
The Cursed Witch series by K9Girl2003 (B.C.)

It has been a week since 17-year-old Samuel Wardwell moved to a small town in Massachusetts to attend a school for witches and supernaturals. Samuel took the week to settle into his new apartment before the first day of school; he lived with his familiar, Minx, a black cat with unique abilities. He took a few days to unpack his belongings, then spent the rest of his time preparing for his first day, which meant shopping for supplies. Samuel rested the rest of the week until Monday hit and his first day of school started. Felix is A werewolf, the alpha of his pack when he is told he has to show around the new kid because they have the most classes together. He wasn't thrilled by any means but what teenager would be. After Felix meets Samuel A spark occurs and the curse he supposedly has became very apparent. Will these two beat the curse or will darkness pull them under and tear everything apart. ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey to future readers this story will be updated every day at approximately 5:30 pm. I may not be able to post some weekends please don't hold it against me. If everything goes to plan. I have only just started writing again after stopping for a few years because I believed my Story wasn't good enough. I am going to try to keep this story updated and alive! If you wanna give support just leave positive feedback but if you are a hater just keep scrolling. To all my future readers I thank you for taking the time of your day to enjoy something I wrote. The Author, K9Girl2003 or (B.C.)

K9Girl2003 · Fantasie
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It has been a week since 17-year-old Samuel Wardwell moved to a small town in Massachusetts to attend a school for witches and supernaturals. Samuel took the week to settle into his new apartment before the first day of school; he lived with his familiar, Minx, a black cat with unique abilities. He took a few days to unpack his belongings, then spent the rest of his time preparing for his first day, which meant shopping for supplies. Samuel rested the rest of the week until Monday hit and his first day of school started.