
The Crimson Elf

Silax a young elf struck by a mysterious illness that takes away his ability to get stronger, yearns for a cure and a way to get stronger. Legend whispers of the World Tree, a mythical entity rumored to hold the key to ultimate power and unmatched healing. Reaching it promises not only a cure but also a chance to reclaim what was taken from him. Driven by ambition and a thirst for strength, Silax leaves home. He spends years searching until one day his efforts bear fruit. What he finds is not the blessing he anticipated, but a curse. It requires a sacrifice, a darkness that must be embraced to wield its might. A power fueled by darkness and life force absorbed from others. This dark power grants him immense strength but test his morals. Torn between ambition and morality, he must make a choice. Embrace his monstrous nature and achieve his goals at the cost of everything or give up on this power to protect the world from its danger. This is a story of the corrupting nature of power, the sacrifice and the cost of achieving ones goals, and the blurred lines between ambition and self-preservation. It's a tale that explores the lengths one might go to in the face of mortality.

kynikoiTDM · Fantasie
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106 Chs

Lack Of Trust

Silax's continued his walk, his footsteps echoed off the polished cobblestones, a lonely rhythm against the unnerving silence that had gripped the city.

He wasn't alone, not entirely. Every so often, a furtive face would peek from a doorway or a shadowed alley, eyes darting nervously before disappearing back into the gloom.

He saw a young woman in a faded blue dress duck into a doorway as a patrol of guards rounded the corner.

The increased patrols, intended to offer protection, only exacerbated the tension, a stark reminder of the fragile state of peace.

The city guards' presence used to be more ceremonial than anything, a familiar, almost friendly presence.

Their days were usually spent lounging by the main gate, occasionally breaking up a drunken brawl or settling a petty squabble.