
The Cross-World Chat Group

After meeting his intentional end, a boy now going by the name of Raymond finds himself reborn anew into a world he only knew once as a work of fiction. The world full of mystery, but also a world full of dangers beyond imagination. Once he reached the age of sixteen, a mysterious screen of icy blue had appeared to him. He truly didn't know just how much this simple yet complex screen was going to change his already complicated life.

AbyssNova · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Cross-World Members

『Adol The Red: Hello?』

『Knight Of Lhant: What is this?』

『Adol The Red: A knight? Are you with the Hieroglyph Knights?』

『Knight Of Lhant: Hieroglyph? Never heard of them』

『The Bloody Bear: Who are you guys?』

Raymond watched as the people who had just joined the chat group after him were already messaging one another, and it was obvious by their behaviours that none of them knew what was happening either. They were all obviously in the same vote as they were all confused by the turn of events.

As the messages flooded through, he did notice that one of the members had yet to send a message, just like himself. It was the one called 'Reborn Villainess', it was a strange nickname, that was for sure. In fact, they all had interesting nicknames, especially that bear one, what a vicious name.

Anyway, he could assume that the 'Villainess' member probably hadn't sent a message due to confusion, and also probably caution. After all, having a random screen appear in front of you wouldn't exactly be something you'd expect to happen, so freezing in confusion was justifiable.

『The Rising Emperor: Okay, calm down, everyone. Let's all relax for a second and introduce ourselves first, then we can assess our current situation』

『The Rising Emperor: I'll go first, my name is Blackwood D Raymond. You can just call me Raymond, a pleasure to meet all of you』

『Adol The Red: Are you perhaps royalty? Your title seems to say so』

『Knight Of Lhant: Agreed』

『The Rising Emperor: No, I'm not. I don't really understand why my name is such. It doesn't really matter though. Anyway, who wants to go next?』

『Adol The Red: I'll go next. My name is Adol Christin, I'm an adventurer』

'Adol Christin?' Raymond blinked before holding his chin in thought. He did recognise that name, and if he wasn't mistaken, it was the name of the protagonist for a series of games in a franchise known as 'Ys'. He hadn't played many of the games, in fact, he had only played the Lacrimosa of Dana game.

『The Bloody Bear: Oh~, an adventurer? I guess you and I have something in common』

『Adol The Red: You're an adventurer too?』

『The Bloody Bear: Yep, recently joined the guild』

『Adol The Red: Guild? What are you talking?』

『The Rising Emperor: Before any more confusion rises, let us finish introductions. It's obvious that there are many things we don't know yet, so let's focus on clearing that after everyone has introduced themselves. Knight Of Lhant, if you would please introduce yourself』

『Knight Of Lhant: Oh, of course! My name is Asbel Lhant, currently a knight in training. While I'm certainly confused about all of this, it's nice to meet all of you』

『The Bloody Bear: Certainly an interesting group we have here...』

『Knight Of Lhant: Speaking of this group, why hasn't the other person said anything yet?』

『Adol The Red: Yeah, that Reborn Villainess person. Weird name』

『The Bloody Bear: Meh, mines not really any better. Nice to meet you all, I'm Yuna. As I said before, I have recently joined the Adventurer's Guild』

『Adol The Red: Still haven't heard of it before...』

『The Rising Emperor: Now that we're on that topic, since Reborn Villainess doesn't seem to be speaking up, I guess we can start figuring out our situation. I assume you all received the information I did when joining, from that, we can assume that all of us are not from the same world. By that, I mean literal different dimensions, not continent』

『Knight Of Lhant: I did see that, but it's hard to believe. Other worlds? We can't really believe that, can we?』

『The Bloody Bear: I mean, it is pretty surprising』

『Knight Of Lhant: Why do you sound so nonchalant? Is this not shocking for you guys?』

『The Bloody Bear: Meh』

『Adol The Red: Don't get me wrong, I am surprised, it's just not the weirdest thing I've come across. I've been to many places in my life and have seen a lot, so the idea of other worlds isn't too unbelievable』

『Adol The Red: I'm more interested in how it's possible for all of us to talk to one another like this if we're all from separate realities』

『The Rising Emperor: I agree with Adol, whoever is capable of performing such a feat is obviously powerful. We don't really know what the point of this chat group is, or if there really is even a point to it. If there is though, it's obvious none of us know』

『The Rising Emperor: Well, maybe Reborn Villainess does. Can't be sure since they haven't said anything』

『The Bloody Bear: Yeah, they haven't said a single thing. Also, can we change our names?』

『The Rising Emperor: Already tried to find a way to do that, couldn't find anything』

『The Bloody Bear: So, I'm stuck as The Bloody Bear? Damnit...』

『Knight Of Lhant: I'd like to ask, Yuna. Why is your name The Bloody Bear?』

『The Bloody Bear: Don't ask me, I was just given the name. Though, the bear part is most likely due to my bear costume I'm always wearing』

『Adol The Red: May I ask why you're wearing a bear costume?』

『The Bloody Bear: No, I'd rather not answer that』

『Adol The Red: Okay?』

Raymond still didn't understand why this was all happening, and to them specifically, but he had to say that the group was at least amusing to talk with. He was honestly still cautious though, none of them knew why they all in particular were chosen for this chat group, and who it was that invited them to it.

If there was a motive for why they were all brought together like this, none of them knew, and that honestly bothered Raymond. He didn't like not knowing what he was in for, and it didn't help either that the playmaker behind all this was powerful. The capability of connecting worlds likes this didn't just go to anyone.

Anyway, he was pretty sure that he had recognised both Yuna and Asbel from some other media source, back in his old world obviously. Though, it wasn't like he was going to tell any of them that, and mainly for two reasons. One, he might totally be wrong about it all. Two, what was the freaking point? It wasn't like he had much knowledge, if any, to share with them even if he did.

That was the same for Adol, he may have played Lacrimosa Of Dana, but he wasn't sure what period in time this Adol they had been speaking to was from. So, if Adol had already left the Isle of Seiren, there was literally nothing he could tell Adol that the guy already knew. All he'd accomplish would be telling them that they are just the product of some dude's imagination.

『Reborn Villainess: Umm, hello?』

『The Bloody Bear: Oh, you finally spoke! Introduce yourself』

『Reborn Villainess: Okay... I'm Katarina Claes, good to meet all of you!』

『Adol The Red: I see. Mind explaining your name though?』

『Reborn Villainess: Oh, it's because after dying I was reincarnated into a character from an otome game that I played. I'm still freaking out over the fact that I'm now the villain of all possible characters though, it's really unfortunate!』

『Adol The Red: Wait, what? Reincarnated?』

『Knight Of Lhant: Excuse me?』

『The Bloody Bear: Huh, sounds kind of like my situation, except I didn't die. I was just brought to a world very similar to a game that I was addicted to playing, the multiverse really is a weird place』

『Reborn Villainess: Really?! That means you were reincarnated into another worlds as well, right?!』

『The Bloody Bear: Reincarnated, no. Another world, yes』

『The Bloody Bear: Before I forget, Raymond. Your name has 'D' in it, where are you from exactly? I have a really big hunch right now I know what kind of world you're from』

『The Rising Emperor: Hm? I'm from Kenbo Town in the West Blue』

『The Bloody Bear: One Piece!』

『Reborn Villainess: One Piece!』

『The Bloody Bear: Don't recognise you're name from the series though, are you like us? Were you reincarnated or teleported to the One Piece world? If you were, I'm honestly pretty jealous right now』

『The Rising Emperor: No point in lying, you two already admitted to it. Yeah, my situation is like Katarina's, I died and reincarnated』

『Reborn Villainess: The three of us have something in common then!』

『The Bloody Bear: Seems like it』

『Knight Of Lhant: I feel very left out right now...』

『Adol The Red: Same... what are they talking about?』


On Yuna's side of the spectrum, it hadn't been long since she had come to this world. She had just recently joined the Adventurer's Guild yesterday and was currently in the room she had rented for the time being at one of the local inns here in the city.

It was when she woke up that this group chat had appeared to her, and to be honest, she just kind of accepted because not only was she unable to decline, but also that she was genuinely curious to find out just what this supposed chat group had in store for her.

She honestly didn't regret joining, even though that was the only option. The members proved to be interesting people, even more, she had come to learn of two other people who were in a similar position to herself regarding being taken to another world.

Over with Katarina, she was currently preparing herself for probably one of the most stressful times of her life. She was going to be enrolling in the magic academy, the very same place where Fortune Lover, the otome game she was reincarnated into, was set in.

She very much hadn't expected the chat group to appear to her so suddenly though, and she had been initially standing still in shock and silence as she stared at the screen that appeared to her. It took a bit for her to build up some courage to type after seeing the other members talking to one another.

To her honest surprise, two other members were in pretty much the same situation as her, one of them was even reincarnated just like herself. Though, she wasn't sure if Raymond was lucky being born into the One Piece world though, that world was very dangerous.

Moving onto Asbel, the conversation between the three teleported other worlders confused both himself and also Adol from how the flow of their conversation was going. Just like all the others, he was obviously confused and surprised upon receiving the invitation to this group.

Unlike how the others react though, he seemed to be the only one that was truly shocked about the idea of other worlds existing. The others were far more accepting compared to him, and that only made him curious to know just what kind of people they were and what lives they lived for being able to accept other worlds existing.

Finally, Adol had recently escaped from Balduq Prison and had also recently gained the powers which now gave him the title of being a Monstrum. He still didn't understand everything, in fact, he didn't even gain his powers voluntarily, they were forced onto him by that Aprilis woman.

He had just recently completed something known as the Grimwald Nox not too long ago, which was when he also met the other Monstrums. Overall, the whole situation he found himself in was confusing, and that only doubled when he received the invite.

Though, after coming to learn that the others who had also been invited like himself were from other worlds, he really couldn't help but feel excited. He saw the explanation at the start where missions were mentioned, and from what it said, he could understand that those missions could end up sending them to other worlds.

He himself had travelled across many different lands and experienced all kinds of things over the years he's been adventuring, but the possibility of going to another world was very exciting. Especially for an adventurer like himself. The Grimwald Nox was a separate world, it didn't take a genius to figure that out, but he was more interested to see what other worlds were out there as well.

At the present time, back with Raymond, the group chatted for a good while before Raymond had to leave after Ereka literally barged into his room and was shouting for him to come out into town. From what she told him in a hurry, the marines were looking for him. They apparently wanted to talk to him after collecting the pirates he defeated.

When Raymond arrived in time, he immediately noticed the group of marines lined up, and the townspeople were all off on the sides watching in confusion. Raymond blinked before widening his eyes when he saw one particular person standing in front of the marines.

At the front of all the marines was a very tall slim male, appearing to be middle aged, evident by the wrinkles present on his face. Having curly short black hair, and also a thin beard to go with it. He also donned a striped yellow suit, along with a marine cloak draped over his shoulders like a cape.

'Kizaru...?' Raymond kept his emotions down on the outside, but on the inside, he was seriously panicking a bit. In front of him was one of the admirals, and while he didn't know what they wanted with him, if they proved to be hostile to him, he really had no chance with Kizaru here.

He may be strong here in the West Blue, but compared to Kizaru, he really wouldn't stand much of a chance at all. The guy was an admiral for a good damn reason, and he had the power to boot, just like the other admirals. The chances of him winning were close to none.

Speaking of which, why the hell was an admiral doing here in one of the freaking Blues? Marines of his calibre would usually always remain in the Grand Line, which was where the Marines put most of their power into. The Blues were left more to the weaker individuals in the Marines.

"Oh~? We finally meet, Blackwood D Raymond." Kizaru voiced upon seeing the young male stop a few meters in front of him. Raymond just watched as the tall male walked up to him and looked down at him, mainly due to the massive height difference. "Very interesting. To think I'd find a Haki user here in the West Blue."

When Kizaru said this, Raymond just remained silent, though he did twitch a bit. As expected of a damn admiral, the guy could instantly tell he was capable of Haki. The others around them didn't seem to understand though, evident by their confused looks and whispers.

"You truly must be a talented one, especially with your track record of taking down so many pirates." Kizaru voiced with amusement as straightened his back while keeping his eyes locked on Raymond. "I shall get to business then. I've been sent here to invite you personally to join the Marines, and with your capabilities already, one stationed up in the Grand Line."

Raymond honestly saw this coming at some point if he kept taking down the pirates that invaded this place, the marines always keep an eye out for potential good recruits for their ranks. The fact that Kizaru could tell that he could use Haki was already a big bonus to them, a Haki user for their ranks was a very valuable asset.

"I have already made preparations for a Marine base to be set up here in this town. With how many pirates show up, it would be bad if we didn't." Kizaru spoke once more as he crossed both arms behind his back. "Though, do tell me. What are your views on us Marines, as well as the pirates out there?"

"I am just like everyone here in this town, I'm neutral." Raymond took a breath before speaking. "I hold no resentment towards either parties, whoever proves themselves to have hostile intentions towards me is my enemy, simple as that. I do not immediately regard someone as an enemy until they prove to be."

"I see..." Kizaru seemed to cup his chin in thought as Raymond gave a silent gulp, the critical look Kizaru had in his eyes really unnerved him. "From your words alone, am I correct to assume that you are refusing my offer to join the Marines?"


"Hm, very well. Then I shall take my leave." Kizaru spoke before turning around and walking away, the other marines with him quickly following as Raymond gave a breath of relief. He would have been screwed if Kizaru decided to attack or get rid of him there, and that was honestly a major weakness of the Marines.

Don't get him wrong, he was very much relieved Kizaru didn't attack him there. The problem with the Marines was that they didn't get rid of their problems before they could truly become problems, they only acted against those who they deemed to be a threat to them, and that attitude was a major issue for them.

For example, at first they didn't take Luffy as a major threat and didn't send someone powerful to just quickly get rid of him, they ended up leaving him to his own devices. Now, throughout the series, Luffy had truly become serious and was causing a serious stir in the world of pirates.

Speaking of causing a stir in the world, it was probably about time that he left the town. He enjoyed this little town he's grown up in, but there was only so much a person could take staying in one place. It was time for him to finally set sail and explore the world. It would also be an opportunity for him to find people and places for him to get even stronger.

There was only so much he could train himself here on the island.

This was the One Piece world after all, not exploring it was a crime in itself!