
The Crown prince of the Clover Kingdom(Old version go to the new now!)

New remastered version out now go check my profile! ✅ Abstract story A young man got reincarnated as a royal of well known kingdom called clover kingdom. From that anime Black clover. But all of that it seems that that young man did not reincarnated in one of his both favorite royal house Vermilion and Silva instead he reincarnated in his least favorite House of Kira. Having unrivalled looks And unending wealth how will his story goes? *The cover is from the manhwa who made me a princess* *no copyright infringement intended. all credit goes to the rightful owners* Authors note* (now that's a short abstract of a story anyways don't expect great writing quality if there is any cliche's parts I will try to avoid them to avoid cringing the readers. And lastly I will be continuing this fanfiction 5 chapters every week or even more. Thank you for reading this I will take compliments or even insults in the review or even in the paragraph comment seriously to hone my writing skills so feel free to insult or compliment me whatever you want: ). since im such a newbie at writing a story maybe some stones and add to collecttion can give me skils(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡

AmazeAngelo · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 2 ll the tea party

Authors note* Oh my Gosh! I hate this so much! Webnovel asked for an update so I did , the drafts got removed! So I had to rewrite the whole already written chapter 2 ll to chapter 5! Rip me💀

"Young prince I chloé ellainore will serve you today". The maid known as Chloé said the maid. 

'Looks like they changed my maid I wonder why? ' Claude thought as he looked at the young girl dressed in a maid outfit. Of course, this one is an actual maid 'his' personal at that.

'Claude Obelia Kira Clover l is the cool name I've been given in this new life to top it all I am a prince of a kingdom, and not just any normal kingdom but it is in Clover Kingdom on that one Anime I used to watch in my previous life called black clover. It's a world where everyone is given the ability to use magic, the story follows Asta, a young boy born without any magical power who is given a rare grimoire that grants him anti-magic abilities.'. Claude remembered as he kept staring at the maid in front of him. 

"Eh the young prince is really strange" Chloé said, if someone heard her she could been punished severely just like what happened to Claude's previous maid. 

The Clover Kingdom is a country bordering the Diamond and Heart Kingdoms and near the Spade Kingdom. It is the home country of the Wizard King and the Magic Knight Squads. It is currently ruled by King Augustus Kira Clover XIII.

The kingdom is divided into three regions: the outermost Forsaken Realm, the Common Realm, and the central Noble Realm. Those in the outermost region are the poorest and weakest and are looked down upon by those from the inner regions. Despite peasants being accepted into the Magic Knights, these prejudices follow them, even if they have large amounts of mana.

Luckily for Michael Ramirez, he reincarnated as Claude Obelia Kira Clover l at the Noble realm of the Clover kingdom, and a son of not just a noble but Both Royal families. 

What confuses Michael Ramirez is that from his memory there are only three great royal families in the Clover kingdom. 

The Three Great Royal Families of the Clover Kingdom are House Kira, House Silva, and House Vermillion. The three families live together in Clover Castle.

It looks like that's not the case here apparently from what Claude hears from the maids' gossip there is another royal family that exists, and that is where his mother came from. 

The house of Obelia is one of the Supposedly 3 great royal families but now makes it 4 great royal families. 

Because of this anomaly, Michael Ramirez concluded that he is in the alternate version of the anime called black clover. 

This makes Michael Ramires worry because that anomaly may not be the only one, if that's the case then this world certainly will not follow the original timeline. 

"Young prince it is your feeding time. " chloé ellainore said as he readied The young prince food. 

5 years later---

We can see a big luxurious personal bed room filled with a design of gold, finesse marble of walls, a gold on the edges in the walls, and arranged furnitures that seems to be luxurious as well. 

A Golden hair young prince can be seen standing infront of a expensive mirror that it's edges is made out of gold with great design.

As a young prince he wears a brown jacket with a blue strip near at the shoulder, and underneat he wears a blue doublet with brown buttons with white collar accompanied by a brown unfinished ribbon to it and lastly a brown short with a black shoes accompanied by a black long sacks that is almost see-through being held by a black tie near the knee. 


"hm this outfit really made for me like It really suits me well and all." The young prince said with a childish happy tone, as he turns around and face the mirror again

The of the room open, and we can see a chloé ellainore the same maid who raised him when he was just a 2 month's old, somehow she keeps her job as a maid servant to the young prince. 

She noticed his unfinished ribbon and ties it correctly so it look presentable to the 'friends' of that he's gonna come across during he's visit to the tea party. So she quickly fixes it for the 1st prince. 


Speaking of 'friends' Claude did little interaction with the kids his age apparently he did meet and interact with them, but he never actually have an conversation or even go to there parties because of his so called 'cold personality' he shows outside the estate of house obelia. Because of that this behavior did not go unnoticed by the king and he was force to be invited and join to a tea party of kids his age

He rarely goes to estate of house kira located in the clover castle which is just near the estate of house obelia. Unlike the original the clover castle this version is much bigger because of the existence of the Royal house of Obelia. 


--the ☕Tea party--

In the middle of the clover castle garden we can see a a group of children sitting sitting awkwardly looking at each other there suppose to be having a tea party. There are in a beautiful scenery which will gives a paradise vibe. 

[Image] (table and the chair and the scenery used) 

The children comes from sons and daughters of a families of royalties and higher level nobles. The name of this children are is Claude Obelia Kira Clover of Royal House of Kira, Noelle of Royal of House Silva, Mimosa of Royal House of Vermillion, and the kids come from higher noble houses are named Charlotte of House Roselei, Dorothy of House Unsworth, and Langris of house Vaude. 

And lastly Stella of House Brilliante. 


Soon the awkward silent has been break by a Purple haired Lady with a 'star like eyes' from noble house Brillante. 

"Um so I Hi everyone!, Since some of us are new here let's introduce our selves!" The purple haired young star eyes young lady said cheerfully. 

"Alright as lady Stella here says, I guess I should start first My name is Langris from a known family which has a rare magic attribute that let my family control over space Im from Noble House of Vaude." The

Young male noblekid says He has thick, brown wavy hair that is swept up at the back, but left to fall over his forehead and face in the front arrogantly said.


'Tch so we have an arrogant brat again.'Claude thought as he look at Langris with his Jewel like azure eyes.

The reason why he did he's so called 'cold personality' when interacting with someone was first, he like to avoid arrogant people even in his first life he use to be bullied by them, but in this new life he need have connections inorder to survived and having an powerful ally as a prince will surely is the reasonwhy he need this behavior to be change. In his previous life He a smart young man but not that smart to avoid being bullied this is the reason why he like to avoid this type of person's. 

"Wow spacial magic so cool!, But Alright its my turn My name is Stella I've come from noble house Brilliante my magic is light magic and about my eyes Its a magic eye called Eye of illusion".The young noble girl with gradient-colored eyes from purple to pink and a six-pointed star in each of her eyes that seems to shine bright when she speaks and blue-purplish hair color also known as Stella BrillImage cheerfuly said.


'Ah I see This is one of those magic eyes

'Claude remembered reading about the magic eyes on the royal library serves only for member's of royalty just like him.

Magic eyes of Ilusion, also known as Eyes of Illusion this magic eye gives the user to make mind attack illusions that can affect the targets brain, it can target multiple people within the User senses. Overused of this magic eyes give the user temporary blindless.This magic eyes also changes appearance base on the user's emotions.

"Wow you eyes are pretty, I guess I go next My name is Dorothy I've come from noble house Unsworth My magic is dream magic!" The joyish young noble girl known as Dorothy Unsworth says with her fingers folded into her palm excluding the middle finger and the index finger forming a peace sign right the side of her face.


After Dororthy's joyous introduction, they turn to the girl next to her, who's been looking at Claude with a blush.

'Oh my gosh, why he is so cute!.'The noble girl next to Dorothy keeps thinking as she stares at Claude for the whole time as they get there, and then she notices that they all turned to her and she quickly fixes herself as she seems in a daze on our 1st prince.

"It looks like I'm next very well. My name is Charlotte from noble house Roselei, and my magic attribute is briar. I can control and generate briars." The beautiful blonde young noble girl known as charllote Roselei said in her most elegent tone appropriate for a noble like her said.


"Hm, My name is Noelle Silva I've come from Royalty family the House Silva my magic attribute is Water" The young silver haired royal girl next to charllote said although the last part of his introduction seems to be quieter.


'She's giving me one of those tsundere vibes, haiyaah I'm glad she is still just like her original counterpart"Claude thought as he sigh at the end.

For some people this was not a big deal, but

Claude it is, in the past 5 years He's been trying to learn about what changes in this world for, example the House Obelia doesnt exist in the original plotline so he became cautious since this world would not follow the original plotline. Since then he learns alot of changes such as The Magic eyes, new Characters that was not showed in the anime.

Authors note* Michael here did read the manga but only in elf arc, Lets give him an L in the comment.

Everyone then turn to the girl next to noelle silva was the vermillion haired royal girl who Claude reconize the most, It was his favorite character other than the wizard king

"Im Mimosa Vermillion, from Royal family of House Vermillion my magic is plant magic. " the young Royal girl known as Mimosa Vermillion .She has yellow eyes and long wavy vermilion hair with bangs on her forehead.


And lastly then all turn to the last kid who's looks they all knew, even if Claude doesnt show on public he's existence known throughout the clover kingdom, and he's golden hair and Jewel like azure eyes is already a evidence that he come from a known to be the strongest royal family of Obelia.

Claude was taken back by the looks, just imagine the people you use to see on manga or anime is in right infront of you looking at you. He quickly took a deep breahte and spoke.

"I guess some of you already know me, Im Crown Prince Claude Obelia Kira Clover l I have two magic attribute first, was the known void magic it's similar to spatial magic but more its more powerful version of it, Second it was the same magic attribute use by the first Wizard King that defeated the demon 500 years ago it's light magic."Prince Claude Obelia Kira Clover said with his cold tone.

After his introduction children talk about things that they like mainly about about magic.

After the tea party at night--

We can see Claude walking his home to the house obelia estate,there he met his mother.

"My son how was your day?." his mother said. This lady was the Queen of Clover kingdom Queen Alexia De Alger Obelia kira VI having the obelia family gene her beauty is absolute having blonde hair jewel like azure eyes and voluptuous build.


"It was good, It seems actually I dont like that kid from the House Vaude ge always brag about his magic attribute when he got the chance, even though void magic is much superior" Claude says with a annoyed voice.

Authors note* talk about arrogance 😐claude will he back up his claims? His So called Superior version of spatial magic Void magic..

"You should be used to them, as a noble young prince having such connections to powerful families gives you a lot of perks from them."His beautiful mother said.It was true as a young prince he really did need to be used to does arrogance within noble realm.

"Tch, Once I became the king im going to teach them a lesson, wether your a Noble,a commoner and a peasant citizens of the Clover Kingdom should treat each other equals." Claude said proudly.

"While it's true your going to become a king one day of this kingdom, it will be a long way for you to take the throne, first you should prove your self as a responsible prince to proved your self to be responsible when you be a king, unlike your father when he became a king he rarely do works and always make the 28th wizard king Julius Novachrono do it." his mother said.

"Your right mom I Crown Prince of the Clover Kingdom will be A responsible prince and When I take the throne I will make this kingdom greatly prosper. I will hone my knowledge and magic to be able to protect my citezens of the Clover kingdom." Following his mother words On that night 1st Prince Claude Obelia kira Clover l, vowed to be a better king than any other king that rule in his kingdom he will make Clover kingdom the greatest kingdom that exist within their world.

To be Continue...

Authors note* this wasn't suppose to be the content of this chapter As I said Webnovel Deletes my drafts when I updated the app. Somehow I forgot whats the content of this chapter but as the name says I just had to remade the whole chapter😐. I hope you enjoy it.

Next chapter will cover Claude training and Learning as prince to became a promising king in the future watch out for the next chapter tomorrow.

I'm still noob at writing a story 😔 ,maybe some power stones can make me skilled...

2,466 words.


I'm still noob at writing a story ,maybe some power stones can make me skilled...

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