
09 The Journey

As they continued to head north Amaris and Ruby were talking amongst each other.

"So the main reason besides Leon being a paladin he was also a villager here who's family passed away during the attack 10 years ago. He decided to go to the kingdom and become a paladin so he could be stationed here incase something bad happened here again. He wants to prove he can protect the people of the village and he's a paladin. he's the best support and front line defense you can have against anything bad out here. In terms of magic he's intermediate class but his focus is holy arts which is advanced and healing is basic tier."

Amaris nodded and said " well I'm glad he came since I don't know any holy spells if there is undead that cave" The group kept moving north enjoying the scenery that was around them even noticing beauitful red and blue spotted butterflies that seemed to be everywhere. Every once in a while they would come across a few goblins here and there but they were easy to get rid of and poised no problem for this group. The teamwork of the group seemed to get better and better as well almost like this party was meant to exist for this reason. They soon approached a bridge that had a giant guarding it. Upon walking up to the bridge the Giant stepped forward saying "pay the toll or dont pass"

''kind sir is 5 silver coins enough'' Replied leon

The giant looked down and counted 5 individuals before looking back and leon and replying

''no i want 1 gold coin if you are to pass said the giant''

Leon sighed and handed over a gold coin and the group was allowed to pass finally. The giant waved as he went back under the bridge to rest.

The group now arrived at a huge lake right with a downward stream that seemed to travel for miles. This was the perfect spot to rest for a minute to freshen up and eat. The group stayed a about 50ft from the lake incase there was any dangerous water creatures in it that could possibly harm the group.They set up a small fire while Amaris decided to try and catch their lunch. After hundreds of failed attempts trying fishing poles, spear fishing and even bow n arrow fishing still not catching the smallest fish in the lake. Amaris finally got a lucky break with the fishing pole she left sitting out was able to catch a very big fish. upon returning with her catch Leon ,Ling and even Ruby was impressed. Ruby quickly took the fish from Amaris and cut up the fish and cooked it over

the fire. The group was able to enjoy some nice roasted fish which was much better then the bread they had in their bags. After eating delicious fish.

Ruby decided she would go somewhat downstream to rinse off since she didn't like smelling of fish.

"Don't take too long we are still a ways away from the cave " said Leon.

"Got it!. Guys no peeking at all! Amaris will stay here to make sure that doesn't happen..

Upon walking some ways away from the group she took off her clothes and rinsed them off then she herself got in the water to get rid of the sweat that was on her body. she decided to stay in for a bit since she barely hung her clothes to dry and needed sometime before that happened while she was relaxing in the water she started to think back to when she first started to know Amaris. She always had a different way of doing magic compared to me.... If it wasn't for her I never would have gotten this strong. But I still wish to wish to be stronger and I want to push as far as I can go like Amaris continues to do. I'm glad I met her and I can't see myself without her..... If she wished to leave Dori I'd follow her wherever she decides to go. She's the perfect little sister who I'm able to learn from. She started smiling as she got up from the water and walked towards the tree where she hung her clothes. Meanwhile Amaris was getting guidance from Ling on lighting magic since she didn't know much. Ling tried to teach intermediate magic to her but she was having trouble trying to learn such spells.

"Don't worry too much about it not many summoners can't learn intermediate to advanced. It all depends on your affinity is. I know you're capable of fire but lightning may not be possible for you. Meditation might help you unlock more possibilities but we won't know for sure till you start to meditate. As it is you're a gifted summoner and honestly don't need to learn other magic. I recommend incase you arnt able to learn stronger magic that you focus on agility since that will help you the most. "

"I think I will do that too. After all if I don't have much combat capabilities I will always be put in a dangerous situation if i have to fight. I can't always rely on what I summon to protect me all the time since a summoner is always targeted first in most cases." replied Amaris

Ling stroked his beard while nodding.

"Remember that each class specializes in one thing while weak in others. A good example is me. I'm very good at magic but yet I can't wear heavy heavy armor nor am I any good at close combat.

Summoners are strong at the summon skill but weak in other magic.

Although a summoner can wear heavy armor and utilize close combat which makes them special in this case. Our Paladin here excels at being a front line tank and fighting but yet has low mana lvls and can cast limited holy and healing magic."

Amaris nods and continues to try and cast higher tier lightning magic.

Ling sighs.... at least she has room to grow who knows what she could be capable of within 5 years from now. But I do hope I live long enough to see what she achieves. Ling laughs to himself as he watches Amaris continue to practice.

"Hasn't Ruby been gone a long time now? Amaris you should go check on her and make sure everything is okay over there just shout if something is wrong and we will run over" Leon said. "That's fine doesn't look like I will unlock higher tier magic anytime soon. I'll go right now and go check on her."