
Harmonious Resonance

As darkness filled the sky with thunderous sounds bashing through the wind, as the tears fell with anger, making the trees soaked wet with its fruit ripping down, and the road flooded like a comet falling to the ground. The bright light on the poles standing tall at every conner of the street, falling like a change in the energy source, making it go on and off as if being controlled by a remote operated by an invisible source hiding at the edge of the hills.


The sound erupting from the ground as the tears hits its surface, brought Austin peaceful solace in his heart, remembering the classical music he learnt when he was gifted his first instrument. Coving his body tightly with the blanket while lying on the bed, he detached his right arm from the blanket, stretching it as long as a tower to reach his instrument. The distance between the overextended arm and the drawer, was as long as the topmost level of mount Everest to the ground level being it base. Not being able to reach the drawer, he removed his entire body, like a butterfly fleeing its shell, from the blanket, placing his leg on the ground base, where the bed meets the floor.


Moving closer to the drawer, a strong bull-like thunder sound struck the sky, like nuclear weapon hitting the surface of the earth. Boiling air entered his soul, making his blood boiled-up like a soup on fire, making him tap on his bed in a twinkle of an eye. As the sound reduced like a sound venting from a rat, he raised his body from the bed to continue his voyage to the drawer. Opening the topmost drawer with two doors colliding to each other, Austin peeked his head in to search for the bag containing the gifted wind instrument. Seeing the short black bag with golden zip, zipped-up, blocking the parts of the instrument to fallout.


He placed the bag on the bed after gently removing it, with its weight like a loaf of bread, from the drawer. A metal gear sound burst making the room filled with a steel sound, as he unzipped the bag to unveil its secrets. Looking at the dismantled parts of the instrument suitably placed in the spaces in the bag, Austin removed them accordingly with his heart in his arms, placing them on the bed to commence the process of making it into the playable gadget.


Austin cautiously removed the barrel, followed by the upper join and lower joint, placing them in the right order to help him connect it with ease after a long time playing it. He took the mouthpiece, where the reed is attached, followed by the ligature that secures the reed in place. He then continued to the barrel, connecting it to the mouthpiece, which will help him tune it after it is fully assembled. Looking at the upper joint and the lower joint being the two main body sections, which serves as the housing most of the keyword and tone holes. As he continued with the upper joint, he continued with ease, when the memories started dancing in his mind. Connecting the bells being the flared end of the instrument, which is attached to the lower joint to aid project the sound.


Wind of success blew from his mouth to the clarinet, as he was done connecting it. Seeing the wind flying in the skies and the trees, and the tears falling synchronously, he sat on the bed with legs folded like a monk ready to meditate. Placing his instrument in front of his body, with his right hand resting on the lower joint, where it operates the keys and covers the tone holes. After several attempts he was able to accurately place his right hand well on the lower joint, then continued to the upper joint with his left hand. As his fingers were arranged well ready to manipulate the keys and tone holes to control the pitch and resonance, he then placed the barrel which connects the mouthpiece to the upper joint to his mouth.


Placing the instrument in his mouth, soft note from The Right of Spring traveled, as he blew air through the mouthpiece, making the reed vibrate against the mouthpiece's facing, creating the soft and magical sound waves. As his fingers pressed the tone holes, the room got filled with a soothing sound dance across the corners of the room, making it way to the door. Upon playing The Right of Spring, series of music danced in his soul, as he played the last phase of the magical music, making him play the instrument with his soul leading him.


His heart pumped as the vibrating sound resonating from the bell changed to Synrix, the piece in which he first played with a friend's flute, making his eyes close. As his eyes got closed his mind dip deep in the dark, allowing his heart and soul to handle the instrument with an astonish strength and style. While his mind traveled deep in the shadows of the world with his soul playing the clarinet by controlling his hand gestures, his body danced by the rhythm of the songs resonating from the bell.


As his heart and soul handle the instrument, soft breeze winds flashed in his room turning it into a swirling tapestry of whispered secrets, and ethereal melodies locked deep in his soul. As the secrets erupts, the winds of imagination danced with the haunting call of distant voices, merging from the sky to the ground. His mind went into a deep sleep, while his hands relax on the tone holes, making the eerie melody dim low, like a torch with a dying battery. The vibration from the bell died like a fleeing soul from a dead plant, making his body lie motionless on his bed, with the cherished instrument filling his chest, while his body laid on his bed like a lamented being.


The thunder sounds from the sky started plummeting to soft breezes of wind, as the tears from the sky became little drops of water, making the sky release sprinkle of water rather than a fountain of water.


As the morning light flashes it ray through his window, making the light turn to that of a stage light casted upon a performer, showcasing a square shadow light on the wall closer to the door. Series of praises danced in the sky, as the birds fly from their nest to the roads, swinging their wings to meet the blessing of the day. Hums from moving vehicles echoed through the road, making it way to adjust itself to the natural sounds to form a peaceful melody. As birds fly across his window, their melodious voices penetrated through the transparent glass fixed in-place of the window, making it visible for the person inside to have an exquisite view of the siren atmosphere.


Forgetting about the clarinet being laid on his chest when he fell asleep in his mind, Austin moved, shifting half his body to lay sideway on the bed. The movement on the bed activated a movement in the clarinet, making it fall from the top of his chest to the tip of the bed, like a car colliding to a gigantic tree. As it landed on the tip of the bed, it upper body hanged in the air, while the lower body rested on the bed.


Shadow peeked into the room through the space under the bed, as Mary reached the other side of the door, making ready to wake him up by her hitting her hand at the door. Strong wood-like sound pierced through the door like a metallic mechanism working inside, as she knocked on the door with the power in her hands, making the door vibrate continuously as the paces of the knock increased.


"Austin, wake-up!" A loving and soothing voice pierced through the holes on the sides of the door, as She called unto Austin's name to wake him up. Hearing the voice as he laid on his sideways on the bed, Austin moved his upper body, while his lower body firmly laid on the bed, making his entire body turn into a 90 degrees angle. His heart raced, seeing the cherished instrument placed in a manner ready to be dismantled by the ground when it falls. He positioned his body in a manner that won't make the instrument fall by any means, stretching his arms to get hold of it and place in well designed bag, placed under the bed.


"Austin, it almost time for church service, carry on with your bath so we can leave early." Hearing sounds of movement going in and fro in the room, Mary stated as she turned to the side of the staircase, while her hands were fixing the hairstyle she designed with her hands. As footsteps sound danced through his ear as Mary moves, Austin dismantled the clarinet, placing it in its original state in the bag. As he stood in the bathroom, thought started filling his soul, wondering how the service will be.