

After a while, on the Main Hall of this giant Prison from Sapphire Island, a total of almost ninety reaming inmates are lined up there by their heights. Lenard is next to an inmate who is only one inch higher than him, and that inmate it isn't known to him. Tim and Rodriguez are in the other line, while Lloyd and Rudy are at three inmates distance from Lenard.

The guards are walking around that line of prisoners, with pistols on their hands and some guards waving their bats, just to make the inmates feeling intimidated and trembling so hard, they would most likely piss their pants, or do a massive shit that it would be heard even from outside this big room from the facility.

Then, the man appear on the scenario, and he is holding a cane while he is walking. He also wears a top hat to make him look more eccentric, he is also wearing the costume he wore last night when he killed those inmates from the last night. Mr. Boss is walking in front of the inmates like no care in the world that he might be beaten by one of them, or worse killed.

"Alright, everybody! Do you know why I called all of you here?" asks Mr. boss walking to the end of the line with his cane.

"No." says a few inmates.

"Really?!" says Mr. Boss going angrily to an inmate who was caught by him saying "No." as a response. "The answer should be "Yes." you piece of literal fucking garbage humanoid from America scum." he takes a knife, and he stabbed the poor inmate belly, and it lets the knife there, he walks away with his cane while the inmate is begging for help, and as soon as someone was about to help him get up, but Mr. Boss turned around, and he looks angry at that inmate with a look who stares into your soul. "Do not help a criminal. Understand?"

"Y-Y-Yes, sir." says the inmate going back to his place, trembling out of fear.

"Does anyone else from here not knows why I am asking all the remaining alive inmates why are you here?... Huh?... Nobody?"

"A-A-About th-the escape from last night?" asks an inmate feeling scared.

"That, and also the fact that someone is getting out today." he looks at a guard, and he asked for the paper documents. When he gets the documents he said the person name loud and clear to everyone. "Yuri Tanaka."

"I am here." says the guy named Yuri raising his hand to be seen by Mr. Boss.

"Your caution has been paid, so today it is your biggest day. You escape this prison, thanks to someone who has deep pockets and one second to spare top think about your useless life as a Japanese people." he walks closer to Yuri because he seems that Yuri is feeling irritated. "By the way, I think you will miss your tentacle hentai from your dear weird and degenerate country. Oh, my. Big ladies raping little kids seeing as being okay, while on this country, if it was on reverse, the man would have his cock silenced from his body, and this... It is a big punishment."

"C-Can I go?" asks Yuri to Mr. Boss.

"Sure, pal. Just go and free your cell, cause today this prison will get new inmates."

Mr. Boss is leading Yuri to the exit of this Hall, and then, he asks one of the guards to escort Yuri to his cell where he has to take out his things, but some prisoners noticed that Mr. Boss was whispering something to the guard, before he left with Yuri from this room. After those two left the room, Mr. Boss walks to an inmate from East Block, who is having the AB tattoos which shows that he is a part of that group, who assaulted Lenard and Rodriguez last night.

"It is not enough that your group has died yesterday," says Mr. Boss to that inmate. "they still have time to reproduce another one. What is your name?"

"A-Anton." says that inmate who is sweating.

"Anton, huh? The other name?"

"T-Turner. Anton Turner, sir."

"Okay, Turner. You seem pretty nervous. Did you not sleep well last night? The food did some belly trouble? Or did you snatch some cocaine from someone again?"

Anton Turner did not say anything, and this has infuriated Mr. Boss, who calls a guard to come to that AB man. When the guard came to that AB man, he grab him, and he proceeds to take him to a table. The inmate was struggling to get out from that "hug" as what Mr. Boss was calling it. One inmate was trying to go and help that man, but he got shoot in the leg by a guard. That inmate falls on the floor and scream in agony because of this pain the bullet has given it to him.

"Good job, Boris." says Mr. Boss to that guard who shot the man's leg, and he goes closer to the inmate, he takes a dagger, and he stabbed the other leg of that inmate. "There, now both are injured. Marc." says to a guard. "Go and get this man a wheelchair and send him to his cell."

"Roger." says Marc who's leaving the Hall to the Hospital Room to take one wheelchair.

Then, the man called Anton turner is put on that table, get his clothes taken away, including his underwear, then he gets tied up on that table. Mr. Boss goes to that man who's sweating bullets and try to free himself, but he cannot because of these tight ropes. Mr. Boss is taking out his pants and the next thing he comes out... it cannot be described on the word. But a thing it can be said, Mr. Boss has literally made Anton to never be able to walk again.

"Go and get this man a wheelchair." says Mr. Boss to another guard who's going to take a second wheelchair for that man. "Now. You inmates. I want all of you to behave good, or else your fate will be much worse than the ones here, understand?"

"YES, SIR!" yelled all the inmates frightened by the torture they were watching.

Later, all the inmates are heading back to their cells, or in the courtyard while a few guards were carrying their guns at the inmates backs.


A few hours later, on the cell number three from North Block, Rodriguez and Lenard are staying on their beds, feeling truly scared for the things they have witnessed and the cruelty of the man named Mr. Boss.

"Rodriguez Ostowaya?" asks the guard coming to their cell and unlocking the door.

"Yeah?" asks Rodriguez getting out of the bed and looking at the guard.

"Someone wanted to visit you." he opens the door to let Rodriguez leaves the room. "Follow me."

Rodriguez and with that guard are walking to the visiting Room, where a special person will try and visit Rodriguez also known as Rodriguez Ostowaya, who's Ramirez, but he changed his first name into prison to not be recognized by someone from Ruby City or other places from Colombia.