
The Crimson Dragon Comics

This is a story of a kid who started as the son of drug dealers. That didn't last to long with his parents deaths happening early in his life. Kai goes through life dealing with death, and learning from those deaths. Life is a cold place, and Kai is trying to survive through it. Even if it means becoming a superhero. (Story gets a new chapter every Friday) P.s I don't use only original characters. I use characters from marvel (Daredevil/stick) and dc(Oliver, Laurel, Slade). I also use some anime characters. All these character may be different from their original versions because we are in this new universe (my universe aka the new 62), and not the regular continuity. - The art for the cover belongs to JJMK-JJMK. -This story was made by Jonathan carpenter

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120 Chs

Back In Town

A jet flies over New York city. Kai is standing at the door of the jet. The pilot sitting in the front seat sees he's ready to jump.

Pilot: You don't have a parachute!

Kai: I'm good!

Kai jumps out of the plane. Kai feels the wind resist him as he falls through the currents. The buildings below him get closer and closer. Kai almost hits the ground, but he runs along a building using the speed to push him forward. Kai runs to his house. He sees it destroyed. Kai walks over to the basement door. He walks down the stairs and sees the computer gone.

Kai: Did General Grey get into the basement? Why did he destroy the rest of my house?

Kai starts digging around in the rubble. Kai finds his staff.

Kai: I missed this thing, and it's only been gone for like two days.

Kai keeps digging around. He doesn't find anything until he finds a case that has stayed mostly intact. He opens the case and finds a dusty old coin next to a ring. Kai puts on the ring and puts the coin in his pocket.

Kai: I need to find out where Remi and Max are.

Kai hears a truck driving over to him. He sees the truck as it comes out from behind buildings. It stops in front of Kai's house. Many mutants with guns come out. Kai teleports behind the truck. He lifts up the truck, and throws it on top of the mutants. When the mutants lift the truck up off of themselves they see that Kai is gone.

Kai: I don't feel like fighting some goons.

Kai can hear the faint noise of people and vehicles. Kai runs across the tops of buildings. Kai stops once he sees the giant building. Vehicles cover the outside of the building. He sees mutants walking all around.

Kai: They rebuilt the broken down empire state building. Now there trying to make it the city hall of their New York.

A web hits Kai in the back and pulls him down off the building. Kai hits the ground. He gets up and turns around to see Remi, Leo, and Owen.

Kai: Leo! How are you doing?

Leo: I'm fine.

Kai: I didn't even know you were alive. What have you been doing?

Leo: I have just been moving from place to place. They could never catch me. I have only fought small groups.

Kai: Owen, I'm surprised you're not trying to stop the police.

Owen: We learned that some of the mutants in Grey's army are cops.

Kai: The cops are still working for the mutants. I thought they would be working for B.L.A.D.E. now.

Owen: I'm assuming they think the mutants are going to win the war and decided to team up with them.

Remi holds her ear for a second.

Remi: Max just asked over coms what the coordinates were.

Kai: It was President Bordon's hideout. Those coordinates are pretty important, and we need to destroy them. So, where is the usb? Max should have it, right?

Remi, Owen, and Leo all look at each other.

Kai: Who stole it?

They are all silent.

Remi:... General Grey…

Kai: The biggest and only person that we needed to make sure didn't have the usb, has the usb?!

Remi: Yes…

Kai: How the fuck did he get the usb?!

Leo: A group of soldiers broke into the new base. We let them escape because we didn't want to kill them and then we realized that they had the usb.

Kai: Now we have to stop General Grey before he goes to the coordinates.

Leo: We had to stop General Grey already. Not much changed there, but we still have no way of doing that. He has an army. Are we going to walk in and beat up the army then kill him?

Kai: No, that's stupid.

Leo: I was being sarcastic.

Kai: I know, I know. All of you go back home. We don't have a plan yet, and we definitely won't be able to sneak inside the building. I have some other stuff to take care of.

Leo: I'm not just sitting around.

Kai: Take out a few soldiers and mutants, I don't care. Just don't get caught. Stay together.

They all run off. Kai runs back to his broken down house. He walks down into the basement. He looks at some crates he stored during the war. He sees clothes inside the crates. He changes into regular normal clothes. Then he walks out from the basement.

Kai: Time to meet Lawrence.

Kai walks off. He stays hidden behind the building as he walks through the town. Eventually he gets to a broken down looking building. Kai walks inside to see Lawrence sitting down at a long table. Kai sits down with him.

Kai: How are you doing Lawrence?

Lawrence has a sour distasteful attitude.

Lawrence: You know how I am doing.

Kai: I'm sorry for your sickness, but you shouldn't be spiteful. Enjoy your last months.

Lawrence scoffs.

Lawrence: Enjoy my last months! I am stuck in the middle of a civil war! My wife is dead! Who do I spend my last months with? The kids that have all gone off to war. They won't even know I died until they return home. If they don't die. Just get to business so I can go back to my more important business.

Kai: I think we need to stop selling weapons to B.L.A.D.E.

Lawrence laughs. His laughs turn into hard coughing.

Lawrence: That is where we make our money. The people don't have the money to buy stuff because they are all off to war or dead. What else will this business do?

Kai: The soldiers do just as much harm as the mutants. I don't want to be part of that.

Lawrence: Then don't. Sell your company!

Kai: All that happens then is I pass on what I was doing to someone else. What would be solved then?

Lawrence: What would be solved is your nonbusiness like conscious getting in the way of your good judgement! Now that we have that stupid oppinon out of the way, the business men and woman are going to make a deal with you. You will take the deal.

Kai: What's the deal?

Lawrence: You will take the deal.

Kai: Remember when I told you to not run my company years ago? When the skyscraper was being built, and you told me that you would let me take the reins.

Lawrence: The skyscraper was never built.

Kai: But you still don't own the company, do you? I will make the damn decision on whether I should take that deal or not. I will not take a deal without knowing the terms. Especially not from you. You were a good man before the war started, a little obsessed with business, but a good man. Now you're a spiteful, old, dying man trying to save remnants of his lost fortune at all costs.

Lawrence: I want my money back. The money I invested in you when you were still starting. With interest!

Kai: You got all that money back and more when you tricked me. I originally played you all the money back and the percentage of profits you got because you held a share. I didn't have to pay that. You thought I forgot about that? Legally you hold no weight in this company. I just made you think you did.

Lawrence: This old man still has some fight left in him!

Lawrence takes out a knife. He tries to stab Kai, but Kai grabs his arm. Lawrence drops his knife, and Kai lets go of him. Kai picks up the knife and throws it across the room.

Kai: Every single business you have ever owned went into debt. You lost billions when the stock blummited. You owed billions in taxes. You are running off of scraps. Your scraps can hold you over for a few months. Like I said before. Enjoy the rest of the life you have left. If I ever meet your children, I'll help them out. Out of courtesy of the man you used to be, but I will not help you.

Kai leaves the building. He walks back to his broken down house. He goes into the basement and changes into his superhero costume. Kai then hears a huge explosion. Kai runs to where he heard the explosion. He looks at city hall, broken and destroyed. Kai looks around for the people that were inside. He sees firemen walk into the building carrying out burnt bodies. He even sees a fireman bring out a burnt dead body of a child.

Kai: No!

Kai looks at the soldier around the building.

Kai: B.L.A.D.E.

Kai teleports next to one of the blade soldiers and grabs him by the neck. He lifts him up. Many soldiers point their guns at him.

Kai: Don't shoot, or you'll kill your friend.

Soldier: Don't shoot, please!

Kai: Why did you destroy this building? There were people inside there!

Soldier: We heard there were mutants in there!

Kai: You didn't check? You just blew it up?

Soldier: We weren't going to risk dying to mutants. Please put me down!

Kai drops the man. As all the bullets fire out of the guns Kai teleports away.