
Waiting till morning

The windows glass cracks I look around to see what to cover it with, a minute later i find a cardboard box and some tape I cover the window and drew a symbol on it. I give myself a minute to breath and start thinking and wondering if the sun will ever come out, I hug mi baby's body to keep him warm and I start listening the crying lady like if she was next to me. I sat on the wall and start singing to my baby's ear so he wouldn't her the lady's crying . After an hour of darkness and cold the sun finally came out trying to stand up open the door and see to much light as I got out I saw a village like at least a mile away when I got there I stole some milk and 5 maybe 10 apples. As I walked my baby starts crying I panic when I saw many men looking at me I keep walking as I walked they follow I tried shushing my baby but things just got worse I walked a lil faster and they do the same I got closer to the river and a rowing boat was there I hurry up and but my baby down I untied the rope faster when I saw that they were running her way another guy shows up aside of and brag for help the mean said "you have room for one more of course you ."He yells wile looking at a women."ahhhhh she's coming."I pushed him in the rowing boat sat by my baby and start moving faster.....