

In a world where supernaturals lurk in the shadows, Cathy, an ordinary girl, discovers a hidden realm of vampires,wizards, sirens, werewolves, hybrids and many more. Little does she know, her path intertwines with a powerful secret: the enigmatic male lead, a king with a troubled past. Unbeknownst to humans, a brewing war threatens their existence. As the truth unravels, Cathy finds herself caught in a web of forbidden love and dangerous alliances, all while the fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance. Will she uncover her own supernatural powers in time to save both worlds? Prepare for a thrilling journey filled with romance, suspense, and the ultimate battle for supremacy. Dive into 'The crown's sinful allure' and let the adventure begin!"

mayelous · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Blood offering


Cathy looked at the man in front of her with a squinted eye wondering why he wanted her blood. Was he planning on doing a spell? Did they also possess the ability? "Wh…why can't you use your own blood? Cathy said, wondering why it was necessary that it had to be her blood.

Ronald's brow narrowed down at her. What did she think he was talking about? "Are you trying to play with me, little kitten?" Ronald said not knowing the girl had mistaken his intentions for something absurd. Cathy shrugged, deciding to just do as he says as her eyes now looked around for what she would use to cut herself and then she remembered her little knife. 

"If you can step away please let me bring my knife" Cathy said and she noticed the man's sly smile. " For what" she heard him ask to have her raise her eyebrows at him. Was he not the one who had asked her to give him her blood?

"You sai...you said I should give you my blood. Am looking for my knife so I can...…." Cathy was still saying but the man had cut her shut as she felt him grab her arm. "There's no need for that" he said and Cathy could see his already red eyes darken. Her legs stiffened as she watched him bring her wrist near his mouth. She could well enough notice his fangs now and the man's eyes which had been concentrated on her wrist before finally shifted his gaze to look at her.

"It won't hurt" he assured her and just like that, Cathy felt his fangs sink into her skin, she only felt a slight prick but what she felt after that was Ronald sucking on her skin. She could only watch with a widened eye as she saw the man closing his eyes, his tongue gently licking off the drops that had dropped on her skin.

Trying as much as he could to control himself, Ronald finally pulled away from her, gently dropping her arm to now stay on her side while Cathy could only stare at him. Was that what he meant when he had asked her to give him her blood? Cathy held the arm he had sucked from against her chest, her blue eyes staring back at the red ones that looked at her. Unlike the time Nick had shown his true self, she wasn't scared. Maybe because he didn't look like he was going to kill her but he was rather gentle which somehow scared her. She didn't want him to fall for her but what if he already has? What if he had liked her from the start? What was she to do? She had not thought twice before accepting his conditions and if she wouldn't be able to prove that what he had for her wasn't really love it only meant he had won. 

God!! Why was her life this complicated?

"For some reason I am still not satisfied" Ronald said in all truthfulness. He wanted her whole but the girl wasn't completely his…. yet. He realized he wasn't just thirsty for the girl's blood but every part of her intoxicated him.

"At this rate you would kill me"Cathy said as she found an opportunity to flee from his reach in which she didn't waste as she now walked away from him. He could say whatever he wanted to say from up close.

Cathy woke up the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping just outside her window, it was as if they were intentionally doing it so she would wake up to have the girl flutter her eyelids open. She scanned the room she was in as the memories of what happened last night kept flashing in and all she could do was to sigh. 

Even after Ronald had shown her everything yesterday night for her to see, she still couldn't believe such things were real. It felt too unreal to her especially with the fact that they were able to hide such a thing from the world.

Cathy lazily stood up from the bed rubbing her eyes so as to see more clearly. She went to have her bath having nothing else to do. If she had been at home, she would have had many chores piled up for her by now but….she wasn't in her home was she?

Having had a thorough bath, Cathy took out any dress she could find in the closet as she put it on since they all seemed to be the same. They all had Fine patterns with a series of layers in which she hadn't gotten used to yet. She decided to explore the room a bit and discovered there were many books that had been in there all along which had been hiding behind the big curtain she had been wanting to draw all these while, who knew it was books that were there.

Her hands went through all the books there finding it hard to choose between any of them as they were all enticing and what surprised her was that they all seemed to be books of her genre so how was she to choose one to start reading now between all of them? It was just like someone asking her to choose one out of all her favorite foods.

Cathy spent a good amount of time looking for a book to read without even realizing it. After all the searching, she finally chose a black covered book that was titled 'thorns'. It somehow attracted her, making her eager to read it.

Cathy jumped on her bed ready to read the book but just as she was about to open it,she heard a knock on her door to have her eyebrows raised wondering who it might be. It wouldn't possibly be the psychotic brother of the king as the last time, he had barged in.

Even though she seemed fine right now, she still hadn't forgotten yesterday's incident to the point where she even dreamt Nick was squeezing her neck ready to kill her. "Enter" she said loud enough for the person to hear and she heard the door open for Joseph to enter as he now bowed his head.

Cathy looked at him, pursing her lips into a thin line. She knew the man was only being respectful towards her because he knew it was the king who had brought her here. "Good morning lady Cathy" Joseph greeted her with a forced up smile which Cathy didn't miss.

Cathy stood up from her bed walking over to meet Joseph who stood at the door. "You don't have to be formal with me Joseph just call me Cathy and stop….. bowing to me"Cathy said in a slow tone but clear enough for him to understand.

Joseph stared at her for a while, somehow beguiled. He knew if it was anyone else in her position right now they would have been filled with pride and arrogance but yet, here she was telling him to talk to her casually. "No milady. His highness would kill me if he were to see me act in such an impudent way" Joseph answered to her and he saw the young lady frown.

"Well I am telling you not to. I will take care of his highness" Cathy protested. She didn't quite feel comfortable with the way he kept talking and treating her as if she were really important. She knew she was not.

Joseph didn't want to argue more while he simply nodded. one could never win an argument with this lady which made him come to wonder which was worse between the king Ronald and her. "His highness has asked me to bring you to the dining table" Joseph said, stretching forth his arm for her to take, which she did without hesitation. She was actually hungry.

They walked out of the room as they climbed down the stairs but she noticed they had passed the floor in which he took her to the last time. Did he not say he was taking her to the dining table? "We just passed the dining floor Joseph,"Cathy said as she saw the man still walking, making her curious as to where they were going.

"We are going to the grand floor" Joseph casually replied and he saw the girl's eyes widen. He had also had that expression when Ronald had instructed him to bring her there.