
Chapter 150 Hurt


Zhavia woke up to the sun in her eyes. The incident of the previous night was what she suddenly thought of. His eyes when he sent her away, his tone. He didn't even look back. He just put her in the car and sent her away and out of his life.

She felt miserable and was already used to the suffocating chest pain she always feels when she had a heartbreak.

Immediately she got down from the bed and stepped her feet to the ground, her eyes beheld twenty-four eyes staring back at her in a Straight line, and their hands were crossed forward.

She paused at first trying to understand if she was dreaming.

She looked around the house and started wondering what was going on. This wasn't her house at all. The chandeliers and the room looked very familiar but she had never seen this room before.

Where the hell was she?

She remembered going back to her estate the previous night. She even recalled entering the mansion, so how did she arrive at this place?

She was still in a trance when Sofia walked in.

"Good morning miss Mckay, it's a good thing you're awake, your breakfast is ready".

She had a smile on her face and it was soothing but she had a lot of questions blowing up her mind at the moment.

"Where am I?"

She asked firstly, making sure she knew where she was.

"Oh, you are in your chamber".

Zhavia lifted a brow to her words as she frowned.

"What part of the estate is this?"

"The eastern part, I guess. You were brought here last night. Breakfast?"

She asked diverting the question being thrown to her.

"Would you want to be served in here?"

"I'm not hungry, just get me a warm milk".

Her voice was barely heard as she strolled from the bedside to the bathroom at the far end of the room. Her hair was a bit messy and her eyes were a little bit swollen from the previous night.

She saw the huge difference when she stepped into the bathroom. This design doesn't look like a design she or Sofia would pick, this design spelled royalty. The floor was mirror-like, the walls were customized in diamonds, and the light that shone brightly added to the beauty of the pure white bathroom.

Somehow, she had a feeling that something was off and Sofia knew about it. She was indeed playing mind games with her and it was obvious.

If there is one thing Sofia is terrible at, that would be pretending. She sucked at it and it was the only thing that gave her away when she was telling a white lie.

She took gentle steps into the bathroom and settled at the large mirror that was on the wall. The last time she attempted to look in the mirror, she didn't like what she saw and it angered her. She saw a sad woman that had been hurt countless times.

This time, she didn't even care about her reflection anymore. She couldn't feel anything so why the hell was she going to feel a damn thing when she is looking at a mere reflection.

Her eyes strolled from her hair which was parked in a ponytail, to her pale skin, to her eyes and the bags underneath them. 

Her fingers went to bed face to feel herself just to be sure that she was the person in front of the mirror. At that minute, the tears she didn't know she had been holding came knocking at her eyes. She watched them stroll down her cheeks and suddenly, she started to feel again.

She felt the warmth on her skin and the pain came knocking too. She clung to her chest and started sobbing silently.

How did she become this way? How the hell did she allow this man into her heart? How did he manage to get to her this much?  Why did she let him in so easily? How could she be so stupid to allow him to lure her into falling for him? How would she manage to undo the pain she was feeling? Would she be able to get over this one?

All she wanted was a company. All she wanted was to feel loved again. She just wanted to try again, she just wanted to open her heart a little. How could he hurt and torture her like this?

Fuck, it hurts so bad.

Her pale skin turned red due to the emotions she felt. Those emotions spilled like she had no control over them anymore. She was a mess.

No matter how much she tried to convince herself that she didn't want him in her life any longer, deep down she knew that she was just lying to herself. She couldn't even stop thinking about him, so how the hell was she going to stop hurting?

"My life doesn't revolve around you".

She muttered rigorously talking to herself as she chuckled. She had completely lost her mind.

He had her in his palms and there was nothing she could do about it.


Klaus woke up to an empty bed. His eyes strolled to the couch and saw the jacket of his tux and the previous night hit him. He remembered what happened and how Tiger left.

He chased after him but he got into one of the Lamborghinis and drove off. He couldn't leave the party because Nicholas was still there, he was supposed to be protecting him.

When they finally got home— Klaus, Nicholas, and Bennett. He searched around the entire mansion but he was nowhere to be found. He called his phone countless times but there was no reply. He didn't reply to his text or calls, he just left him in the dark.

All the voice notes he sent were all useless because he didn't even listen to any— or maybe he did. He practically slept alone.

His eyes strolled back to the sunlight that penetrated through the curtains as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

He stood up from the bed and went in search of his phone to try calling him again. His steps were steady so were his breath— unlike the previous night. He couldn't even think.

He grabbed the phone he finally found on the couch and immediately started dialing his number, but it went straight to voice note.

"Common, Tyler".

He grumbled, uncertainly.

He couldn't continue like this. He needed to go look for him. Just as he was about to put down his phone and settle for a change of cloth, he heard the water in the bathroom. It was faint because the room was extremely large, but he could hear it.

He stopped breathing just to be sure and waited for a second to hear it again, and he did. He heard it again.

He took slow strides to the bathroom and hoped. The moment he stood at the entrance of the bathroom, his eyes beheld his beauty in its full glory. He was there. His light and his life just stood there. It was all too much for him to take in. He was getting weak in the knees just by looking at him. Subconsciously, he relaxed his shoulder on the door for support. He watched him.

He was shirtless and in black pants. His hands rested on the sink at the far end of the large room and his head was bent downwards. He hadn't noticed that Klaus was there, he just left the water running, and his eyes were shut.

"When did you return?"

His deep voice called from behind making him open his eyes to where his heart reported to. Yes, he is mad at him but he won't deny the fact that this man owned his entire being. This man is his breath.

"You were asleep".


He mumbled. He didn't even know where to start because the hurt was evident in his man's eyes. He could see the pain and the desire all at once. How badly he wanted to hold him at the moment and apologize. They couldn't say it, but a line had been drawn the moment that incident happened.

How could he make things right again? How would they go back to how they used to be?

"Can we talk?"

His eyes were on him but Tiger still backed him.

"We are". He spoke blandly.

"C'mon Tyler, you know what I mean".

He moved closer but was not close enough because he was still far from him. He saw how his grip on the sink tightened. He saw how hesitant he was. He watched him release a deep breath and sighed before he turned around to face him.

"What do you want to talk about?"

This was the first time he was seeing his face since he left him the previous night and he suddenly understood the reason why he didn't want to turn around.

His eyes are swollen.  

Has he been crying?

Did I hurt him this much?

The Tyler he knows would never bring out a drop of tear from his eyes, he doesn't know how to. But ever since he came into his life, all he had done to him was hurt him and bring out that part of him.

"I am so sorry".