
Chapter 161 Frustration

"I love you".

The voice of his goddess seeped into his head and enticed him over again. The thing he feels for this woman doesn't seem to fade and time just adds to it. The feeling of thinking that a lifetime won't be enough to show a person how much your love never dies or fades. That feeling of always being in the arms of your love for the rest of your life, and the feeling of never letting go, is what he feels whenever this woman is in the picture. 

Time suddenly stops. Everything goes in slow motion and her heartbeat is the only rhythm that seems to match with his.

"Did you seriously just say that just when I'm about to go on a trip?"

Her rare giggles filled the air as he pulled the strand of hair from her face and placed it softly at the back of her ear.

"I'm so sorry..." She managed to speak, recovering from the hardest laugh she had ever had. "I should've said that sooner".

The look on her face had him feeling on top of the world and fulfilled. This is what he lives for. The smile on the face of his life has made him the happiest person in the entire universe, and he was proud because he made that happen. This was his promise to himself, to make her smile every day.

His lips lifted to the sight in front of him as his palms cupped her face and his thumbs caressed her cheeks softly. Slowly, he brought his lips down to hers and covered the soft vulnerable flesh waiting for him to contend all over again.

It was a very soft kiss that defined every emotion they felt and it was the softest he had ever kissed her. She felt tenderness seeping out of him. She felt his love and affection coated with care as he touched her gently with his warm palms. She sniffed him in all that he is. He clothed her with his entire body and held her with all his heart.


He is her home.

Gradually, their lips parted and their eyes slid open clouded with love. Her arms were still holding unto him as his hands stroked up and down her shoulders. Their forehead rested on one another merging them.

"I love you, zhavia". He declared again but this time, she was in his arms and he was under a spell called Zhavia Mckay. The best part of it all was that there is no reverse potion. He touched his lips to her forehead and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

"I will miss you". Her voice was muffled as her face was buried in his chest and her arms wrapped around his waist.


Klaus strolled through the hallway and into his chamber to get ready. He knew that it wouldn't be long before Tiger comes barging in. All he could think about was the look on his baby's face when he was leaving the room. It was heartbreaking to even see him like that and he couldn't do anything about it.

He understood that Nicholas was up to something and he knew what it was, but he still felt terrible that he was going to leave his baby behind. He ran his fingers through his hair as he strolled deeper into the room. In less than a minute or even thirty seconds, Tiger is going to walk through the door and have his head. He didn't even know how to feel about this situation.

In a swift second, the door opened to Tyler Herdes. His eyes searched around the room for its owner as he walked deeper into the large space.

"Laus?" He called as he moved. "Laus".

His eyes were everywhere.

He strolled into the closet only to be taken unaware by the figure in front of him. His eyes couldn't leave the person that stood before him. As much as he wanted to pent his frustrations on him, he wanted to completely devour his entire being. The man that stood in the room with his back faced to him was the hottest being he had ever seen. He watched him look like a god and was entirely drained out of breath. All the anger he felt was forgotten.

Klaus smelled him. He already anticipated his presence before he even came but he was confused about why he hadn't said anything to him. His back was faced to him so he couldn't tell the reaction on his face. He had predicted that he would come at him for everything but he wasn't doing anything at all.

He furrowed his brows in contemplation for a sec before he wore the black shirt and turned around only to stare into the eyes of his soul. 

He looked into the eyes of his life and saw just love. Only he could see the vulnerability in his eyes. Just he could see how tender the heart of this man was, and he loved that he shows only him this side of him. He could tell how he felt just from one glance. That is how much they understand themselves.

"Come here".

He stretched out his hands to him in the most tender way ever, without breaking this stare.

In slow steps, Tiger moved toward him. He didn't even hesitate. Somehow, this man had found every key to his heart. Without wasting time, he took his hand and closed the gap between them, burying his face in the crook of his neck, and sniffing him in like air. His arms encircled his waist in a tight hold as he closed his eyes, feeling his warmth and perfected figure in everything that he is. 

"Will you be okay?"

Klaus asked him still holding very tight. This was the first time in his life since he knew Nicholas he had ever been worried about traveling to another country. He had never had someone waiting for him before, someone he was coming home to meet.

"Hey, Mr. Alejandro, are you trying to steal my job?"

He breathed into him. His voice was muffled and the lowest it had ever been as his eyes were closed. He wanted to feel everything. Never in his life would he have thought that he would ever find it difficult to let go of this man.

"I wish I could be half as perfect as Tyler herdes".

Klaus's eyes were closed as held him closer feeling everything Tiger felt too. This was the first time since he knew Nicholas and traveled with him that he had someone waiting for him, someone to come back to. Someone who thinks about him and simply lives for him alone.

"I will come back to you".

He pulled away from him as he spoke. This was the most difficult thing he had done in his life.

" I know". 

Tiger whispered fighting his hardest to stay strong. God, is it this difficult to let him go? His eyes were on him and his arms were barely around his waist. He didn't even know how to feel about this, Nicholas took him unaware. He wasn't prepared to let him go just yet. 

Just as his hand finally left his waist, Klaus took his lips in his, taking all he could before he leaves. Tiger's eyes were closed as the penetrating tears that welled in his eyes fell from the side of his face. Only Klaus is permitted to see him vulnerable. Only he is permitted to make him feel this way. Just him.

He opened his eyes to a kiss on his cheeks and a farewell from his life. He watched Klaus walk out of the room as his lungs gave up on him. He knew that this trip was going to take longer than he ever imagined. How does he know? Well, he is Nicholas's P. A and has his schedule infused in his brain.

He knows that Nicholas has a lot to do in that country and is not going to leave until he gets it done. This trip could take months and his baby would be away for a long time. This is the first time they will be away from each other since they became lovers. Maybe they need this. Maybe they need some time away from each other. Maybe this is for the best.


Genevieve walked hand in hand with Meredith as they walked into the company. She had finally succeeded in being able to convince Meredith into thinking that she was set up and a victim and now Meredith has decided to give her a base in the Ross family. Her entire plan was coming together gradually.

All heads were bent to the floor when Meredith walked in with the ruthless heir in her grip.

"Mother I don't understand why we are here".

She asked impersonating the clueless cloak. She knew what was going perfectly well, but she wanted to act all naive and calm like the perfect little daughter Meredith sees.

"You will understand pretty soon".

They got to the elevator and headed to the last floor (Nicholas's bureau). And everyone seemed to be extremely busy as they moved to and fro with different documents and went through different doors. Unlike the first floor, the last floor was for the brains of the company, and no mistakes were allowed in there. 

All the ordinances were made by the delegation and the entire decision and functioning rule came from there.  Genevieve looked around and was immediately dumbstruck. The moment she stepped out of the elevator and into the hall, it was as if she stepped into another world.

The way everything was coordinated and how everyone there talked seriously was enough to make a shallow mind intimidated. The vastness of the minds in there was on another level and the technologies there were the best in the world (Full-stack development, AI as a service, and more). 

While Meredith walked with grace and pride, she tried to keep her head high to meet up with her standards. It's not her fault that she hadn't been here before, Nicholas decided to ignore her and all that she is. He doesn't even consider her as family at all, neither does he see her as anything but it won't take long for him to see all this. She will take him unaware and hit him so hard that his vision will be cleared.

So this is where he works?

Her heart raced as everyone noticed the presence of Meredith and bowed in greeting. 

Hmph, finally they recognize our presence.

Fucking low lives.

"This is where your betrothed works, dearie".

"H-He's here?"

She whispered, scared to get embarrassed in front of the entire staff. If Nicholas finds out that she is here, he will send her away, and her reputation will be tarnished.

"Oh don't be like that". Meredith scolded calmly. "I am here to make things right and give you your rightful position. What I should have done a long time ago".

Just as those words left her mouth,  Maria Hunvessy stepped forward with a document in her grip.

"Welcome, ma'am".

"Call for a board meeting, I have an announcement to make".

She paused for a while making sure she heard clearly and had the confused look on her face but couldn't mouth out her thoughts 

"Y-Yes, ma'am".

She couldn't argue. She knew that other than Nicholas, only Meredith Alviero Ross had the power to call for a board meeting.


"Mr. Herdes, we have a problem".

Sofia walked at a fast pace down the hallway and into the board room as she tried to control her ragged breath with her left hand to the side of her face and the other hand still holding on to the document in her grip.

"On a scale of ten". He breathed out trying to tie his towel around his waist with the phone clasped in the middle of his shoulder and his face. After watching Nicholas and Klaus leave, he wanted to ice off a little steam and get his head together using the old shower method.

"Fifty". She blurted without wasting any time.

"Fuck hell! Fuck you! Fuck shit! Please tell me it's not Meredith".

He was getting red in seconds as he tried to control his rage. For fuck's sake he doesn't need any of these shits now. He isn't in a good mood and he isn't thinking straight at this point.

"It is Meredith, sir". She managed, trying to steady her shaky breath. "She is calling for a board meeting, saying she has an important announcement. I don't know what she has planned, but it can't be any good because Genevieve Middleton is with her".

"Shit! What is that bitch doing there? "

"No clue, sir, but I have a hunch that this announcement has something to do with her".

"Listen, I do not need this right now, just keep an eye on her while I look into this fucked shit. And stall her, I will soon be there".

He ended the call as he hurried to the closet and got some clothes on. He ran his hands through his messy undercut as he stepped out after a few minutes. Just as he was about to leave the room, his phone buzzed. He slid his hand into his pocket and brought out his phone but the sound wasn't coming from him it was coming from somewhere else in the room.

He turned around with furrowed brows as he paused for a while to listen but he was too much in a hurry to look further into it and dashed out of the room without looking backward. All he thought about was how he was going to fix whatever Meredith had got planned. He didn't even know what it was but he had to stop her either way. His head was flooded with different ideas and different ways but he didn't know where to start. His head was divided. He had a list in his head. Zhavia, now Meredith. Fuck, he was beginning to lose It.

His steps were swift and had bodyguards running behind him trying to keep up with him as the chauffeur passed the key of the car already parked in front of the mansion to him.

"No!  He exclaimed as he turned around to face the men behind him. "I don't need any attention to myself". His finger was pointed at them and his veins were already popping out of his temples exposing his frustration. "Just lay low where I and no one else can see you".

"Yes sir". They spoke in unison.

He got into the Ferrari La Ferrari and drove off making everyone there silent for a while and looking at him as he went out of sight. They had never seen him that angry before. He was literally boiling and ready to explode on everyone.
