
The cursed slayer

Zayn Suarez, the son of the mightiest heroes known worldwide, lost his childhood memories six years ago due to a tragic dungeon accident. Following his recovery, he spent the subsequent six years sheltered, without venturing beyond the confines of his home. In the land of Zephyr, individuals can unlock their latent powers upon reaching the age of 20. Feeling bored and wanting to be strong like his parents to protect his family, Zayn decided to awaken his powers. But things went wrong during the test, completely flipping his life upside down. After meeting the Dragon King, Zayn learns that his childhood is full of mysteries. To reach his full potential, he needs to figure out who he really is. __ __ __ "The grammar quality improves starting from Chapter 9" The synopsis may seem simple, but don't be fooled! It's just the beginning for Volume 1. Volume 2 will take the story to new heights with regressors, reincarnation, multiple worlds, the mystery of the main character's past life, and super villains. As this is my first novel, there may be some grammar mistakes in Volume 1. It will consist of around 50 chapters, and I plan to reedit it to make it even more captivating after completion. I appreciate your support and encourage you to show it through power stones and comments. Also, please note that the novel cover isn't my creation; if you reach out to me, I'll remove it.

Z77 · Fantasie
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11 Chs

Unveiling emotions

Zayn, exhausted from a day of persuading his parents to allow him to undergo the awakening, finally succeeded because he didn't give up.

However, his parents imposed a condition: if his life was in danger during the process, he had to stop, no matter what.

Understanding their concern for his safety, Zayn accepted the condition willingly.

__ _ _

Zayn, after taking a bath, put on black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black denim jacket. He styled his hair to the side and went downstairs to tell his parents before heading to Rone for the Power Awakening Test.

As Zayn came downstairs, he heard noises coming from the kitchen, knowing it was his mom who usually spent time there at that hour. Confidently, he headed towards the kitchen.

When Zayn entered the kitchen, he saw Iris busy preparing a big meal, knowing it was for him as he was about to go outside after five years.

Iris turned around when she sensed someone entering the kitchen and was almost taken aback by Zayn's dazzling appearance.

"Wow!" Iris exclaimed, playfully shielding her eyes as if Zayn's appearance was too dazzling for her to handle.

"Mom, please stop teasing," he said, pouting and pretending to be annoyed by Iris's playful banter.

"Oh!" Iris giggled, charmed by his cuteness, as she covered her mouth in amusement.

"Zayn, it's hopeless," she remarked, moving closer to him. "I'm afraid some girls might try to eat you"



"I'm not some sweet candy mom"

"Don't you know how sweet you are, my baby?" Iris teased.

"I'm 20 years old mom, stop treating me like a child"

"Nah, you are still a baby in my eyes"

"Hmph!" He turned his head and decided to get out of the room because his mom was hell bent on teasing him.

Iris pulled him close, hugged him, and patted his head, saying, "I won't tease you anymore if you smile, okay?"

Feeling his mother's warmth, he couldn't help but smile sweetly, melting Iris's heart in the process.

__ _ _

At 14, Zayn had a serious accident that caused him to lose all his memories. Even after spending a year with his family, his face showed no emotions, making him seem like a lifeless doll.

That's when Luna began to annoy him, hoping to see if he would react. Despite not showing it outwardly, Zayn's lips started twitching, and he raised his eyebrows whenever she tried to annoy him. Seeing his emotions slowly emerging, Luna continued to pester him like a spoiled little sister seeking her brother's full attention.

After a year of seeing Zayn display no emotion, Iris began to worry about him. So, when she noticed him reacting bit by bit to Luna's pestering, she also joined in and started teasing him whenever she had the chance.

After another year, Zayn started showing more emotions like pouting and sulking, which made Iris and Luna very happy. However, he still didn't show any other emotions like smiling, crying, or anger.

After two years, when Zayn won against his father in a spar, he showed his first smile because he felt incredibly happy at that moment. Seeing Zayn's smiling face, Derek forgot about the duel and quickly took his phone to capture the moment. He then sent the smiling image of Zayn to Iris and Luna, who were overjoyed to see him smiling for the first time.

That day, Zayn regretted smiling because Iris made him smile until he looked like a joker. But Iris and Luna didn't care about his appearance; they were just happy to see him smile. They took multiple photos of him until he eventually lost consciousness due to their overreaction.

At 19, Zayn cried when he watched the movie "Endless Misery," which depicted a hero losing his mother, father, twin brother, and lover despite trying his best. In the climax, the hero stood alone, watching his house burning with lifeless eyes, and eventually shot himself in the head to end his seemingly endless misery.

He didn't understand why he cried seeing that scene; tears started streaming down his face uncontrollably. That day, he cried like a five-year-old child, causing everyone to become anxious. When they asked him what happened, he explained that seeing that scene made him feel like his heart was being pierced by a thousand needles, but even he didn't know why he reacted like that.

Even now, when he watches that movie, he will start to cry uncontrollably like a child, unable to hold back his emotions.

After six years, Zayn can express his emotions like everyone else, but he still never shows anger towards anyone and only displays annoyance when Luna and Iris tease him.

That's why Luna and Iris continue to tease him even now, enjoying his adorable reactions, because no matter what he does, he always looks cute to their eyes.

__ _ _

"Shall we go and meet your useless father?" Iris asked. Zayn chuckled and nodded his head in agreement.

She grabbed his hand, and they made their way towards the underground where the training room is located. Derek is a complete battle maniac, so whenever he has free time, he spends it honing his skills. No one in Zephyr can match him in weapon mastery. That's how awesome and strong he is.

He's always calm and collected when dealing with others, but if they anger him, he'll make them experience hell. Even rankers won't dare antagonize him. He's not interested in politics, so he won't participate in events in other regions, even if they're conducted by protectors like him.

Even the number 1 ranker wouldn't want to antagonize him, because even if Derek can't defeat him, they know he can fight on equal footing. But if Iris joined him, no one could stand in their way; that's how powerful Suarez family is.

There is only one person in the world who Derek can't fight no matter what, and that's none other than his gorgeous wife, Iris Suarez. She is very possessive, so if she finds anything suspicious, she will beat him until he turns into jelly. She won't show this side to anyone, but the moment someone attacks her loved ones, they won't even have a chance to regret why they annoyed her. She will have already given them a ticket to hell after torturing them until they go insane.