
Lost In Thoughts

As the week ends with it astonish memories dashing like vapor from a boiled water, making ready to start a fresh hebdomad with its mysteries, lurking in the corners of the earth. The bluish sky filled with flying birds, and the brown leaves hanging loose on the trees, fell on the ground as the wind blows, paving way for new ones to germinate. Sense of relief fell upon his heart, after a tedious weekend. Pondering over his performance during the solo ministration he embarked-on, Austin laid on his bed, with his legs crossed, like a crime master sitting in his throne. Taking a quick bathe in his bluish bathtub, right after moving from his bed, making his body feel fresh for the task ahead. Austin stood still, taking a glance at the crowded road, from the opened window facing the tree, where the ray of the clouds fell.


Countless sounds burst out from his room, filling the entire air like a singer rehearsing at the backstage to make his voice ready for the onstage performance. The sound traveled through the designed door, moving outside of his room, venting its way to the staircase, filling the hall. "When will Austin stop this behavior?" Questioning herself as she softly laid on her bed, with her mind totally consumed by the memories of her husband, as the voice of Austin bouncing in the hall, reached her room, making way to her eardrum. Gazing her eyes to the huge picture frame glued on the wall at the right-side of her room, covering 4feet length, with its 90 degree-angle joints, having a golden pipe ribbon hanging on each side. While her eyes remained constant at the frame, images of the husband, kept fluctuating in her mind, like scenes in a movie. 


As air dashes through the windows, filling every corner of the room, like a wind blower used to pump heavy tire. The golden ribbon tangled on the edges of the frame flipped, as the force from the wind flew over it, making it interchange its position, like a leaf hanging on a tree placed in a thunderstorm. Mary stood-up, moving from her matrimonial bed, navigating her way to the bathroom, showering herself to make ready for her usual morning household tasks.


With her mind evoking back to the performance that took place on the day of worship, making her admire his voice as if he was standing next to her bed, with the notes flipping out of his throat. The body relaxed, while the soul hops in joy, making her heart increase the desire kept deep in it. "I have to fasten my belt and tell him what am feeling." With her fingers moving from side to side of her lips, feeling the texture of her skin, reminiscing on the collusion of their lips during her birthday celebration, Eva said to herself. Raising her eyes above her hair trying to steady her sight on the moving fan.


The vibration of the music erupting from the music box, placed at the right corner of the hall, filled the entire building like an overflow of water. While the music continues to play, Austin and his mum, sat along side the dinning table to enjoy their morning meal before they start the journey ahead. The road laid at the front gate of their home became crowded as pedestrians, young and old, dwarf and giants walk the road. The road was filled with emotional pleasure, as the love ones hold hands while they trod the road to their offices and the night workers, returns to rest in the day light. 


"Mum, were you able to call Dad?" As the last spoon filled assorted fried rice reached his belly, with sweat falling from his face, due to the hot pepper added as a means of garnishing the meal. While moving from the chair he sat comfortably to enjoy the meal, Austin uttered, turning his body in a sideways, with his left hand firmly placed at the top surface of the table.


"Yh, I did call him." With joyous heart from the conversation their had on the phone that midnight, Mary answered, with her eyes shining as bright as the sun and her hair moving like a sea waves. The emotional pleasure made her soul reminisced on the love they exchanged while being on the phone, at the time every animal flees from the sky, leaving just the whitish banana like light, hanging in the midst of a mixture of deep blue and black sky, with thousands of stars adjusted to it.


As the music plays continuously and the memories flashing through her eyes like a seasonal movie played at the movie theater, Mary couldn't help but to laugh her heart out, seeing the shock wave on Austin's face as he stood still like a figurine placed at the center of a museum. "Stop standing there idle like you have nothing to do, head to your room for your backpack." Taking the plates laid on the table with countable strains of rice in it, like grass planted on the desert, Mary uttered, making Austin run towards the staircase like a mad man.


"Guys, do you wanna know why am eager to have Eva?" Standing at the pathway leading to the gigantic iron gate, serving as the entrance to the school, with his folks around him. Osborne questioned his friends, making their attention leave the beautiful lady with huge back and breast, walking sideways to their position, with her hair floating in the sky like a fan placed on her head. "You're still talking about the girl who always put you in a devil's cup." With their eyes and mouth moving synchronously, shouting at him with a loud voice. Their voice sounded like a heavy truck stepping on its horn to take an at-once break, making Osborne lose control of his body.


"Look who is coming." Pointing to the road leading straight to the gate with his left arm raised like a soldier giving direction in a war field, Osborne alerted his folks on the modeling walk-style of Eva, as she trod through the road facing them. "Let's head to class before she enters." The smallest among them, having no broad chest and a bushy hair, opened the gate, telling them to enter. With his reddish eye like a demon casted from hell, looking through their soul and his heavy voice hitting them like a strike of thunder, Osborne and Michael entered without contemplating with him. With his skinny body and extremely black skin like Mr. Bones, Eugene stood at the gate, allowing his subordinate to enter making way for Eva to enter.


"Thank you." Entering through the gateway with Eugene standing like a security guard opening the door of a president, Eva greeted as she finally reached the other side of the gate. Seeing countless people standing outside the classrooms, thoughts filled her mind, making her stood with both hands holding the hand of the bag at her shoulder. "Why are you guys outside?" Upon checking her wrist watch placed on her left arm, Eva moved closer to Judit, who happens to be the president of the class.


"Jake!" Turning to bid his mum goodbye, he saw Jake walking lackadaisically on the pathway leading to their class. Austin run towards him with the speed of light, while trying to maintain a smooth gesture by mentioning his name during the sprint. The words in the name heeded him like an arrow pointed to his ear, bashing Jake's heart like a spear pierced through the heart. With his head bowed-down, like a King losing his prince in a battlefield, Jake turned wanting to know the source, as he forgot the tone of Austin, due to his failed attempts on his mission.


Upon reaching his pace, Austin placed his hands on his waist, like a pregnant woman ready to deliver her baby, while sweat of pool drips on his shirts from his hair. "Clean your face and let head inside, we are already late for class." Seeing the immense water falling from his face, Jake uttered in a soft tone, the tone was as soft as a flip of tongue. As the tone landed in Austin's ear, discomfort thought grew in his mind, knowing Jake had never spoken with such tone. With friendly vide, Austin tapped on his shoulder, expecting to see a calm response from Jake, but became extremely dumfounded, seeing the quick removal of his hands by Jake, at the exact moment Austin's hand landed on his shoulder.


Austin's mind went out of motion as they were being tutored the whole day, going deep to uncover mysterious thoughts which kept flashing in his mind. His attention was fully focused on Jake, making him lose concentration on the tutor standing at the front of the class. With his steady face and traveling mind, Jake knew Austin was caught in his game. Upon realizing the concentration going astray on Austin's side, Jake knew it's time to seize the moment.