

"Fight if you want your papa to suffer!" A man nicknamed the Cruel Mafia shouted, everyone in the house trembled in fear. He was staring intently at a girl who was lying limply helplessly because he was beating her with a whip. That girl is Tatiana Fredicson, she has to give up marriage with her lover—Rangga Wijaya, aground. Because of the cunning game of a Cruel Mafia named Nevelas Vernon. He tricked Tatiana's father—Charles Fredicson, into going into deep debt for a business expansion that could cost the company a fortune. After experiencing setbacks and unable to pay debts, Nevelas came to offer a one-sided agreement. Agreements that must be agreed by force. The content of the agreement is that Charles must make his only child as collateral. Tatiana's suffering did not stop there, she was forced to give up her chastity before marrying. Inadvertently, in a drunken state, Nevelas touched her viciously. After marriage, it was not happiness that she got, but the humiliation and suffering she continued to receive. Trials after trials hit their married life, starting from the enemies of Nevelas who always gave terror. Then Nevelas's sister—Emily Vernon, who was acutely depressed. Even though, full of sharp thorns in life, she is always loyal to accompany the Mafia. Until one day, she was fed up with her husband's harsh treatment. She prefers to leave Nevelas who is still being rude. After his wife left, he realized that really needed Tatiana's presence. Will they be in a relationship again? Or one of them choose someone who can give happiness every time?

Hisa_NK · Urban
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17 Chs

Like, When You're Hurt and Pain

"I don't like people who talk a lot. Tell them, I'll be the one to intervene!" he insisted on the man named Virza. He face grimacing, he held the palm with the other hand. Looks like he's trying to stop the blood flowing. Meanwhile, Nevelas casually looked at Virza who was in pain. His eyes were staring, maybe I couldn't even look at his eyes.

Virza looked down without saying, I don't know if her silence endured the pain or she was trying not to prolong the problem with Nevelas? Even though he was very fluent in explaining the project plan. Seeing this incident, I was even more horrified at the nature of Nevelas who always acted arrogantly. With his power and ruthlessness, he subdues those around him.

I was still staring at Nevelas who was pulling a sharp object from Virza's hand, "Do it in one month! Don't try to lie to Nevelas Vernon! Get out!" expelled him with a high baritone.

Virza left quickly after Nevelas said. He passed my bed without looking back. Fresh blood was still flowing from his palms. It was clear to my eyes that his blood was dripping onto the floor. My eyes turned to Nevelas who was still casually playing with a sharp object, he twirled the object and took a tissue to clean the remnants of blood.

I continued to stare at him in disbelief at everything that was happening before my own eyes. Netra Nevelas immediately turned to me, I was still staring at him, stuttering for fear that he would punish me again.

One eye winked at me as we stared at each other. He got up from the sofa with the sharp object. My body shuddered at the thought of being in Virza's position.

Nevelas' steps continued to approach the bed. Then he sat right next to me. My body didn't react at all, just a cold sweat that I started to feel. After sitting down, Nevelas lifted my left arm which was still wrapped in gauze.

"What are you doing this for?" asked Nevelas as he pressed his lips to the gauze and as usual I could only silently listen to him speak. Then, his lips creep up my open arm. My heart was pounding, anxiety loomed over me. I'm afraid he'll hurt me again, while his hand is still holding a sharp object that continues to shine when exposed to the light of the lamp.

"Do you like hurting your hands? Maybe I can help him," he said without snapping. He fiddled with the sharp object in my arm, then scraped my skin with the tip. Feels a little sore and sore, although not to the point of bleeding.

"Do you like it?" Nevelas asked occasionally pressing his lips to the arm that had been scratched.

I'm getting scared when he talks like that. His question was like a threat to me who was still weak and had no strength against him.

"Please, sir. Let me go. I'm sick," I begged in a slightly trembling voice.

Nevelas smiled slightly. "I love to see you when you're hurt and pain, honey!"

What? He even likes it when I'm hurt and in pain. Mental illness may be Nevelas. My shadow returns to the most beautiful time with Rangga. Usually when I was sick, he would bring me a bowl of warm chicken soup and feed me all the way through. Although, at that time I was being spoiled. But, he is very patient to take care of me because papa doesn't care whether I live or die? Unlike Nevelas, he looks excited when I'm sick.

Her body gestures continued to approach me and tilted her head right on the lips, "You're making me more and more helpless, Tatiana!" His lips slowly biting. My eyes could only see for a moment, I was getting more and more tortured when his tongue played around my mouth. And I as usual never reply to what he did.

"Why are you silent, honey?" he asked again as he lifted my hands and let them rest on his shoulders. He kept playing on my lips. Honestly, I'm having fun with him right now. Unknowingly my hand touched his neck and bit him back.

I don't know how long we were lulled, now I'm starting to like his touch. Although, I have to feel the pain when he purposely grabs my hair. Likewise, with me replying with a scratch on the back, but not to the point of hurting him because he was still wearing a full suit.

"You're getting naughty, honey. Get well soon!" he asked while holding my chin.

And I'm so embarrassed to hear his words, you idiot why I even like the game. I lowered my gaze, not out of fear but I wanted to cover my face which might have turned red.

"Tomorrow we'll be standing at the altar, honey. Will you marrie me? Will you marry me, Tatiana Fredicson? I've got everything ready." His eyes were soft as he kissed the back of my hand.

I was silent without replying, his sweet treatment did not touch me. In my mind still pictured when he hurt and hurt me.

"Erm!" My thoughts were interrupted for a moment by his voice.

"I'm still thinking about it, sir. Give me some time!" I said while twisting the blanket.

"If you reject me ... then your papa will feel the pain of being cut!" snarled Nevelas, raising his eyebrows casually.

My body feels hot hearing Nevelas' threats, I can't stay silent when papa is in danger. My fate is now on the brink. Going back and forth would be equally dangerous.

"Okay, I accept this marriage. But on one condition, free Papa! Let him watch when his son gets married," I said while shedding tears.

"Ok, honey! I'll do anything!" Nevelas said as he walked away leaving me alone in the hospital VVIP room.


A beautiful dress draped over my body, white dominated the wedding dress studded with Swarovski stones. Now my face is being polished with various make-up which makes me more beautiful. Nevelas accidentally hired the best makeup artist in town. He wanted me to look fresh even though I was still pale.

"Beautiful girl. You're beautiful, honey. Nevelas is lucky to have you," he said while polishing my lips with a nude color, so as not to stand out. Indeed, I asked the makeup artist to apply natural makeup.

"Is miss happy with mr Nevelas?" he asked, momentarily making me hold back tears.

I smiled at him. If Nevelas hadn't threatened, I really would have refused this marriage.

"I'm happy, Miss," I replied, forced to form a smile line.

"Oh, thank God," said the girl curtly.

"Has Nevelas been married before?" I asked suspiciously.

The makeup artist was surprised when I asked, "Never, miss. Well, never," she said as if asking me to stop asking her.

With that tone, I became increasingly suspicious of all the life stories of the man who would become my husband.

"Tell me, then your life will be safe with me!" my orders provoked him a little to tell him about Nevelas.

However, when he was about to say. Nevelas was already standing beside him.

"What are you investigating, Miss Fredicson?" Nevelas asked in an even tone. The net continues to be intimidating. I was surprised to hear Nevelas' voice, why when I was looking for part of his life story, he suddenly came. It was as if thousands of CCTVs were watching my every move.

"You will never know Nevelas Vernon's plans!" Nevelas whispered right in my ear.

Then he turned to the makeup artist, "Prepare to be punished, for you have been presumptuous, Miss!" Nevelas snapped at him. He was still standing with his eyes lowered.