
Chapter 162 Something somewhere

Maria paced to and fro in the room, as she thought of a possible excuse to stall the meeting just as Tiger had told her earlier. She ran her fingers through her hair as she was taken unaware by the knock on the door and the immediate push as soon as the sound was heard.

"Ma'am, the boss needs you now".

Her heart rate was over a hundred per second but her face was as cold as ice. 

"Sure, let's go".

Just as she was about to leave the room, she whispered to one of her agents in the room with her.

"Stall Mr. Fang and Mr. Corlerro (Major shareholders in the company and Top board members)".

His eyes were on her as he replied with a nod just as she dashed out of the room. She knew she was at risk because Meredith could see through anything. Yes, she is that smart. Lord knows if she gets caught in the middle, there is no way she is ever going to spare her.

She walked into the large room that held Meredith as four cold eyes met hers. Never in her life had breathing ever been difficult for her but in this case, she didn't even feel the need to have lungs because they gave up on her the minute she dared to glare into the eyes of Meredith Alviero Ross.

"I asked you to inform the board members that a meeting will be heard for an important announcement and I only see minors".

Her voice was stern. Her eyes held hell and her tone spelled murder. She is not a woman to be messed with in any way and commands authority however she likes and whenever she wants. Maria could only compose herself in other to be believed when she gives her excuse.

"I did ma'am, but Mr fang seems to be stuck in traffic, and Mr corlerro had pressing health issues but he called minutes ago that he will soon be here". She added.

Her eyes met with Genevieve that kept staring at her with hate-filled eyes since she stepped her feet into the room as she whispered something into Meredith's ear, making her raise a brow, still looking at her.

"Hmm, I see". She added as the side of her lips rose in a smirk. "You may leave".

"Yes, ma'am".

She turned around to leave when she heard her name from the mouth of the heartless woman at the end of the large room. It was not Meredith.

"Maria Hunvessy".

Her heart raced as she turned around slowly to where her name was aired only to stare at the despicable image of Genevieve Middleton and an evil smirk on her lips.

"Who do you work for?"

Maria's head spun to the question. Never had she ever felt like her heart was going to fail anytime soon. Her eyes remained fixed on the lady with her face still dead cold but her soul was long gone when that question was brought to light.

She couldn't speak, and she couldn't think. It was as if her entire system was failing with time and she couldn't even compose the right words. How is she going to make up an excuse when she can't even think?

Fuck she is screwed.

She is done for.

Just as she was about to open her mouth to say whatever gibberish her head could process, his voice filled the room and all eyes were turned to him. The devious daredevil came from behind her. Tyler Herdes was present.

"An unreasonable question to ask don't you think?"

His eyes were fixed on Genevieve as he spoke. Fury meeting disdain. He could see the fire in her eyes. The hate. The anger. All he wanted to do was strangle her until she was breathless, but it was all in his head. She knows what he is capable of. She knows that he is Nicholas's eyes and mouthpiece. He is Tyler freaking Herdes. A rare brought up of Nicholas. Whatever he says or does comes from Nicholas. And whatever he sees and hears goes to Nicholas.

Every freaking being in the room was aware of the power he possessed. The power that was bestowed on him tete-a-tete by The Almighty Nicholas Alviero Ross. Apart from the fact that power was handed to him, Tyler is a freaking demon. He hates people and knows how to punish delinquents in Ross's empire. He does know how to go soft– see what I mean when I say 'A rare brought up' of Nicholas?

His eyes went to Meredith as he greeted her with a head bow she responded with a raised brow and a sigh. The fact that he is trusted so much by Nicholas doesn't mean that she doesn't hate him. 

Genevieve's eyes were still on him. God, she hated him with passion. She had always known that he feels the same way about her and they had never crossed parts because they have always been far enemies. This was the first time he was speaking directly to her since she knew him. He despised her to the breadth of ignoring her validity and he looks at her in the same way Nicholas looks at her. Only the thought of that pisses her to her bones. She feels so much hate when she thinks of it.

"Where is Nicholas?" Meredith was grim as she spoke. Her chin was lifted upwards and her eyes penetrated directly at his.

"My apologies, he will not be attending this meeting today because he set off for a business trip".

He announced in a professional tone as he took his seat at the table.

"And when was this?" She said with a frown.

"A couple of hours ago". Maria was standing beside him as he sat down and other members of the board joined them.

"I called for this meeting to make a very important announcement, and I know it is going to change a lot of things around here. I am here to convey my shares to Genevieve Middleton, my soon-to-be daughter-in-law".

All eyes opened wide to Meredith's words. They did not see that coming, no one did. Everyone just kept looking at her as she spoke. It was truly unbelievable. Meredith owns one of the biggest shares in the company and giving it to her daughter-in-law just 'because' means that her wealth must be coming from other sources and this must be the least.

"Are you certain, Ma'am?"

Tiger asked looking at her as his eyes strolled to Genevieve's eyes that did not leave his since the meeting began. He knew perfectly well that she was behind this. She is the most manipulative person he had ever come across in his entire life and he hated her for it.

"Get your pathetic lawyers ready in three hours, I want this done today".

Genevieve's eyes were still on Tiger as she smiled viciously and swapped back with a confused expression on her face, showing her numerous personalities. He was disgusted. He has the look on. How could she be so pretentious? She had managed to manipulate Meredith into thinking that she is an innocent young lady when everybody knows perfectly well who she truly is. As a matter of fact, her true personality was boldly written in her eyes.

How was she able to penetrate Meredith's heart and gain her trust so much still baffled him at some point because she is one of the smartest women on the planet and is capable of smelling a rat from mars. So how? What spell did she cast on her? 

No, it can't be no spell.

Meredith is immune to even cuteness. Could she also be putting up an act too?

"That will be all for now". Meredith concluded as she waited for the bodyguard behind her to pull the chair as she got up and headed out with Genevieve behind her.

Tiger was still sitting when every eye turned to him. They were all waiting for his word. Just one word from him, but he drained their voices down to their belly with his eyes. Everyone knows how inhumane he is. In fact, they all know that Nicholas had been his leash all this while. Now, Nicholas wasn't there and he left him in charge. He is going to go brutal on them with the slightest mistake made. Yes, he is that cruel. He was beyond pissed and not in the right mood and everyone saw, so they composed themselves. He is quiet, so he probably has something sorted out.


The chattering of the laptop filled the air as the buzz on her phone called her attention. Her hazel eyes opened wider when she saw the number on the phone. She could recognize that number even in her sleep. Her heart pace increased for a moment in excitement but her fingers hesitated to pick. The buzz didn't stop. It continued. Her eyes were stuck to the screen and her fingers prickled to pick it up. It was quite tempting because she wanted to hear his voice, she wanted to hear him speak in that calm tone of his. She missed him. Call it all you want but she is a daddy's girl after all.

Argh, fuck it.

She picked it up and the other end went blank. She could hear his soft breaths. She could even imagine his face being silent like that.

"The least you can do after calling is speaking, you know?"

Her eyes stayed fixed on the screen of her laptop as she relaxed backward on her seat. Her fingers clicked uneasily on the table as her eyes stayed on just one picture.

"Mijn Kleine bloem". (My little flower)

Goosebumps filled her skin on hearing his voice. His low voice filled her head. He still gave her that feeling. That feeling she always gets whenever she threw her hair in the wind. Where she just lets go of everything, throwing all her cautions to the wind. He gives her that feeling. He gives her hope and warmth somewhere in her heart. He is her father after all. His blood runs through her veins no matter how she denies it.

"Hey, Papa".

Her voice traveled around the room as everywhere was dead silent. It had been months since she heard from him after he told her to go home but she couldn't. She didn't dare to go to the mansion where all the sorrow in her life started. She just wanted everything buried in the past.

"You sound good". 

The last time he called her, he was scared that she was going to fade away, so he asked her to return home. Yes, he wasn't there, but she was going to be taken care of. Now, she sounded lively, like she was starting her life afresh again.

"What do you mean?"


His thought traveled across just by that sound.

"You are overthinking again".

"Then I better keep my thoughts to myself".

She smiled silently.

All her life, she had always wanted him to care for her. They have this relationship where she understands him and he understands her. At some point, she pities him. She knows how he feels. She knows that he had always blamed himself for her death. She knows that he isn't over her death and he didn't want to see her because she reminded him so much of her. They have always conversed like this since she was a child and she was used to it. At least this time it was no longer once a year. Who knew far-distance relationships worked with a family member? Or maybe she has just always been a weird child but she grew to love him from the sound of his voice and imagining his expressions. His personality gave her chills and she loved it. Her father isn't one to be messed with but he is the softest person in the world with her.

"I miss you, mijn prinses".

His voice aired through the phone and seeped into her head. She had become this way ever since she found Nicholas. She has become another person, a complete softie. 

"I know Papa". She breathed out. The hesitation and pain were fully written In her voice as she tried to cover it up. Hell, she misses him too. She is a liar if she says she doesn't. She had long given up on the fact that he was going to show up one day and give her a big hug and she wasn't even hoping anymore. She had accepted him this way. Her mysterious father.

"You are okay, right?"

He went silent for a while, before responding to her.

"Yes, I should go now". 

She could tell from his voice that he had been interrupted and she understood. She already knew that their time was limited. Komel Aart Mckay is not a man you see every day. He is a very strict and busy intellectual. His punctuality is a crafted lifestyle and has always been his unique charm.


"Papa loves you bloem".

With that being said, the other end of the line was cut. She didn't even get the chance to say it back to him just as she didn't realize that she was tearing up. 

Why the hell are you crying, Zhavia?

Man, she has been a mess with her emotions since Nicholas left. And this bubble of love he trapped her in before leaving is making her do what she doesn't normally do.

Amidst all of these things, his thoughts still resided in her head. He left a couple of hours ago, but she already misses him like crazy. Now, she had regrets. When he allowed her to make him stay, she was too into her head that she didn't know how much she was going to need him.

She had never been this happy in her entire life. Even her father could sense the joy oozing from her. He is really her one and only. He is the only man for her and she is aware.

Her eyes went to the ceiling as she relaxed on the chair with her head bent backward. The glistening diamonds caught her as she focused on where her eyes found enticing. Just then, she heard a sound. It was silent, but she heard it. Her eyes scrolled back down as she looked around the large room. It was slightly dark– she had been influenced by Nicholas in just a few months. With furrowed brows, she sat erect because she was sure she heard something. Her instincts never lie to her. She looked around and listened closely again to hear if it was just a mere hallucination but it was now more silent than ever. 

It could be nothing.

With a slight shrug, she sat back in her relaxed state when she heard it again. This time, her heart started racing. She was very certain now that there was something there in the room somewhere. Slowly, she stood up from the seat and started moving in slow strides to the bathroom to check if someone was in there. Her eyes were everywhere as she moved quietly. Her steps were gentle as she got to the door of the brightest room and took its knob gently. She had never been that silent in her entire life as her fingers wrapped around the doorknob and spun it open. She tried as much as possible to be calm when she opened it gently.

Her eyes moved around slowly as she looked everywhere. There was nothing there. She moved backward and did the same to every other space in the room but there was nothing and no one. A huff of relief left her lips. she cursed under her breath for being so paranoid. 

It is nothing.


Immediately that thought came to her mind, she heard the sound again but louder this time. It caught her off guard as her heartbeat increased by a hundred. She was frightened. Suddenly, she felt like someone was in the room with her but there was no one there. Her body trembled. She was terrified. She took quick steps to the exit door and kept looking backward until she was out of the room. 

Her eyes were wide open. Her breath was ragged as she closed the door with a loud thud due to fear and tried to breathe. Her hands were still on the handle as her legs started moving backward and her fingers released the handle slowly. She was caught off guard when her back came in contact with someone.

She gasped in fear.