
Chapter 76 Naughty thoughts

Her eyes opened to the glistering lights— no, they were diamonds. The ceiling was made of diamonds. The more her eyes were clear to the view, the more she realized that she wasn't in her bed. Her pupils shifted from the ceiling to the far end of the room. It was dark. The only lights in the room were the diamonds that shined brightly and only directly on the bed.

She turned her head as she tried to figure out where she was. She tried to understand what had happened to her. The last thing she remembered was Nicholas coming to her in the conference meeting room.

Did I pass out because of shock?

Just as she was about to get up from the bed, her eyes met his. He was sitting right in front of her. He was in black. She felt his eyes piercing into her soul, so deep, so intense.

She knew that there was something about this man that she couldn't quite place her fingers on. Something about him smelled dangerous. Something about him reeked of darkness. Something about his power made hers worthless. She felt so helpless and vulnerable when she was always around him.

"You". The words left her mouth as if they had never come out of it. She was still in shock. She was still trying to understand what was happening and why she was in front of the man that did things to her.

His eyes never left hers. His eyes were still fixed on his treasure, his most prized possession, his only accomplishment, his pride, and his goddess.

"You're awake" His deep voice rushed into her head and dripped like ice on her spine.

God, he does something to her. The sudden rush of desire she was feeling was what she couldn't understand. She couldn't understand why he had so much effect on her. She couldn't understand why she was always feeling this way with a man she barely knows. She was already having naughty thoughts and they were beating her up.

"What are you doing here?" As usual, there was no expression on her face. Her emotions were hidden behind that devilish mask. No one could possibly tell what mood she was in. No one could explain her thoughts. It excited him and it made her a mystery. She was indeed a puzzle and an unpredictable personality.

"Do you feel dizzy?" His voice kept doing the things it did to her as she tried to recall if she was still sleeping or if she was trapped in some sort of dream.

This can't be real.

This can't even be possible.

There is no way she would be in the same room as Nicholas Alviero Ross.

She stood up from the bed but his eyes never left her. He was relaxed, and still as he observed the woman that drove him mad. Only she, only she could take his control. 

He was in the same room with her. He saw it all. How she fitted perfectly in his life. How she completed him. He closed his eyes swiftly as he took a quick sniff of her scent.

She was his now.
