
The Crown Prince and Me

"This White Heart of Mine, I Will Draw Our Moments and Keep It Forever" Lily Valentina, 23 year old girl who are still struggling finishing her degree; when one day, while she was finishing her assignment alone in a café, the news on the television caught her attention. It was the crown prince, and the royals are announcing that he was looking for a wife. Back in her childhood days, Lily used to go to the same preschool and both of them were really close with each other. But then, Lily had to move to another school due to her family financial problems. Ever since then, both of them lost contact but all that she knows, the boy who used to be her playmates, is a crown prince now. Therefore, she decided to join for the event, to test her luck so that she could meet him again.

pinkcotton · Urban
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27 Chs

Call Me Ren

As soon as both of them ended their horse ride, both of them walked towards the garden to have some hi-tea together. As usual, Ren was sipping his favourite Earl Grey tea, and as for Lily, she was having a slice of strawberry cake. It was only the two of them in the garden as Ren ordered the servants for nor waiting for them. Ren was watching Lily in amusement as she looked so happy while having the cake.

"Was it that good?" asked Ren while placing the teacup on the saucer. Lily who was so into with the cake, felt surprised by the sudden question. *gosh is he going to complain about me not eating in the elegant way?* thought Lily.

"Y-yes, Your Highness… it was really good… but how do they know that strawberry cake was my favourite?" asked Lily. But Ren remained quiet not answering her question. Instead, he was sipping his tea again.

"Was today's fun? Daisy really likes you~" smiled Ren.

"It was really fun Your Highness." Said Lily. "Actually, Daisy won't just let anyone ride her, but I guess she knows that you're my wife-to-be." Said Ren as he pour another cup of tea.

Lily was quite surprised by what he just said. "Your Highness," called Lily suddenly as she put her teacup on the saucer and looked down while caressing the teacup gently. Judging by her action, Ren know that she has something to say.

"Do you wanna ask me something?" asked Ren suddenly and Lily nodded. "It's about the question that I asked you the other day…." Answered Lily.

"You do know who I am, right?" asked Lily suddenly.

Ren who was about to sip his tea, was really surprised by her question as he stop from sipping his tea and put it back.

*busted.* smirked Lily.

"You're Highness, im sorry to say this but you can stop pretending. I know that you know me ever since the day we dance together. But why?" asked Lily. "We used to be playmates before, and I can call you by your name, but I can't now. Is it because you're The Crown Prince now?" said Lily. "I know we both are really close together before and I left the school because of my family personal problem. And im sorry for leaving without giving you any notice…" added Lily.

As for Ren, he was sitting there still in silence.

"Ren?" called Lily.

"You can't call me by my name when I'm working unless we're together." Said Ren and Lily literally smile hearing it.

"As for my parents, both of them haven't seen you yet. They're in Andalusia making their visit to my mom's relatives. Once they're back, I'll let you meet them." added Ren and Lily nodded. "So you do, know me~" said Lily as she raised her eyebrows. "I pretended not knowing you because I want you to learn the Royal Etiquette first so that you will know some basic on the dos and don'ts…" said Ren.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't visit you during your lessons… I just want you to focus…" said Ren.

"That's okay, Lucas was there… he comforted me…" said Lily "he's a nice guy." Smiled Lily.

"One more thing," said Ren as he crossed his arms and leaned his back against the chair. "Don't be near him and don't get too close with him." said Ren. "Why? I thought you both are cousins?" asked Lily. "He's a player. Don't fall in whatever he does." Said Ren.

"Don't worry, I won't." said Lily and smile. And oh, Lily would never know how much Ren love her smiles.

That night, once Lily was getting ready for her bed, she took her phone to text her best friend, Amelia to tell her every single thing that happened today. Once they bid their goodbyes, Lily was going through her contacts list to look for Ren's name. Surprisingly, he saved his number as 'Ren' in her contact list. Lily was squealing happily using her pillow couldn't believe at what she just saw.

But then, she clicked on the 'edit' button and change it to

"Ren <3"

Once she edited, she went the chatroom and texted him a goodnight.

"Goodnight, Ren." Said Lily.

Right after she send the text, she had to wait for a while for his replies. She thought he was already sleeping, but a few minutes later, he replied her.

"Goodnight." Said Ren.

Literally, with just a simple goodnight text messages could make both of them very happy.


A Few days later, while Lily was changing her clothes as she was getting ready to follow Ren with his schedule at the Charity project today, she got a news from Augustin saying that both of his parents are coming back today.

"Today?!" shouted Lily making Anna, Mia and Augustin surprised at her behaviour.

"oppss sorry, I shouldn't shouted like that. That is so not lady like…" laughed Lily. "That's okay Miss, we're used to it~" said Anna and that made Lily laugh.

"Okay Augustin, thank you. Did Ren know about it?" asked Lily and Augustin. "He was the one who asked me to inform you… he will be meeting you later and you both will visit his parent together." Said Augustin and Lily nodded. "Alright, thanks Augustin~" said Lily.

Once Augustin exited the room, Lily starts to panic. "Mia, Anna. I'm nervous now. How was the Queen and the King like?" asked Lily.

"Well Miss, His Majesty is a very spontaneous and he loves jokes but once you made him mad, please do know that you won't survive." Said Mia and that made Lily gulped her saliva. *oh god.* thought Lily.

"As for Her Majesty, she is a very lady like as she came from the noble family. Therefore, she hates seeing girl without any manners. She would totally hate her. She acts poised all the time." Said Anna.

"Oh dear… I'm dead." Said Lily as she threw herself on her bed.

"Don't worry Miss, after the Royal Etiquette Lessons that the Crown Prince schedule for you, you are ready Miss." Said Mia. "Am I?" asked Lily and they nodded.

"Alright then, let's find a suitable attire for me to meet them." Said Lily.

A few hours later, after choosing lots of clothes, they ended up choosing a white blouse as a top and soft baby pink blazer one set with the knee length skirt. Her long wavy hair was let down, and as for her shoes, she was wearing a beige kitten heels toe pump to match with her attire.

"Okay, I'm done!" said Lily. "Thank you very much you both~" said Lily as she hugged both of them.

"Good luck Miss, I'm sure they're gonna love you." Said Mia and Lily smiled. With that, she was off to meet Ren in his study room so that they could go together to meet his parents.

Once Lily reached his study room, she made a light knock on his door. "Ren, can I come in?" asked Lily.

"Sure." Said Ren from inside. Once she entered his study room, she saw Ren was sitting on his chair and writing something on his dark mahogany table. "Just a second, I need to sign this letter and we'll be off meeting them." said Ren while looking on the paper.

"Okay~" said Lily as she took a sit on the sofa. While she was waiting for her, she was looking at Ren who was so into that paper. She chuckled lightly scared if she was disturbing Ren. Then, she took out her phone and captured a picture of him while working.

"Having fun capturing my photo?" said Ren suddenly as he looked at her while smirking.

"Oh- I didn't mean to-" said Lily feeling so surprised.

"Sorry," pouted Lily and Ren chuckled. "That's alright, now come on, my parents is waiting for is in the dining hall.. We're gonna have some lunch together." Said Ren as he walked towards her.

"I'm nervous." Said Lily.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna be there with you." Said Ren.

With that, Lily nodded and Ren hold out his arms and Lily hooked her hands on his arms. With the nervous inside of her, they both are off to meet the King and the Queen.