
Start of the suitors- Part 1

Music Recommendation: The Confession by Danny Bensi


Lucy knew her governess had spoken to Theodore, which was the reason why the woman was in such a bad mood. Theodore behaved as if nothing of importance took place between them, and she could only tell that she wouldn't find out anything from him. 

She shook her head, "I was just curious…I should get back to my lessons, Ms. Lewis must be waiting for me," and she turned around, ready to walk before she turned back to look at him and say, "Thank you for finding my poem."

Theodore offered her a polite bow, "I hope you have a good class, Lady Lucy." He watched Lucy walk away from there, and the smile slowly lowered down. 

Not because he was faking his smile with the princess, but because she had left the corridor, and his thoughts went to the words that were written in the folded parchment that he had returned to her.