
Love's Quiet Call

As the night dies and morning comes, with it charming blueish sky filled with clouds, appear as white as flog floating in the sky, and the birds fly from their nest as they hush their harmonious singing through their throats. Being the day after the memorable party for Eva, the soft green and ghosty environment turned from the nature color to the sky color, as the clouds sheds it white star-like tears, serving as a blessing adding to her day. Eva, sleeping comfortably on her bed as she dived deep into the dark, which had had memories igniting from the actions that seized it moment in the room on the day of the party, flowing in her heart. She rolled her tongue in a circular gesture as she slept. 


She could taste the air in her sleep like a meal served in an expensive restaurant, as its breeze brushes through her hair making it way to her heart, and the melodious song sung by the birds calms her soul. As the clouds fly, arranging itself to look like a foamy ground in the sky, then sound from the sky rang, like a bang on a hanging church bell peeked out from the sky. Then whitish star-like tears started dropping on the tip of the highest trees, making the trees turn from the nature color to a pale icy ring covering the trees and branches holds icy spear hanging on it. "Knock, knock, knock." Walking in a lackadaisical manner to Eva's door, with her eyes halfway closed like a sleeping cat, holding onto the walls that farm secrets in the room. Lily called unto Eva's name, as she knocked on the door with her right hand, while brushing her face to wake her from her sleepwalking style.


"Birthday girl, the birthday is over, wake up." she uttered continuously wanting to notify her like she always does, when it's time for school. The sky was not fully grown, as the sun was still hiding in the shadows of the waters, turning the sky in a mixture of bluish and a whitish color, making the morning so magical like a snow spirit taking the day. Eva arouses from her sleep, hearing her name being called from a light year away as her eyes and heart were enjoying the marvelous hops in time. "I hear you." Ascending from the darkness of the world and removing the heavy lionlike bedsheet covering her head to her toe, like grass covering the ground, Eva responded, she making ready to lift herself up form her bed filled with thought to the side of the wardrobe.


Ghostly footsteps erupted from the floor, with series of hunting wind blowing to the eye hole in the middle of the door, as she navigates her way to the mirror, wearing her tall colorless night gown with the size of a pregnant elephant and the height of a Christmas tree. "Oh, what a lovely night." Speaking to herself, as she stood in-front of the mirror admiring all the dotted design gifted to her by God, counting it with her pinky finger, commencing from her face to her toes. Series of electromagnetic rays were sent to her heart as she raised her head, in an ant pace, after counting the black small dots. Her eyes turn brownish and wide as her mind raced back in time with her body standing motionless, thinking of Austin looking at her from behind, like how it happened after the unplanned collusion of their lips on her most cherished day.


She found herself unable to shake off the lingering emotions that had taken root in her heart and soul, as tears of joy with nature's smile and soft breeze wind flowed deep in her eyes making it way to her cheeks. What had started as a simple friendship with Austin had budded into something deeper, something she couldn't quite put into words. Thoughts of Austin consumed her mind, like fire casted in a forest on a dry season, as she turned to go for her bathe sandals, under the chair he dogged behind.


As the time passed from cold morning weather to a hot sunny afternoon weather, countless birds and butterfly of different nature, flew in the sky and on trees, while the artificial sounds erupting from the holes in the four-wheel black jeeps, combine with the nature sound as they float like vapor in the air. Eva stood-tall at the right side of her class with her arms firmly placed at the wooden frame attached to the window, inhaling the extravagant air floating around the school compound, when it was time to head home. Her mind with an unimaginable strength kept on reminiscing on the events locked deep in her soul. The strength of her mind became stronger and stronger at every pace the wind makes in her veins. Her hair kept on floating in the sky, as if there is a tornado nearby, as the wind dash deep in her soul.


"Eva, won't you go home?" standing tall at the gate, with her backpack on her back, holding her notebook in a folded manner in her left arm. Judit called unto Eva, when she returned to check and close the door of the class. Not hearing the voice calling unto her, as her mind dip deep into her soul, Eva stood still like the symbol of peace statue, without making any movement. "Eva, Eva?" Moving closer to her, passing the first desk at the gate, Judit called unto her again, hitting her backpack on the desk to make a strong sound if she didnt hear her thin voice again. The sound erupted from the ancient chic desk grew as high as the collusion of two heavy cars, when the backpack landed at the top surface, making its legs move like a rubber ball bounce on the ground.


Feeling the high sensation in her soul as she meditates with the nature sounds, a strange and strong sound peeked deep in her mind, reaching her soul. Opening her eyes slowly like a tortoise walking on a cemented ground, Eva turned her head to her back direction, hoping to find the root of the voice. "Oh, Judit!" Eva added, locating the root of the sound to be her close friend, who also happens to be the one in-charge of locking the doors, she moved from the window to her desk to pick her backpack. Hanging her backpack at her left hand, Eva moved to the door walking in a slow pace as if broken glasses were spilt all over the ground, making the ground deadly.


As the birds hop from one tree to cat's roam and cock sing their afternoon praises, Judit and Eva walked exchanging words in a conversational manner, after waiting for her tirelessly leaning on one foot, while she watches her close the last door of the school. "Oh, I have kept long, by now Austin is not at the oak tree." Running to her heart limit, knowing she was supposed to meet Austin at the oak tree. Eva whispered while she holds the handle of her backpack firmly, making sure it does not fall as she quickens her paces.


"Hmm, did she go straight to her house after school?" Thoughts filled his heart as Austin sat on the root of the old oak tree which was as the size of a huge security dog. He stood stretching his body like a tire, after waiting tirelessly for Eva to show up. "I don't think she will show up." As the clouds started changing from the brownish-white color to a bluish-white color, Austin decided to head home. The sky started changing when he made the move from the side of the root to the side of the base of the tree, making ready to forward his steps to the road leading to his house. Then a soft thin voice called upon his name from miles away, like an insect cry in the woods, when he reached the road.


Chilled sweat flowed through her blood to her hair, like a fountain of water when she stopped placing her arms at her waist when she came closer to Austin, after calling him for a while to make him wait after noticing him moving towards his junction. Panting air dashed out from her throat in a sameness manner, making her words sealed in her mouth, while she tries to talk to him as she leans on him. Looking at the rate of her panting, Austin held her hand while walking to the side of the oak tree, making ready to site, to ease her heart from the speed she utilized in reaching his direction.


As they sat under the tree Eva laid her head to lean on Austin's shoulder, while her heart slows as the gasping became low, making her mouth able to utter a word. The wind blew and the birds navigated their way to their nest, as the clouds change to a rainy cloud, signaling them of the tears which will be dropped from the clouds to the ground. The cloud's tears started falling little by little, making them navigate to their homes.


As they trod their way to her house, thought of joy filled her heart as she planned on telling him about her feeling. But she wondered on what his reaction will be, when she thought to herself, "Does he also have the same affection for me?"


Upon reaching Eva's gate, the wind started blowing harshly while the sky makes a countless heavy sound, and the cocks and the birds seek their nest, Austin noticed the heavy rain to fall on the ground. He quickly sprinted like a fighter jet colliding with a mountain, after bidding Eva good bye. The more he run the higher the sky sounds burst into tears, falling from the clouds to the road, like water in a mesh. He did all he could to escape the tears from the clouds but got soaked wet when he got to his door, like a dog fallen into the ocean.


Mary opened the door, seeing Austin standing in the midst of the heavy tears, beating him as if he is being caned. As coldness boils in his blood, while his skin turns like a sea human, Austin, started shaking like a dolphin in the sea when the door was opened for him to enter. "See how you are shaking." Handing the unused blanket to him, Mary sat in the stuffing chair while she enjoys her favorite tv show.

Covering his body like a mummy in a tomb with his unused blanket, Austin climbed the staircase to his room, like a century year old man, holding the walls and the metal strip at his left-hand side as a stand. Upon reaching his room, a soft breeze wind like splash, bushed on his face from his favorite morning view window closer to his bed, after laying his body to rest while being covered in the blanket like a bread in an oven.


As the rain tears fall, the sky shakes with thunder sounds and lightening bolt strike, Eva sat on her bed gazing her eyes at the bluish lightening bolt from her transparent glass windows closer to her bed. At every strike of the bolt, her heart pounds like a lion roaring in distress, while her mind thinks about Austin, walking all alone on the road while the rain drops like the sea is being poured on the earth.