand and says "Shh….I know what you're thinking but that's not it okay". Yin tries to struggle "Mmm…mm..". Yang then says "Okay now I'm gonna move my hand just don't scream, alright". Just as Yang moves his hands, Yin kicks him on his stomach and says "Pervert, idiot". Yang says while holding his stomach in pain "Okay I deserved that but damn lady that was like a rocket kick".

Yang then stands up after getting over the pain. Yin then asks "What are you doing there? This is the Dawn Guild, not a place to stroll". "Well I was just passing by, teehee," says Yang while acting all innocent. Yin then says while pointing her fingers at his stuff "Yeah right, you were just passing by carrying a cutter, tape, ropes and what are those?" Yang quickly hides it. "Wait is that a smoke grenade?" says Yin. Yang replies looking the other way "Huh, what gren.. what I don't know what you mean".

Yin then says "If your here to spy then I would say you should give up". Yang then says "Ohh why? do you think your guild impossible to be infiltrated?". "Well no, but if you get caught they're gonna torture you worse than the police. But if you don't mind that then sure go ahead," says Yin while standing confidently. Yang starts to sweat and says "Erm…really?".

"So what you looking for?" says Yin. Just as she asked, Yin suddenly hears footsteps. A lady walks into the washroom and says "Oh, hello miss Yin it's nice to meet you. I'm a big fan of yours". Yin turns back and sees Yang gone. "*Sighs…. I don't know what he's doing but I hope that idiot doesn't get caught. Actually, on second thought I don't mind him getting caught".

Yang walks into the corridor and hears two people taking and a servant girl taking food. The guards ask the servant "Whose this food for?". The servant says "It's for Mr Dawson. It's his lunch". The guards say "Oh, okay go ahead". Yang then follows the girl. Just as she was about to reach Dawson's room Yang knocked her out by hitting her on the back of her neck. "I'm sorry girl," says Yang while putting her inside a cupboard in a room. Yang then changes his disguise to a servant's clothes and takes the food.

Yang enters Dawson's room. He looks around and sees no one is there. He thinks "I should wear my mask just in case. I can't let him find out about me just yet". Yang looks at the food and tasted it "Gulp, hmm… it tastes pretty good". He then starts searching the room for any hidden room. Yang's assumption was that the room he was looking for wasn't on the map nor was this room. So the other room would probably be hidden inside this room.

After searching the whole room Yang couldn't find anything. "Damn it. Not even here" says Yang being frustrated. While Yang was about to leave the room he tripped near the couch and just then when he was about to get up he noticed a light under the cupboard. Yang then stood up and moved the cupboard. There was a door behind it. "I knew it. I checked inside but why didn't I think the door could be behind it". Just as Yang was about to touch the handle and open the door a sword slashed near his head but before it could hit Yang he managed to dodge it and move back.

"Who are you? And how did you know there was a door behind here?" says Dawson in anger. Yang was still wearing a mask to hide his face. "Who I am doesn't matter? Why don't you tell me what's behind that door?" says Yang. Dawson releases his aura and says "Let me ask you again. Who are you? and who send you?". Dawson's aura was sinister and dark. The people on the other floors could feel it too. The people started running towards his room because they thought something must be happening.

"There's still time for that. You'll know who I am when the time is right. But for now, I should leave" says Yang. Dawson then throws a powerful punch at Yang. The punch was so powerful that one side of a wall in the room completely collapsed and the street was able to be seen. They were on the top floor. Yang dodges the punch and counters it with a kick. Dawson stops the kick with both his hands but is thrown back by the impact. Yang then jumps from the top floor before Dawson could get back up.

The guards then enter the room and say "What happened here? Is something, wrong sir?". The guy kept shouting at others saying they couldn't even guard the door. Dawson was already very angry and listening to him shouting nonstop pissed him even more. He turned back and stabbed him with a knife from the table and said "Just shut up". Everyone suddenly went quiet after that. Dawson thinks "Who was he? But before that I should move that thing from there to somewhere else." Dawson then leaves the room and says to one of the guards "Clean this mess".

Yang later at night in his home. "Damn it, I was so close and I missed the chance. He would probably increase the guards or move that thing to another place". Yin in her house writing her diary. "What was he doing there?" says Yin.

Yang decided to infiltrate the guild on his own will because he was looking for something. It wasn't because the Hex Empire ordered him to.

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