
The Crimson Champion

Brutus Crescent was a normal young man in his village, where he eagerly awaited his coming of age ceremony, a special ceremony that would tell him what he was meant to do in life. He believed it would be the most eventful day of his life. And it was. Just not in the way he'd hoped... Follow Brutus on his journey to destroy the mentor that betrayed him and took away everything he ever loved.

Lavak · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Brutus's Bio

Name: Brutus Crescent

Title: The Blazing Scourge

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Birthday: March 25th

Height: 6"2

Appearance: Brutus has black eyes with long blood-red hair. He has an average build but is deceptively strong.

Outfits: Brutus usually wears a set of light armor that looks weak but is enchanted to be extremely durable. His casual outfit for when he's not on a mission is a gray t-shirt and sweatpants.

Weapon: The Blood Katana. A weapon that grows more powerful the more enemies Brutus kills.

Pets: A dark red wolf named Spiritus. When he's not needed or in severe danger, Spiritus takes the form of a tattoo on Brutus's left arm.

Significant other: None currently

Abilities: Brutus can summon his katana from any location no matter how far away it is, he can call upon Spiritus by willing him to appear, and he's faster and stronger than the average human.

Backstory: Brutus lived a normal life in his village until his 16th birthday. During his coming of age ceremony, a portal suddenly opened and a wolf with the emblem of an evil being on his forehead appeared. Yuri, Brutus's mentor, suddenly accused him of being a traitor to the village and said he should be executed. Since the emblem was a sign of horrible things to come, most of the villagers shouted for Brutus's blood to be spilled. Yuri immediately tried to stab him in the heart but Brutus's older sister Kara attacked him so Brutus could get away, but Yuri struck her down and he killed Brutus after tracking him through a forest. Brutus awoke in an empty void where he was approached by a being named Xerkhon who claimed to be a god of revenge. Xerkhon revived Brutus and gave him the blood katana and in return, Brutus agreed to be his champion. Now, Brutus travels around the world with Spiritus at his side, doing missions for Xerkhon so he can become powerful enough to destroy Yuri and his allies.

Other: Brutus is right-handed and he has a bracer on his left wrist that he uses to get updates from Xerkhon about missions. He doesn't exactly have a bag that he carries stuff in, but he carries around gold to pay for rooms at inns and camping supplies.