
Chapter 1 ASHLEY POV

Wake up Ash' Britney said jumping on my bed

'It too early' I said back

'I don't want to get beaten again today' Britney said

'Am up' i said getting up and heading towards the bathroom i shared with Britney

My name is Ashley White Collins, tomorrow i will be 16 and i will meet my mate and shift for the first time. Am a blonde and my eyes colours are very noticeable with one being blue and the other darker hazel, maybe that why they hate me so much. I started getting abused when i was 5 years old.

11 years ago


'Britney let go for a run in the wood' I said to my best friend

'But my mummy said the wood is dangerous' Britney said

'Just once' i said

'Okay, but we need to come back before mummy knows' she said

'Yeeeeee' I said happily and with that we ran into the wood and started playing.

Suddenly we heard something and when we looked around we didn't see anything.

'Let go back Ash' britney said

'Okay' i answered but as soon as we started running back we heard running movement beside us and before we knew it we were already in the middle of 7 wolves.

'Please don't hurt me and my friend' i said in tears

'Ash' Britney called and i hugged her instantly, the wolves were circling us but as soon as one lunged at me it was stopped by another wolf.

I looked around us and saw two other wolves.

'Ashley and Britney come here' I heard my mum's voice and ran towards her holding Britney hand.

She carried both of us and started running but three wolves came out no where started chasing us, Mom keep on running but when she saw that the wolf was gaining on us she put us down and told us to run as fast as we can. We ran and made it out of the wood. We ran straight to the pack house.

'What happen' Alpha Westwood asked

'We went to the wood to play and some big bad wolves came to us but mummys and daddys came to save us and told us to run' Britney said

'Go inside' Alpha Westwood said and we did. We slept of as soon as we were inside the pack house.

'Ash' i heard my name and woke up

'Britney is mummy and daddy back' i asked

'No' she said crying and i also started crying

Alpha Westwood came in and glared at us

'You filthy things, didn't your parents warned you about going into the wood' he screamed at us and we cried even louder.

'Answer me' he screamed again

'She did' i said hugging Britney as i cried even harder

' but you had to disobey them and get them killed' He screamed again

'Is mummy and daddy alright' Britney said


'End of flashback"

And that was how we became the pack punching bag. In case you are thinking (doesn't she have any siblings) i don't have any sibling, even Britney is the only child of her parent. Sometimes i wonder why Britney doesn't hate me because if not for me her parents would still be alive. I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine.

Britney POV

I watched as she walk into the bathroom, my only hope, my best friend, the one who makes me happy

I Know sometimes she wonders why i don't hate her, she thinks it her fault our parents are dead but it not, things just have to happen. My name is Britney Vanessa Mark and am also a blonde, i have black or should i say ash eyeballs.

30 min later

Ashley POV

After preparing breakfast for the whole pack house , we started our journey to the hell hole of an high school.

'Britney are you excited to find your mate tomorrow' I asked her

'Guess i am' she replied happily

(I know what you are thinking, Same date, yes. Guess our parents were so close they had us the same time. I don't know how they did it but they did)

'I hate school' Britney said

'Same here' i said agreeing with her

As soon as we stepped into the hall people started throwing insults at us

'Filthy whore'



'Fat and ugly'

I held unto Britney and we went straight to our lockers which is beside each other. We always have all classes together, after school which was stressful we went home(the basement of the pack house), we decided to take a little nap but someone suddenly yelled our name.....

'ASHLEY and BRITNEY' someone screamed our name.

We quickly rushed to the kitchen only to meet the Alpha to be LUCAS CLAYTON WESTWOOD.

'When are we having dinner bitches' he spat to our face and we started preparing the dinner instead of arguing.

When we were done we took the food to the dinner room and met almost all the pack they.

'If i had a choice i wouldn't even eat you have touch' said Cassandra (the pack slut)

'then why don't you go prepare something yourself' Britney said and instantly placed her hand over her mouth

'Am sorry, she didn't mean to' I said as Lucas stand and and started heading towards us

'Please am sorry' Britney said crying dreading whatever was coming for her

'Wham' He ⅝ her and i suddenly went in between them only for me to get slapped

'Beat me all you want but please don't touch her' i pleaded

And that was how another beating started for us because Cassandra and the other pack members started beating Britney while Lucas  and his best friend the beta to be started hitting me hard.



I will try to update soon and please this is my first story on webnovel

I will edit it after i complete the story so please bear with me