
The Mysterious Woman

Mary and Peter were happily enjoying their night, as the evening sound flow the light dimmed, then, they heard a splash at the main gate like a shot from a gun. The sound was so intensed that it made them to wonder who or what it might be. "Is that you, Austin," Peter asked, as boldness filled his voice, like a lion ready to hunt, while approaching the gate.

Austin breathing heavily like a tornado and sweat flowing like a waterfall, tried to answer but began to cough the moment he opened his mouth. "What's wrong with you today too?" Peter opened the gate with an eagle, searching to see what caused the sound. He asked as he saw Austin standing at the gate like a thief being chased, holding the edge of the gate with his left arm. "Nothing, am just tired and hungry." Austin answer after pouring all his breath out. "Can hunger make someone sweat and breathe heavily?" Mary asked, moving towards the kitchen to take a drink. "I had to run as fast as I could, because I was feeling extremely hungry," Austin responded while making a pace to take a seat to rest his body.


"You know the road is dark and scary, yet, you still spend much time at the Rockson's house. Hmm!" Peter uttered, with a voice as deep as the ocean, climbing the staircase to his office. Mary took out Austin's meal and handed it to him while looking at him with a straight face. "Thank you, Ma!" Austin whispered after taking two spoons of the meals. "Go sit at the dining table and eat, don't eat here" Mary burst out as a drop of rice fell on the stuffing chair, with an angry tune.


Austin enjoyed the meal in a blink of an eye and steered to take a drink from the fridge at the corner of the kitchen, walking lackadaisically. "Close the door for me when you are done," Mary urged Austin, while heading to the master bedroom. "Mum, was Dad able to get the gift?" Austin asked, while taking the last sip of the drink.


"Go and sleep, we will discuss that tomorrow morning. Good night" Mary added as she opened the door and went inside.


Austin sat in the stuffing chair, reminiscing how he raced at the speed of light the moment Eva turned. He started to laugh his heart out. "Maybe she saw me racing? Hmm, Naa! I don't think so." Continued his laugh "I should have seen the look on her face when she turned and saw not a single soul at my point. Hahaha!" Austin then walked towards his room to enjoy the rest of the evening on his bed.


"Eva, here is your gift." Austin handed her a white glowing box-like object as the present from his soul to Eva.

"Take this as the gift from my spine to your heart" Austin added while hugging her tightly, their embrace unbreakable even by the sharpest knife.

"Who is that white hair granny at the left conner of your gate, with drops of water pouring out of her mouth and nose like a leakage in a pipeline, with shattered dress, always looking at our direction's wearing a sinister smile?" Austin holding Eva's left hand pointing at the woman. 

"I think she is one of my neighbors, they were all invited to be part of my guest," Eva responded moving Austin's nose in a playful manner.

"She looks scary to me!" Austin firmly held Eva's arms as he turned to look at a different direction.


Peter walked towards the door and knocked twice, upon hearing no sound, not even a bird cry from the room he questioned himself, "Is he still asleep?" hearing no sound on the third shot, he repeatedly knocked as hard as a rock on the door and called out his name twice.


"Dad, dad am coming," Austin opened the door and made an attempt to take a glance at his father's face. As he raised his head, he sensed a heavy weight of anguish flowing from his father's jaw to his hair. "Do you know what time is it?" Peter questioned him, looking at his silver wrist watch on his left arm. "Go wash yourself and come downstairs…" Peter added, descending the staircase to the dining room.


"I guess he was asleep when you knocked at the initial pace…" Mary turned to look at Peter taking his seat.

"As you know, Mm…, what's that zest perfume?" Peter asked, raising his nose to sniff and follow the algorithm of the aroma wafting across the room.

Mary whispered words of love to him while wiggling a smile. "Is it ready yet, because I want to fill my stomach with the fragrant cologne." Peter whispered back holding the fork and knife, in a manner to show his high desire to take the shot.


Austin, attar gifted to him at the beginning of the month, descended the staircase and took his seat beside his dad. "Dad, were you able to buy the gift you said?" turning towards his dad wearing the charming face that can dissolve mountains.

"Oh, yh I bought it" Peter answered as he tapped on the shoulder of Austin. "Why are you in a hurry to take the gift?" Mary added while serving the meal on the table. "Nothing, I just wanted to make sure it was ready before the day arrives." Austin responded, taking the knife to peal half of the meat.


"Hey! Why are you eating without praying?" Peter asked as he shook the meat from his hand and placed it in the plate. "Austin, why don't you say a word of prayer, because you are eager to finish your food?" Mary added while folding her arms in an entreating manner.

"Have you planned on giving her a gift personally, I mean Eva?" Peter asked while hanging half part of his body in the air, while the other part was firmly attached to the seat.

"Yh, I'm planning on giving a special gift, you will know when we are giving her the gifts" Austin responded wearing cloth of joy from his shoulder to his toes.

"Don't disgrace us oo.." Mary quickly started teasing Austin as he stood up from the chair.


Eva, knowing she will celebrate her day with Austin, became extremely happy as it got closer. She then prepared a special meal with her hands which got the attention of her mother and sister. It was also the first day she was taking complete charge in cooking a meal to celebrate her day throughout the year.


As the weeks turns days, and days turned hours, she got very intact and intend on the celebration of her day very happily. "Mum, what day is today?", Eva kept asking Sarah when it was left with five days. "Hmm! Take your time, the day will come" Sarah kept on repeating these words with joy to Eva who was happily and eagerly waiting for the day to come. While Eva was waiting for the day to come, it was time to go for a class for the best subject she likes learning, "History".


History was considered the blood that flows through her body, which made her more and more adventurers to undertake any task that will unveil a past or future incident. "Hey Eva!" Osborne saying with smiles filled his big rock face, "Hey!" Eva responded with an undelighted face in exchange.

"I heard our day is tomorrow…...?" Osborne asked, trying to hold her shoulder, "Point of correction, not our day but, my day." Eva responded trying to swerve the touch of Osborne, who always tries to get the attention of Eva.

"Why do you always do this to me! Eva!" Osborne angrily asked while hold both his waist as a soldier at a war field, "Above all the actions I show, all the things I do why can't you accept me?" he added. Eva turned to his direction with a rigid study eye. "I don't understand what you are saying, and don't spoil my mood today!" Eva made her way to her seat while waiting for the tutor to arrive. 


"Austin, wait!" Jake called onto Austin as it was time to head home from school. "I heard tomorrow is a big day for you!" He added as he placed his right hand on Austin's shoulder. "What do you mean by that?" Austin acted dumb like he knew nothing about the day ahead. "Yo, come-on, don't tell me you don't know Eva's birthday," Jake removed his hand and stood there for a while then tapped on Austin's back.


"Am I invited to the party?" He continued asking Austin as they trod through the road. Austin's eye glanced upon a flyer that has been pasted for number of years on a dead wooden board that serves as a banner for posters. As he got closer to the board, he remembered the woman in his dream with the sinister look.

He stopped when his mind rewind back in time and decided to take a deep look at the picture at the center of the poster.

"Hey, Austin! What's wrong, what are you looking for?" Jake got surprised at his sudden behavior and joined to glance the object that stole the attention of Austin within few spaces of time.

Austin got closer to investigate deeper in the words and the picture. He then noticed it was only a picture of the woman he saw in the dream.

As Jake got closer, he shivered and held Austin so tight that he felt Austin trying to evade the pain from his touch.