
The crown prince's love:Never meant to be

Three sisters,different personalities,different lives and they each find themselves around three brothers. Pearl Emerson an aloof girl who prefers the company of her music and sketch book finds her life being tormented by the school's badboy and apparently most famous rich boy. Ever since young Nicholas has always found fun in teasing her while she always returns his teasing. One thing leads to another and they suddenly become friends. Much to pearls reluctance,However a kiss comes in the way of their friendship and Pearl must decide how she feels about the kiss. Nicholas who is known as an aloof,cold and popular boy in the school is nothing but a tease and annoying brat to pearl. ~~~~ ''Nicholas let go''Pearl yells trying to removr Nicholas's hand from her braids but the boy just tugs them harder a mischeavious grin on his face. ''Not until you say yes pearly''Nicholas says while pulling again

Empressking · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 :Noise party



 The girls enter the place looking around the place filled with people their age dancing and grinding against each other.

 The party is being hosted by one of the rich kids in the university and Tara being the social butterfly was invited.


 Truth was they are invited because they are admired by many and the students are dying to mingle with them especially the other two emersons who hardly socialize.


 The crowd pauses as they stare at the three sisters some peoples lips parted and marvelling at the three beauties.

 They continue looking at them like they are a different kind of being while Pearl just gives a nonchalant gaze.


 Her eyes move around trying to find anything interesting but she just sighs when she doesn't while Tara is buzzing with happiness beside her.


 ''Look at that hottie''Tara whistles and the sisters turn to look at her an amused look on their faces.


 ''Want me to tell Lucas''Pearl asks to which Tara gasps before glaring at the two of them and she walks away from them.


 ''I just love teasing Tara''Eliana says to which the two of them grin and walk to the other side of the huge party.

 The party is taking place in a huge mansion and they can already see some people by the stairs area either making out of flirting with each other.


 The boys who pass by the sisters have the looks in their eyes that says they want to approach them but they withdraw just from a glare from Pearl.



 ''Tell Tara you people don't have to wait for me''Pearl says and leans to hug Eliana before standing up.

 She doesn't wait for her sister to reply and walks towards the door with the intensions of going out for some air as the one inside was already contaminated.


 Walking through the sea of bodies grinding together she is shocked when her hand is suddenly held in a tight grip.

 She turns to look at the owner only to come face to face with the boy who is hosting the party.


 Caleb williams the son of a rich business tycoon,rich but not as wealthy as the Emersons or even close to the Morelli's wealth.


 Tara looks at him her brows furrowed as she takes in the sight of the blonde before her his hazel eyes shinning with mischeav.


 ''Beautiful,I've be*hiccup-been meaning to tell you something''He says his words coming out slury as his eyes move over her body his tongue darting out to lick his lips.

 Tara raises her left eye brow clearly disinterested.


 ''You are so beautti-iful but cold''He says and moves closer to place hisvface closer to her the strong smell of alcohol hitting her full force.


 ''Let go''Tara tells him her voice calm as she tries to tug her hand away from the boy who just grins.

 His eyes however widens when she suddenly removes her hand from his and twists his hand to his back.


 ''Ahh''He screams struggling to release himself from her grip which only tightens.


 Leaning towards his ear Pearl makes sure to make herself sound as deadly as she wants ''Next time you touch me again,I'll make sure you loose an arm''And with that she walks outside.