

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasie
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26 Chs

what's a vampire?

The night was still fresh as the candles that were lit up in the room were still very much burning to have the room looking ever so bright. Cathy, who sat in front of the window admiring the view outside, felt a chill run down her body to have her shiver at the sudden cold making her look at the clouds outside.

Seems like it was going to rain tonight. Cathy thought as she stood up from where she had sat, deciding to have a birth inorder to curb the sudden cold she was feeling. 

Removing her dress, she kept it on the bed as she reached out for the towel as she headed to the bathroom. She got inside the warm pool and a satisfied smile escaped her lips while playing with the rose petals that floated on top of the water. Noticing how the pool was still warm, she wondered how often they refilled it and not to talk of the fact that no one was using the room.

She dipped herself inside the water letting her hair soak while staying under there for some minutes before bringing her face back to the surface catching her breath as she rested her back on the side of the pool wall.

She spent a good amount of time in the bath before coming out as she grabbed her towel cleaning herself while she walked back to the room. She gently wrapped the towel around her body wanting to check if she would perhaps see a night dress in the closets present and if she didn't, she would just wear the dress she wore here.

She walked over to the closet side opening it to see different dresses shining in her eyes. Did this room previously belong to a lady? Cathy wondered, staring at the dresses that were neatly arranged in the wardrobe but then, she could only wonder if this might be Ronald's doing. He knew he wouldn't fail in bringing her back and must have prepared all of these.

Softly sighing, Cathy picked out the lightest dress she could find there as she hung it on her arm walking over to the bedside. She placed the dress on the bed about to remove her towel when the door to her room flew open. Cathy's eyes went wide open as her eyes sharply went to look at who had barged in like that and as her eyes landed on the person she couldn't help but scream.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"Cathy screamed, wrapping her arms on her chest as she abruptly stepped back. "What are you doing here? leave!!" Was what she could come up with even though she knew the man standing in front of her didn't look like someone who was ready to go anytime soon. In Fact she wondered how she had even managed to speak with the way he was murderously looking at her.

Cathy watched him get closer to her and she could feel her blood dry up. She looked behind her and noticed she couldn't move back anymore to have her legs tremble and just as she was about to turn to run in a different direction, she felt the man take hold of her arm. His grip on her was tight and painful as he sung his fingers into her skin making her yelp as she wondered what was wrong with him.

He pushed her back against the bedpost making her head hit the post with a thud, some of her wet hair coming on her face. "What games are you playing with my brother?" Cathy heard the man ask to have her eyes go wide. Brother? The king had a brother?? 

"What are you doing, leave me alone" Cathy said, trying to free herself from his grip but the man was like a solid rock. "Answer me" Nick sunk his finger more into her skin and he heard the girl cry in pain but the cry neither moved him nor did anything in his body. If she was messing with his brother's head she should better stop otherwise, it wouldn't go well with her.

Ronald wasn't like this and was never like this and he happened to fall for the same girl twice? For goodness sake, this was the person that hasn't touched any woman for many decades now and suddenly he is losing his mind all over a girl. A human at that!

Cathy saw his eyes suddenly turn red making her gasp as she flinched. How was that possible? Wanting to get away from this man, Cathy bit the hand he was using to hold her but the man was unmoving neither did he flinch.

"Leave me alone you beast" Cathy could only wail. She didn't know what this man was and from the look of it, he wasn't human which brought a great amount of fear upon her as she didn't know what he might do to her especially not with the way he was looking at her right now. As if he was ready to snap her neck off her body at any moment if given the chance to.

"I am not playing any games with your brother. If there's anybody you should be asking that question it is him,"Cathy said, trying to look for a way to break free from the man. "You are lying" she heard him say, making her scoff. Did he think she wanted to be here?

"If you don't start talking, lady , I will be forced to..." Nick was going to say when he saw the girl raise her other hand to hit him but he was just too quick to catch hold of her hand which turned into a fist. Did she just try to slap him? 

The audacity!!

"You… you are not human" Cathy said seeing the way his red eyes looked at her. That wasn't normal was it? "Would you look at that? She doesn't know!" Cathy heard him say cunningly and she could feel the darkness that lurked around the cunning eyes at which he used to look at her right now.

"I assume Ronald hasn't told you. Interesting isn't it?" Cathy gulped at his words. If they were brothers, that meant Ronald wasn't human too. Did no one know about this? Not even a single person? But how? 

Cathy saw him look at her mockingly as she felt him release her arm to have her quickly move away from him. She went as far as she could from him but was shocked when the man appeared at her front in the blink of an eye, making her scream. How did he get here so fast? 

He brought his fingers over to her face and Cathy could see his nails grow sharper making her stare at him wide eyed. " This hand is going right through your neck if you don't start talking. Don't try anything stupid" Nick said as he enjoyed the girl's horrified face. If she knew what was best for her, she would run away from here after this night and never return.

"What are you? '' Cathy heard herself asking and she saw the man laugh. Not a laugh that was pleasing to hear though. Not in her current situation. This man was terrifying.

"Let's see….. something dangerous…. dark….lurks around in the night…A vampire?" Nick said and he saw the girl's eyebrow raise not knowing what he was talking about. "What's a vampire?"

"I'd rather show than tell" Nick said his fangs now coming in view to have Cathy unconsciously step away from him but the man moved closer making her heart thud against her chest. She didn't know what he was about doing but it scared her.