
05 The Chiefs Daughter

"Let her go! You have no right to harm our people." said Ruby

"hahaha this little girl was born of your tribe let me take her" The dark grinned.

"You leave me no choice vile creature that has released the undead in our home.!"

"Please help me great dryad I know I'm not worthy of your power yet but I need your help now more then ever"

The dryad smiled looked at Amaris and then Ruby and replied.

"Master I will do my best as I have acknowledged your will even tho you're not ready. That girl is special and is someone who will help you grow should you stay by her side and help her. I can not reveal her past but I can tell you that she will be the light for many that your people will seek.

The dryad lifted her hands and roots entagled the Dark Commander causing him to let go of the girl.

"Fine we shall play....Looks like I'm out of magic anyway from the undead spell"

The Commander charged forward only to be stopped by roots again. Slashing away at the roots freeing himself this time using alittle magic to make him himself faster. He jumped through the air spinning with his blades out cutting every root the came his way from the dryad.

Ruby knowing some basic spells cast lightning from her hands striking the elven Commander briefly knocking him to the ground before he got back up again charging forward. He lunged at the girl not caring about the dryad any more trying to kill ruby on the spot before he stopped right in his tracks as one of the dryads roots pierced his heart. coughing up blood the Commander steps 4 steps back before casting one final spell "I will die here but not before I'm reborn as a God of death!! hahaha" He falls to the ground and multiple hands come from beneath the Ground taking him into the earth.....

"Amaris are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't act sooner wait what's the noise?" Beneath the ground a shadow formed where the enemy Commander was coming forth a giant black robed entity with a giant scythe.

"The air smells so good here it smells like offerings for me"

The dryad realizing what has come forth immediately tries to use her roots to quickly stop the monster that has appeared.

"You shall go back to your slumber Dark one as your time here has long passed"

The dark one begins to laugh before saying

"You can not stop a Reaper of souls that has been given a body to take what's mine hahaha.

It's time you go home creature of earth you have no place stopping the Lord of darkness return.

The Dark one moved so quickly that it immediately slashed the dryad cutting her down.

"I'm sorry Ruby but I have to return or I will not be able come back to help you later on.... It looks I gave that little girl enough time to do something."

The Dryad quickly vanished leading Ruby and Amaris defenseless from what's to come.

As the Dark one raised his scythe once more to finish Ruby a Bright light appeared that struck the creature causing it to vanish without a trace.

The Light seemed to stretch across the whole village and all you could see was the restless spirts being sent away to the afterlife....

Ruby immediately looked for Amaris but could not find her so she ran back into the cave to see her unconscious in a corner....

"Did this girl do this? I will have to ask her when she wakes. I hope father is okay. I hope most of us survived this terrible tragedy."

Half of the village was killed by the Elven Commander. With so many families missing the survivors began to search for those still alive.

Amaris did not wake up for the next 2 days so Ruby was never able to get answer when she woke up anyway as she did not remember.