
Chapter 167 Tyler's Punishment.

"Actually, Bennett, I will be going out today".

Tiger's eyes were fixed on her as she spoke. He didn't know what she had in mind and what she was planning to do. 

Just what is she up to?

Her eyes went to him as she spoke to Bennett, and Sofia's eyes went to her.

"Is that so ma'am? Where would you like to go? I will arrange for a few bodyguards to go with you".

Bennett spoke politely.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, Bennett, that won't be necessary". She spoke in a satirical tone. 

"But I can't let you go anywhere without bodyguards ma'am, master Nicholas won't be pleased to hear this". There was concern etched on Bennett's tone as he spoke to her.

"Of course, he won't be". She picked up the tea and took a sip. Her eyes were no longer on him, her head was faced forward. "Which is why Tyler will be coming with me".


It was out!

He knew she was up to something immediately she sounded like that. God, why on earth has this misfortune befallen him? It had just been a day and her true colors were slowly surfacing.

"Why on earth would I follow you around?"

"It's not like you have been able to stop following me for a while now, so just stick to it". She blasted.

He scoffed and relaxed backward. "Please, I would never wallow in misery if I wasn't instructed to". He fired back. 

"I instruct you to come with me".

He smirked and crossed his hands forward infuriating her.

"You are not the boss of me".

The tension in the room had increased from twenty percent to a hundred and everyone in the room felt it. The sweat trickling from every living person in that room was visible. Tiger and Zhavia were blasting themselves and it was becoming pretty alarming. They are two hot-headed individuals that don't back down easily.

"W-Why don't I j-just arrange a few men for...".

Her eyes cut Bennett off before he could even complete his words as it quickly went back to Tyler that kept looking at her with that mischievous grin plastered to his face. He loved that he angers her, he found pleasure in it.

"You will come with me or...

"Or what?"

The farce was evident in his tone. He watched her try to control her anger, and she was doing a pretty good job. Somehow, he felt like she had something up her sleeve that was going to trap him. It was as if all her cards were not yet on the table.

She smiled. Her face was pretty red from all the anger and frustration she was fighting hard to recede. Everyone could see that she was trying her best to stay calm. God, Tyler was really crawling under her skin.

"I wonder what punishment awaits you when Nicholas finds out that his instructions were being belittled". Her eyes never left his face as she spoke. The blackmail was evident in her tone. "Hmm, let's see".

She raised her fingers to her face and relaxed her elbow on the table. "Perhaps, you would likely follow Bennett around this time". She nodded softly. "Hmm, Yeah, I think that would be fair enough".

She turned her eyes back to him with an evil grin. "Would you like that?"

She watched the smile on his face being replaced with a frown and her grin became even wider. She had him on her palm now.

Bennett couldn't stop his grins. He fought really hard to contain his laughter. This was like a dream to him. He was both amused and shocked at once. If he was told that a day would come when Tyler Herdes would be this annoyed he would never have believed it. This woman took her time to render The daredevil speechless. She was the first woman to do this and he was impressed.

His eyes went to Sofia that was also fighting hard to contain her laughter. Of course, the maids were in the same position as they were. This was the most amusing thing of the entire day. Nicholas's goddess had won this round and it was one of the best meals that have been served in a long time. Tyler definitely had this coming.

He didn't say a word as he took a sip of the tea and stood up. All heads were bent to the floor as he exited the room leaving everyone turning their heads to his back. Well, everyone except Zhavia. Her head was faced forward with a grin on her face as she continued to sip her tea calmly. She swirled elegantly and ate peacefully.

"I will go make sure the car is ready". Bennett spoke politely as he took another glance at Sofia and nodded, dismissing himself. She smiled reciprocating his nod softly and continued sipping her tea.

Zhavia nodded. 

Hell, she almost lost her cool in front of everyone. To think that Tyler infuriated her on purpose just to get under her skin made her grit her teeth there for a second. This guy just brings out a side of her that scares her completely. He brings out this beastly side of her and this got her imagining how she had been able to keep calm these couple of months.

This was all Nicholas's fault. If he hadn't showered her all the love he had, she would never be this soft. He just came and turned her world around within months. How the hell is she supposed to live with someone like Tyler if she doesn't match up to his arrogance? God, that guy hates her to his gut. She could feel it.

She placed the mug down and released a low sigh. Now that she thinks of it, he hadn't called her since he left. He didn't even send her a text.

Damn you Zhavia, it has only been a day.

Maybe he was air sick, or maybe he slept late. Her hand went to the tablespoon as she picked it up and twirled the liquid inside the cup slowly. Was he thinking about her too? Was he as restless as she was the previous night? Was he able to sleep without her?

All these thoughts filled her head as the urge to hold him and kiss him was all she could think about.

God, she missed him so much.



Genevieve took a glance at Andrea that sat at the table. The Duchess and herself hadn't been on good terms after the fight they had. She could see that Andrea was very disappointed and she hated it so much, she hated that she let her down. Her mother had always had high hopes for her and always wanted her to live happily. She had always paved way for her and has been her push in whatever she was doing. To think that she got this upset because of her mistakes just made her mad.

"Mother, I...".

"Table manners are essential, don't you think?"

Andrea cut her off before she could even complete her words. These were the first words she had uttered to her since her lash out. She didn't even get the chance to tell her anything. All she wanted to do was pour out the excitement she feels to her mother but Andrea wasn't even paying attention to her. It was as if she had given up on her.

She didn't dare utter another word from her mouth. She just focused on the meal she devoured and shot a few glances at her whenever she got the chance to.

Andrea took the last bite she wiped her mouth with a napkin, took a sip of the liquid in front of her, and exited the room. She left Genevieve looking back at her completely feeling down.  All of the things she had planned to do and say to her were swallowed.  Her eyes were filled with disappointment. How long was this going to continue? How long would she keep this up?

Genevieve was still in her thoughts when the buzz on her phone called her off. Her eyes strolled to the screen that lighted up on the table as she saw the message pop up. It was from Aliyah. Her hand went to the device and she picked it up. She clicked on the message and it said;

'Meet you at Jacqueline's '

She double-tapped the screen exiting the message as she quickly stood up and dashed out of the room without wasting any more time. At least someone was ready to listen to her.

"Garfield, get the car ready". She ordered.

"Yes, ma'am".

In a split second, she was out of the mansion and headed to the pink Lamborghini Gallardo as she got in and drove off. She didn't waste a single second.

After some minutes,

She arrived at Jacqueline's. Her hair was a wavy curl and black sun shades fitted perfectly with her posh lipgloss imprinted on her perfectly carved lips. Her black leather pants gave her a superstar aura and her sleeveless animal skin top covered just her breasts making her look chic. She was indeed beautiful.

The door opened immediately she took a step closer to it and the staff bowed their heads to her presence. This was one of the most expensive fashion worlds in the entire country. A normal person cannot go in there without an invitation because only the rich shop there.

Of course, Genevieve is one of the most respected women in the world. She had set a standard for herself and everyone knows how she acts. 

 Her eyes stripped around in search of Aliyah but her chin was raised high. Her pride was intact and her eminence was scattered around the place. Immediately, a staff walked up to her.

"Is there anything you need, ma'am?"

"Is Aliyah... Present today?" She asked with a raised chin.

"Ah, yes ma'am". The staff said with a warm smile. "This way ma'am".

She led Genevieve to a secluded place. It was clear that Aliyah had shut down the place because there was no one in there except her and the staff. She had never been here before, but she could tell. She even wondered why Aliyah would pick this place to shop instead of their regulars. 

The glass doors opened to a large room that held Aliyah inside. It was the V.I.P section of the building. It was indeed glamorous.

"There you are, I thought you wouldn't make it". Aliyah spoke calmly as she looked at the clothes being shown to her, stood up, and headed to where Genevieve was. The proud woman just stood there with discrimination plastered on her face as Aliyah settled for a hug.



Aliyah asked with furrowed brows.

"Why did you pick this place?". Genevieve's eyes moved everywhere as she observed the place.

"Well, I wanted a change of shopping environment". She continued looking at the dresses being displayed for her.

"Well, I don't like it here, can we just go to the usuals? I feel irritated to my bones. Why didn't you just shop privately there?"

"You are such a joy kill aren't you? You know it's impossible to shut down D. Paris".

Genevieve rolled her eyes at her words.

"C'mon, liyah, I really hate it here".

Aliyah released a deep sigh as she shot a glance at Genevieve.

"You fucking owe me for this". She turned her head back to the staff and spoke elegantly. "I'll take two of these before I leave".

"Yes, ma'am".

Her eyes went back to Genevieve that kept looking around as she stood.

"Shall we?"

She spoke as they both exited the room.

The staff carried the ordered stuff to the car one after the other. Genevieve and Aliyah walked hand in hand out of the building as they got into different cars. 

"Meet you at Diamond Paris?" Aliyah asked as she got into the Ferrari la Ferrari.

"Catch me if you can". 

They took off at high speed. It was more like a race. They were headed for the most expensive fashion brand in the country– Genevieve's favorite place. She didn't know what she would do if she wears another cloth from another brand because her life basically depends on this fashion line.

There was a smile on her face as she drove. It was all excitement she had been bottling up and hadn't gotten the chance to unleash. She just wanted to scream but she doesn't know how to. She was never taught to be loud. God, the excitement she feel was unexplainable.

It was just pure joy emanating from inside her.

Hell yeah!



Her steps were far from fast as she walked elegantly with Sofia at her right and Tiger by her left into the large building that welcomed her with all the staff waiting in a straight line. When she called the owner of the brand that she was coming there, he quickly alerted his staff to welcome her.

"It is a pleasure having you in Diamond Paris, Miss Mckay". One of the staff stepped forward and addressed her politely.

"The pleasure is all mine". She smiled warmly as she turned her head from left to right and carefully surveyed the entire place. It was indeed Unique. This place looked as if it had been washed by heaven's waters because it literally sparkled. It was chic and had this French cultural aura. Everyone there looked like models and had on a style of makeup and a pattern of stylish dresses.

Sofia was practically blown away by what she saw and all she could just do was look. Tyler on the other hand had the impassive look plastered on his face. It was evident that he didn't want to be there, he was uninterested in all the useless fashion he saw. He had never had to come out and shop in his entire life. He always had his designer and his jewelers. As a matter of fact, this was a new experience for him and he hated it. Zhavia knows this and she intended to punish him. God, she gets to his nerves every time and that would be the last time she takes him unaware.

"Mr. Zuggie couldn't make it today. When you called, he was in Paris". The staff chuckled.

"I see". Zhavia returned with a warm smile. 

"Let's not keep you waiting, Miss Mckay, come this way, we'll show you our best brands". The staff directed her and she followed with Sofia smiling with her eyes. Tiger just kept moving behind with Sofia beside him and that cold expression was still intact.

After a few minutes, 

Genevieve's Lamborghini arrived In front of the building and Aliyah's Ferrari followed right after. They had the most chill expression on their faces as they stepped out of the car. Their shades were on and their pride was at its peak.

"Miss Zucchini?"  Genevieve called her with pride in a teasing tone.

"Miss Middleton".

Aliyah responded matching her tone as both of them walked hand in hand to the entrance.