
01 The Test

It was a beautiful night the moonlight touching down took away all darkness in the area and was the perfect spot for those that wanted to earn the badge to be able to summon freely as long as they didn't cause trouble

"Everyone gather around the test will begin shortly" The ten canidates that were present was 8 boys and 2 girls. In order to order to become a summoner you must show the ability to summon and give basic commands to the creature you summon or be able to summon and form a contract with the creature. Green blue gold and red are the colors of creatures summoned.

The difference between a basic summon and a contracted one is the time allowed for them to exist in the human world. A basic summon can last anywhere from 30 mins to 24 hours dependent on the summoners power.

A contracted creature can stay indefinitely as long as it does not lose all life points then it will return to the other world. Most summoners that begin their journey do so at the age of 8-10 and its always recommended they do so at that age so when they are adults they can protect their villages or themselves from any danger.

Due to the amount of people that can actually learn this skill is rare and is said that 1 out of every 100 kids born are actually capable of becoming summoners. The Village of Dori is one of the biggest villages of humans even tho it can be considered a small town since it has about 10,000 people living in it. Dori has the most children born able to become summoners which makes it a place place to visit if your looking help since a good summoner can have multiple creatures on the field at once requiring less people needed in a party to do certain quests.

The Instructor has now started to speak again.

"My name is Richard and I will be conducting the test. With such a beautiful moon out your mana in your body will be at much higher levels allowing you a easier time to complete what's needed to see if your capable of learning more with us. I will call you up one by one and instructions will be given to perform the test."

"Number 1 please come here "

The first one came up and shortly after receiving instructions started moving his hands in the air and a white color energy started to come off his body. the boy chanted some words and a horned rabbit appeared with a green aura around it.

"Fantastic! " said Richard

"You have passed. Your summon if you did not know already will vanish within a certain time limit. You have summoned uncommon creature which can receive basic commands. horned rabbits are very aggressive in the wild during mating season and if they are provoked. Go ahead and step back now I will call on the next person. Please send your rabbit back to the spirit realm.Number 2 please come here."

The next student went up and after 30 secs summoned a small goblin which gave off a blue aura.

"Very Good! " said Richard after looking up and down at the creature as it started to walk over to its master.

"You may have a bright future if you're able to summon rare quality creatures at your age."

"Yes sir I hope so!" Replied the Boy.

"Go ahead and step back and send your summoned creature back to the spirit realm " Said Richard.

Six more students walked up and repeated the process of summoning creatures but none of them were as interesting as the goblin that was summoned earlier. The creatures that were summoned were just basic common creatures like Beatles and Ant type that did glow or show any special attributes.

The next person was a girl the age of 9 as she walked up and smiled and started moving her hands and instead of the green aura that surrounded the other summoners hers was blue.

After a few secs a beautiful woman appeared.

Long blonde hair and light pale skin that looked like she rarely saw sunlight. Her Dress looked to be made of leaves and as she walked towards her master flowers would pop up behind her with each and every passing step. A bright golden aura was coming off this creature.

"Wow It seems the Village Chief daughter is as skilled as her father. Ruby I'm curious how much you will grow under our guidance here.

Have you formed a contract with this Dryad yet?"

Ruby replied "No not yet. I'm currently not strong enough in the dryads eyes for her to form a contract with me. She will stay about 1 hour before she returns "

"Give it some time there is items and potions out there that can increase one's mana and power.

As super rare creatures can communicate with us she can stay by your side so we don't offend her. Step back now and let's let's test our last summoner.

It seems your name is Amaris hmmm.....

your a bit too young to be here... your powers should barely start manifesting at the age of 7 but yet your only 5.... have you really unlocked your powers already at such a young age?"

"Yes I have unlocked them " Replied Amaris.

please give me a chance so that way I can learn more!"

At this point everyone around started to whisper to each other asking if it's possible to achieve at such a age.

"Enough! I will test her and see what she's capable of"

Amaris giggled and waved her hand in a circular motion and 3 horned rabbits popped out that gave off a blue aura.....

"Impossible!" said Richard

"to summon multiple creatures at a rare level at your age is outstanding. I was wrong about you what is your family name?"

"I'm a orphan " Replied Amaris

Suddenly a loud explosion is heard in the distance.....

"They are here!!!! Hurry to our stations we must push them back there is children nearby we must protect them"