
The Curse Of Mystical Beasts

Olivia Moore, was a stubborn teenager often stumbling into troubles due to her impulsiveness when it comes to taking decisions and meddling in others affairs. One day she went too far by getting a part of the fight which was far away from her understanding. The claws and fangs stunned her and she ran away with all she was worth. But now she was part of the world, she never knew existed. Bitten by the rogue wolf, she was supposed to die. But instead, her body started changing and she became one, herself. Seen as a threat by both humans and mystical beings, she was abhorred and hunted, forced to hide in an abandoned castle far away from the people she knew. She was waiting for her salvation, and one day it came but not in the form she had thought. Ethan filled her cold heart with love again. But would he be able to save her from the world and herself! Ethan, alpha of the strongest spirit woods pack, ruling all the packs of the state, did not know why left everything to help her. But then he has his own secrets to keep. The secrets that can destroy the trust she was forming on him as his MATE!

I_am_Creator · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Redder than blood and warmer than sun

"If you are so brave, meet us in the dark alley behind the school in half an hour. Then we will see who is strong here." They challenged me and their voices were loud enough to be heard by everyone in that crumpled classroom.

"What if I do not?" I challenged them back. I was not afraid of these bitches who would cry hard even when their nails got broken, but I was not sure if they would bring a lot of boys to tackle me.

Not that they could win against me, but I will surely get injuries and all hell would break loose if my mother saw that! The old lady thinks that I was invincible. Surprisingly, she was not against my fighting with these brats! But she would beat me triple in the name of training when I got injured in the fight!

Even the rock would not be able to stand against her!

"See, didn't I tell you that she fakes being strong and brave. How weak and pathetic she was when challenged!" smirked the daughter of the trustee. I always wanted to break her pearly white teeth with my punch. After the exam, I would hardly get that chance again.

"Let it be! We will just go and torment his nerd boyfriend then?"

"Or shall we call my father and tell him that she had cheated in the exams." I gritted my teeth at their blatant threat. If she would say that I cheated then I cheated. No one would listen to me anyway.

"Fine, I will be there." I replied through gritted teeth and my hands clenched into a fist. I would teach them never bite more than you could chew.

They looked at each other with that proud smirk and their eyes were filled with evil glint.

"Then we will see you there.'' They replied in unison and flicked their hair as they turned and left while I was just left there like a deflated balloon as I sat on the bench again to catch my breath.

I looked at the watch. It had already been ten minutes since they left. And Nathan's was going to be here anytime.

"He would kill me!" I grumbled as I stood up, holding my backpack on my left shoulder. I made my way through the crowd again.

After the scene from the morning, it did not take much effort though. They looked at me with weirdo written on their faces and cleared the path for me to pass easily. Well, it saved my time though.

As I crossed the hall and walked towards the entrance, I saw the glimpse of Nathan walking out of the senior building. It was enough for me to run with all my might.

I finally took a breath of relief when I reached the entrance and walked out of the college. The dark alley was famous for all the fights of the college.

Matters that could not be solved in the premises of college are handled here. I knew that I should not have been here. I should have taken the ride and would have gone home. I could have watched Netflix after the whole day's work yet I was standing here.

I knew if I did not, she would somehow prove that I had cheated. I am just tired of those three. I would just finish there matter once for all.

I waited there but no one came. I looked at the watch with a frown, it has already been around an hour.

"This is the right place, right?" I mumbled as I looked around and went further in. my eyes widened as the cold wet and sticky material touched my head followed by the giggles of the girls.

I looked above to see three of them standing at the roof of the college with a bucket in their hands.

'This is what you deserve, loser!" though i could not hear them clearly , i knew that was what they were saying with that big L sign from their hands.

The stench made me feel nauseated. What the hell they have poured over me!

They jiggle a bit more than I wiped my face and found a rotten peel of banana over my head. I was covered with all kinds of rotten garbage and completely drenched. They laughed a bit more when I felt the flashlight, and I did not see that they were taking my pictures.

I was sure they would be on the college website by tomorrow.

"And they called me a freak." I ran towards the other side to hide myself for a while and clean myself a bit.

I took out my jacket and then top and threw it on the floor. Now I was standing there in my sports bra yet the stench was there.

I sighed as I knew nothing more could be done except calling Nathan to pick me up from here.

I took out my phone and dialled his number when I heard a loud earth shattering roar and chill went down my spine.

I looked around but nothing was there. Just when I tried to console myself that it was an illusion, I heard a growl and a loud thud as if someone banged his head on the wall.

"How dare you enter my area, Raphael?" someone shouted at the top of his lungs while another person growled.

I gulped as I realized the voices were coming from just a few steps away from me. I should have turned and left but my curiosity was taken away from me.

I took a few steps towards the place where I saw a few men standing in front of each other and shouting. Their voices were incoherent but then my eyes widened when I saw that the man grew fangs and others grew claws! Long claws like i have seen in the movie wolverine.

I covered my mouth with my hands and took a few steps back to run away when they all turned to look at me with eyes redder than blood and warmer than sun.