
Chapter 166 Arrogance meets Arrogance

It was an all-night celebration for Genevieve Middleton. She had finally succeeded in securing a spot for herself in The Ross's Empire. All of her plans were slowly coming together one after the other. To think that a smart woman like Meredith Alviero Ross would fall for her tricks was something she wasn't exactly expecting.

The large smirk on her face as she sat in the backseat of the moving car was very visible, as she stared out the window. She couldn't wait to tell her mother and see the look on her face when she finally blurts out this huge success to her. Her eyes were still on the road when the buzz from her phone called her attention and she picked it up.

"Oh my God, genny, where the hell have you been?" 

Aliyah spoke on the phone with an edgy tone.

"What do you mean? I was with Meredith". She spoke with excitement. Anyone who listened to her could tell by her voice.

"Meredith? Why were you with Meredith? I thought her son hated you". Aliyah sounded like she was now relaxed and in a comfortable state.

"Shut the fuck up liyah".

"What? It's true! 

Genevieve frowned. "Well, it used to be like that, but not now anymore".

"How so? You weren't even invited to Nicholas's coronation, yes! I just found out about it".

Aliyah was now chewing an apple with her leg relaxed on her table.

"What? That was because of your foolishness you ungrateful loser!!

She raised her voice a little as she tried to control herself.

"Hey don't blame me for your carelessness". Aliyah continued to speak in a nonchalant tone infuriating Genevieve more and more.

Genevieve closed her eyes and took steady breaths. She didn't want to ruin this moment at all. She took a deep breath and let out a sigh before speaking again. She knows how annoying Aliyah can be and won't fall victim to her vulgarity.

"Look, liyah, why don't you just wait for what I have in store for you? Let's hang out tomorrow, shall we?"

Aliyah let out an exhausted breath as she tossed the apple she ate to the maid in uniform standing in front of her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever".

She rolled her eyes at Genevieve's words and ended the call. Aliyah has always been a spoilt brat. She is the only friend of Genevieve that can match up to her sass. She knows that she is wealthy and will always have whatever she wants so Genevieve is no threat to her at all.

What is she up to this time?

Her eyes strolled from the phone to the maid that stood in front of her with her head bent to the floor. She was bored and heartbroken all at once. Yes, she acts as if everything is okay, but deep down, inside that soft spot of hers, her heart ached. It ached for Tyler Herdes. She loved him with all of her heart, and in just a twink, he was out of her life. Just like that, he vanished from her life without a warning and is now in the arm of another.

All the rage she has bottled up for days now has been eating her up slowly,  she didn't know how to rage out. She didn't know who to take it out on. Her head was a mess and she didn't know how to fix it, she didn't even know where to start. She just wanted to lash out at something.

"Why are you still here?" She shot her gaze to the maid making her cower in fear.

"You haven't taken your painkillers, ma'am".

The maid spoke gently and politely in a soft tone, making her more and more irritated by her tenderness.

Painkillers huh?

"Do you think your painkillers can take away this pain I feel?" Her tone was cold.

The maid smiled warmly. "Painkillers are made for any kind of pain, ma'am".

"And what do you know about pain? Have you felt it before? The one that aches so bad that even those petty drugs can't mend?"

Her words were not rushed, rather they came with some kind of chill in the spine, as if she was up to something, something despicable.

"N-No, ma'am, but the painkiller helps in different ways like...".

"How about I make you feel just the tip of the iceberg". She cut her off before she could complete her words.

In a swift, she stood up, taking slow strides toward the woman in front of her. Her eyes were dim, they spelled out something dangerous, and anyone who knew her knows very well what she is capable of. She took sluggish steps, dragging her pointy nails on the table as her eyes went down to the table knife. Immediately, naughty thoughts engulfed her, and all she thought of was doing something inhumane. She wanted to punish herself and everyone around her, she wanted another pain to replace what she felt, and she wanted the woman in front of her to feel pain. 

Unhurriedly, her fingers teased around the knife, moving closer and closer to the blade's edges, and finally, her fingers wrapped around the knife, picking it up in all aggression. The maid's eyes opened wide in shock as she gasped out loud. In a swift adrenaline rush, Aliyah's eyes went for the face and her arms followed where it was led. The blade slid through the soft flesh, parting it open and paving the way for the red misty liquid to gush out like it had been held for long. Just a stroke and a straight scar for life.

Screams filled the air.



The bed was empty without him. He woke up stretching his palms to the other side of the bed patting and caressing to feel him but it was rather cold. This made him part his eyelids to the reality that Klaus was not there. His hands moved back to his face as his fingers caressed his eyes, moving upwards to his hair that lay limply on the bed, making the frustration in his eyes visible.

To be honest, it was really hard to fall asleep. He couldn't get comfortable the previous night after Zhavia left. He even had to exercise to get worn out but he still couldn't fall asleep. He kept thinking about him all night. He couldn't sleep in his chambers, or Klaus's. He just stayed in his private room and stared at the ceiling and didn't know when he fell asleep.

This whole thing was taking a toll on him and he didn't know how to handle it anymore. He missed his baby so much and it had been just a day since he left. He didn't know how he was doing and didn't want to call first. Even if he tried to call, it would not be reachable because Klaus Alejandro is the only man he knows that never uses the same phone in another country. He has different phones for each country he goes to and leaves the others behind.

Tiger rolled out of bed and put his feet in his slippers. His hair was disheveled but he only ran his hand through it, taking slow strides to the bathroom. His eyes were dim and his lips were straight. Apparently, he didn't feel the need to not show his scary side and didn't give a shit. His only source of happiness wasn't there so why the hell would he be happy? 

He had the dimmest expression on his face when he looked at the man in front of the mirror. The monster he had not seen in a while was staring back at him, forcing, touching, and teasing his sanity. Who knew Klaus could tame the beast in him? Who knew he could make him forget who he is to be his whole life in just a couple of months?

He frowned.

Enraged, he picked up the electric toothbrush and applied toothpaste to it. His eyes went to the mirror again as he stared one more time and started brushing his teeth. After a couple of minutes, he was done. He began to pull his clothes and headed to the Jacuzzi. From the looks of things, he could already tell that it was going to be a long weekend.



The long table was set and the maids moved in unison as the dark man's goddess sat with pride. Bennett who stood in front of the table ordering them with his eyes and his hands crossed backward, made sure things went to place. It was the weekend and a bright morning for everyone including the maids. Well, all except Tiger.

Sofia on the other hand, after an incredible bath the previous night, slept wonderfully, forgetting all her problems. She woke up soundly to the bright daylight also, everything that happened the previous night was completely forgotten. She sat at the table opposite Zhavia, avoiding her eyes with every chance she gets. She didn't want to look at her because she knows how well Zhavia can read her like an open book. She also knows that she can't lie to her either, she doesn't know how to.

The meals were being served by different maids and serving each meal they took from the chef directly. Zhavia was not smiling, her eyes were on the tea being poured into the cup by one of the maids. Just like Tiger, she also wasn't in the mood for anything. She had a hard time sleeping the previous night also because Nicholas was not there. She had become used to sleeping in his arm and sniffing him all night. She couldn't even close her eyes for a second, she just settled for reading a novel she found on his shelf till she slept off.

Her eyes were dim and dull. The only thing shielding the dark circles underneath her eyes were her perfectly toned skin and the incredible skin therapies in Nicholas's bathroom. Even Bennett noticed how numb she looked, and it has only been a day since Nicholas left. She just kept on sipping her tea not even sparing a glance at Sofia that also minded her business.

"Sir, Young Master, Tyler is not in his chamber". One of the maids reported to Bennett. 

He sighed.

"I'll get him myself". Bennett spoke as if this was normal to him. Trust me he has seen the worst things in this house and this was the least. He knew where Tyler would be if he wasn't in his chamber and he knows for sure why he was there. God, that man can be scary.

Just as he was about to go get him, the elevator door opened to the devious daredevil. His eyes were dark and he looked grim. He didn't even look at anyone at this point. His black joggers fitted him perfectly and his black sleeveless shirt exposed his biceps and his white tanned skin. All heads bent to his presence as he strolled to the table that held the dark woman and the gentle one.

His gaze went to Zhavia and his expression became dimmer. Their eyes met. All the images of the previous night were in their eyes. It was clear that they both felt fury for one another but were restraining themselves. Zhavia couldn't forget the disrespect of the previous night, and Tiger couldn't forget her hoax act either. Ignorance meeting ignorance.

The atmosphere was chilly and spine icing. Everyone could see that these two were up against each other, and were not backing down. They looked at their selves as if they had begun a war. It was now clear that the line had been drawn. They both set boundaries for each other and none of them crossed each other. The only thing holding them from unleashing was just the boundary they have set.

Tiger took his seat as his cold eyes stayed fixed on her.

"Zhavia". He greeted.

"Tyler". She also responded, matching his tone.

Bennett noticed what was going on between the both of them because of the murderous look on both their faces.

The fact that the most arrogant man he had ever come across and the most toxic woman he had ever met in his entire life was not on good terms, what awaits him in these few months?

He knew that sooner or later the spinning fork was going to point at him one way or another, so had better take the bullet before it becomes a mistle

"Ahem". He interrupted, calling their attention to himself. "I will now begin the description of the meals".

He paused for a moment and continued.

"The first meal con...".

"There will be no need for that Bennett". She stopped him before he could utter another word and he stepped backward, giving them space.

Her eyes were still on Tiger that was now sipping the tea being poured into his cup. Then the funniest thing happened. Just in that second, the face of the dark woman was unrecognizable. There was something in her eyes, pure darkness that was followed by a mischievous grin.

"I trust you slept well Tyler?"

His eyes went to her again. This time, he saw that she was messing with him. This woman was fucking messing with him. She was not only getting to his nerve but she was also playing the dark card.

"Yes, I did". He spoke matching her tone and did not stop there. He wanted to see where this game of hers was going. " And you? I trust no sounds affected your sleep."

She still maintained her smile. Her hand clenched unto the mug she held and he saw. He saw that he had just infuriated her and his lips lifted in pleasure.

Game on.

"No, not at all".

The temperature of the room was becoming more and more stuffy as seconds went by. The dart-throwing eyes of both Zhavia and Tiger were making breathing pretty hard for everyone. Sofia on the other hand just kept stirring the spoon she held, praying silently for Zhavia not to lose it.

Someone, please step in.


Sofia's eyes went to Bennett that stood behind with his hands crossed backward. Their gazes both met each other and for the first time since he knew her, she communicated with him through her eyes. She was pleading.

Sofia: do something, please.


He didn't want to get involved anymore. He didn't want to be dragged into hell with Tyler Herdes but the lady in front of him pleaded with puppy eyes. Those huge brown eyes were so pitiful that he couldn't help but give in. 

"Ahem". He croaked his throat again, drawing their attention to himself as he spoke.

"It's the weekend today, is there anything you would want to do?" He spoke politely directing his gaze on the both of them.

"No, Bennett". Tiger spoke blandly.

Zhavia on the other hand had so many plans in mind that she had not accomplished yet.

"Actually Bennett, I'd like to go out today".

Tiger raised his brows to her words. What is she up to this time?
