
The Crimson Dragon Emperor: Abundant offspring, boundless dominion.

The soul from Earth reincarnated into a different world, becoming the leader of the Five-Color Dragons, the supreme Evil Dragon, and establishing the Dragon Kingdom that shook the diverse and endless realms of the multiverse. From the Seven Heavenly Realms to the Abyssal Hells, the Elven Forest to the Elemental Domains, and the Magic Empire... No force could impede Caesar's conquest. The bloodline power of Caesar flowed through the multiverse, granting him constant growth and strength.

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44 Chs

Caesar - I Fancy Myself a Good Dragon

Zephyr was a knight, to be exact, a High Paladin—but not of the Holy Order. His faith was not in gods but in the sacred Light, a special element that mankind could harness. In the Aerlan World, there was no such thing as battling energy or other convoluted systems. All beings utilized the elemental forces of the world; spellcasters controlled various elements to unleash powerful magics, while warriors used these forces to enhance their physical capabilities and transcend their mortal bounds.

Each individual's affinity and ancestry determined their elemental compatibility. Some harmonized with the flames to become Blazing Warriors, others with thunder to become Lightning Cannoneers, and then there were those attuned to the element of wind, the Storm Knights. Zephyr's affinity lay with the commonly allied Light, a pure and positive force.

However, it did not judge its wielder. Even the undead, it was rumored, could awaken the power of the Light—though no scholar had confirmed such tales, leaving them as mere speculation. Yet, those who did resonate with this force often bore virtues of valor, justice, self-discipline, and compassion—with few exceptions.

Confronted by the inquiry of the Metallic Dragon, Zephyr found himself at a loss for words, uncertain of how to respond. Under normal circumstances, if tasked with vanquishing an evil dragon, he would have openly shared his mission and earnestly invited the Metallic Dragon to join their cause against the vile beast.

However, their true intent was not so noble. They aimed to capture the dragon and bring it to Silvermoon Kingdom's capital—a thought inconceivable to any true dragon, but a dire command from Duke Cassius that Zephyr could not disobey.

Amidst Duke Cassius's illegitimate offspring, Zephyr stood out due to his exceptional talent. With the duke's covert support from a young age, he bathed in glory and accolades. But as he grew accustomed to power's allure, his initial purpose faded from memory.

When Duke Cassius rebelled, Zephyr eagerly followed suit. The once-noble Paladin who protected the weak became vilified as a lackey under Duke Cassius. Praise turned to scorn, yet Zephyr remained indifferent. The Light's power was not a matter of faith; changing sides had no impact on its strength.

Now a High Paladin in his thirties, Zephyr had already climbed to the prestigious Eighth Ring, a dream for many. But his ambitions soared higher.

He aspired to become a legendary Paladin, whose fame would resound across the continent, and to establish his own knightly realm, reigning as a distinguished Knight King. It was the ultimate dream of every knight. Duke Cassius's promise was the key: capture the dragon disrupting Silvermoon Kingdom, and a slice of its land would become Zephyr's future duchy.

So, Zephyr set out on his mission. Having previously coordinated with the Metallic Dragons to exile an evil Red Dragon, Zephyr was confident, even against an adult dragon.

In a memorable battle, he faced a fierce young Red Dragon barely into its nineties. Initially overwhelmed, Zephyr held the line with the aid of allied spellcasters—proving even an inexperienced Red Dragon was surmountable. This time, their target was a younger Red Dragon, one not even matured into adolescence. Capturing proved more challenging than killing, but it seemed trivial for a knight of Zephyr's calibre.

Caught in his deliberations, Zephyr noted Riel, a robed magician, presenting himself with grace, "Noble Metallic Dragon, not long ago a powerful creature assailed our human villages. To prevent further tragedy, our merciful king has decided to vanquish this vicious entity."

Riel wielded no lies. As a seer from the Western Prophetic School, he possessed vast knowledge far surpassing other combat mages. Aware that deceiving a Metallic Dragon was ill-advised—dragons being particularly discerning of dishonesty—Riel crafted his words carefully, shrouding the dragon as a menacing beast.

Hoping the Metallic Dragon held no interest, Riel steeled himself for a protracted expedition. Metallic Dragons, notoriously inquisitive, might soon lose curiosity and depart, avoiding entanglement in human affairs.

At Riel's words, a flicker of understanding sparked within Caesar's gaze. The formidable kingdoms of humans reigned supreme on the Emerald Continent for good reason. Except for apex magical creatures like dragons, only mindless beasts dared invade human territory—and they were typically dispatched by stationed spellcasters before causing any significant uproar.

Caesar surmised the humans had come for him. He favored brute force, relished capturing beautiful females, reveled in the loot from others—yet, he considered himself a good dragon.

With the humans' hostility evident, Caesar afforded them a benevolent smile and gently opened his draconic maw. Threads of destructive lightning flickered. The once clear skies darkened with dense clouds, extending over thousands of meters, flashing with fearsome purple bolts as if a furious storm god had awoken.