
The cursed vampire prince's obsession

"I'll do anything you want, please don't kill me!" On a nroms, he wouldn't mind the tears of a mere human. He hated them to his bones. They thought highly of themselves yet they were nothing but weak, conniving, and despicable idiots. But this one was different. She was begging while rubbing her palms together furiously in tears yet he didn't feel any remorse or guilt from her. The way she stared deep into his eyes, almost as if she could see the monster he was. He sensed hate. "Take this one to the dungeon," He said coldly. His gaze lingered on her for a few seconds before he left. The moment his back faced her, the pitiful face she put on disappeared and a more sinister one replaced it. Finally, she has entered the walls of this castle. She would continue her mother's failed dream. She would tear this family apart just as they did hers. Everything they made her and her family go through, she would repay it in ten, no, HUNDRED folds! *** "What is that on your back?!" She whispered in horror. One step back...two steps back...three steps back. The moment she saw who he really was, she cowardly drifted away from him. "Come closer" he ordered but she remained standing, unwilling to adhere to his order. Was this the cursed prince?! The Maximilian family had five sons and of all the sons she could fall victim to, Why the cursed prince?! She knew her life was at risk the moment she stepped foot in the castle, but she had no plans of dying the very next minute without achieving her aim. So she did the very first thing her instincts urged her to do, the very first thing a rational person would do...she ran. She ran away from him just like everyone else did. *This book is a slow burn book*

Iamjustjuliet · Fantasie
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31 Chs

Dinner 2

"We are gathered here to welcome our guests from Arendell," King Francis, Sabrina's father, initiated his speech.

"As we all know, the marriage of our children is to strengthen the ties between the two kingdoms. This dinner is an introduction to a new beginning." King Francis ended his short speech, the dining room silent from the echos of his voice.

"It is with great pleasure I look forward to this new beginning," King Uriah said before raising his glass, "To a peaceful Union between our children."

"To a peaceful union," Everyone raised their glasses before taking a sip from it.

Lily looked into the cup in her hand and saw the formidable content that triggered her nausea. Of course, they expected everyone gathered here to be vampires. She quietly dropped the glass as she watched the servants refill the glass of everyone else.

"You don't drink blood?" Devon whispered in Lily's ear, making her jolt. She moved her face away from his and gave him a slight nod.

"I've never seen a vampire refuse blood, you're one of a kind," Devon pointed visibly amused.

"I'm not a vampire," Lily corrected him.

"I know," Devon smiled knowingly.

Lily turned to him in surprise, "How did you know?" She asked.

"It's very obvious..." Devon pointed. He made the blood statement because he wanted to know what she was. She was not a vampire, but she was not human either. She didn't seem human at all.

A witch? She didn't give off that vibe. So what was she really?

"If you're not a vampire, you must be a witch then," Devon said, waiting to hear what her reply would be.

"I'm not–"

"Bring the food," king Francis's loud announcement interrupted Lily's plan of correcting Devon's misunderstanding.

Everybody was now focused on the king, and she didn't want to get caught conversing with Devon, so she made a mental note to clear up the misunderstanding later.

The servant reached for her plate and placed a half-cooked steak with visible traces of blood on it. The look of disgust on her face said it all; she was never going to eat that.

"Is the meat not cooked to your taste," Sabrina asked when she saw Lily not making any moves to eat. Her voice attracted a few people and they looked at Lily waiting to see what was wrong.

"I don't eat foods like this," Lily announced to everyone's surprise.

Foods like this were vampires' favorite, how could she not like it?

"What do you mean? All vampires eat this," a man who Lily could not identify as he sat in the middle of the dining table voiced.

Lily saw his question as an opportunity to clarify Devon and everyone's misunderstanding.

"I don't eat foods like this because I'm human," she said timidly but clearly.

The dining was quiet before, but it was, even more, quieter after what Lily said.

"A human in our midst! What an insult!" A man with a big mustache stood up and raved breaking the silence.

"This is ridiculous, how can we dine with lower beings?" A woman with elegant poise said in support.

"I ask that she leave this room, my king," another man stood up and said with a bow.

More people in support of Lily leaving the dining room began voicing their thoughts and the whole room was a mess.

"Quiet!" King Francis banged his hand on the table. He as well wanted Lily gone. It was an insult to him as a king to dine with someone as Lowly as a human.

"Are you really human?" He turned to Lily, who was at close range to his seat. He saw her come in with Elena and regarded her as someone of high status. He was even planning to get her married to Devon seeing his public display of interest in her. But a human? It was unacceptable!

Lily, who had no idea that her being human would cause such a fuss, kept mute. She didn't want to say the wrong things that would lead to her early death.

She looked at Aziel silently asking for help but when she saw the smug smile on his face, she turned her head regretting instantly. Thankfully, he could not see so she had no reason to be ashamed.

"Yes, I'm human," Lily answered fearfully.

"Oh, dear," Sabrina whispered. She never imagined Lily to be human, no one did. She really liked Lily and didn't want her to get punished, but she couldn't speak up for the fear of being punished by her father.

"Guards!" King Francis yelled out for his guards and two men came to stand at each of his sides.

"Lock her up," he gave the order and Lily's eyes popped wide open.

She looked around looking for who would come to her aid but the only person she could see was Aziel as they were on opposite sides of the table.

Left with no choice, she looked at Aziel pleadingly as the guards neared her. They grabbed both her hands and she silently prayed Aziel would help her.

"Aziel..." She called out nervously when she remembered Aziel could not see her pleading gaze.

Aziel smirked when Lily called out to him for help. He would have put an end to this long ago but he wanted her to beg, to ask for his help. It was petty, but it gave him immense satisfaction.

"Let her go," Aziel said Lazily as he cut into his piece of steak.

For the first time, his voice brought Lily relief.

All eyes turned to see who would openly challenge the king's orders and were ready to throw hands but when they saw it was Aziel, they all held back their tongues.

"And why would I do that?" King Francis asked, hiding his anger under a solemn face.

"She's with me," Aziel said simply.

"That did not answer my question," King Francis gritted.

Aziel dropped his cutlery and turned his head to the end of the table. Even though he couldn't see, his gaze pierced right through king Francis's.

"And I won't like to repeat myself. Let her go," Aziel said loud and clear for everyone to hear.

King Francis waved his hands and his guards left Lily's side and went back to their initial position.

Lily still couldn't wrap her head around what just happened. She expected it to be complicated but a single order from Aziel had her being free human seconds after she was to be punished.

"I'm sorry, I would leave at once," Lily bowed and made to scurry away when Devon caught her hand.

"Stay," he ordered, giving her no possibility of refusal.

"Devon!" King Francis hollered. Not his son too!

"What?" Devon feigned ignorance, "she's already here so why not have dinner," Devon smiled and gently helped Lily sit down.

"Bring some human?..." Devon turned to Lily unsure, "...Food," He completed his order.

The butler that stood at the corner of the room immediately left to go do as he was told.

Lily sat stiffly as she fidgeted with her hands under the table. The whole room was tense, and she was the reason for it.

'When will all this end?' she thought as she tried to settle her unstable heart.