

In a room laid a boy Yun Jian staring up with no emotion or thought's in his eye

Because of I cannot cultivate I'm called the cripple of the Yun family

My father is being suppressed because of me so I have decided to leave the family.

Later that day at night some one was out of the Yun clan house .

Yun Jian had decided earlier that he would flee from the Yun family so he won't put his father in much loss than he's already in so he started his journey traveling to the unknown this Will be the first time for him leaving Yun City all he knew was to find a place far from home.

So he set out on a journey, a life changing journey he came across many difficulties on his way against wild beast, cold, bandits and hunger after traveling for 4 months with little rest he decided to stay in a small settlement he arrived in two days earlier he decided to stay in this little settlement cause he found it safe and peaceful