
Letters and proposals

The box held the most extravagant diamond ring she had ever seen. The ring was the embodiment of perfection. Small uniquely cut diamonds surrounded a larger turquoise diamond located in the very center. Every detail of the ring, every diamond cut, every shape was all unique making the ring simply perfect. The diamonds were unlike anything she had seen before, they glistened even in the dark.

Marie was certain this ring had cost a fortune. Why would he give her this? As Marie admired the diamond ring she noticed there was something engraved inside. As she held it closer she realized inside the ring held their names. "Luke and Marie for ever." Marie let her tears fall upon seeing the words. He really did love her.

Marie place the ring back in the box careful not to do anything to it and place the box on top of her bed. She felt a wave of confusion hit her like a ton of bricks. "What does this ring mean? Why send this to me? What are you trying to say Cat? If you care this much then why did you not bring this to me yourself? Why do you keep doing this to me? Why must you remind me of you if you won't ever come back to me?" Millions of questions tortured Marie. She couldn't wait any longer she had to know what was in the envelope. She picked up the envelope and opened it to find it held more than one thing.

The first thing she pulled out was 2 pictures. Both were 8x12, one was the same picture of them kissing in front of falls but this time it was full body and the other was Luke cuddling a sleeping Marie the morning after she had gave herself to him. Marie one again let out another tear. He knew just what to do to make her miss him he knew it well.

Looking once again inside the envelope Marie then found a letter just as she thought. Taking a deep breath Marie slowly opened the letter. Before reading the letter she decided to sit on the bed mentally preparing herself for what the letter would say. Marie took another deep breath and began to read.

Dear Princess,

Congrats on your graduation and on earning the scholarship you hoped for. I always knew you could do it. I am so proud of you my love. I want you to know that I miss you so much. That there is not a day that goes by that you are not on my mind. There is nothing that I want more than to be by your side. I wish I could walk beside you, hold your hand, hear your laughter, kiss your soft lips, get lost in your beautiful eyes, and hold you tightly in my arms.

I wanted you for so long and when I had you, I was dumb, I messed up and when we were finally happy, I let you go. I know you don't understand why I did what I did but please know that it was not because I stop loving you. I wish I could have explained it better, I wish that there was another way but sometimes things don't go as we hoped they did. Life is not always fair and we had to face troubles at an early stage of our relationship that tore us apart but know that it won't be forever. I know promises are meant to be kept but the last one I agreed to make it's one I must break. I can't stay away.

I refuse to love you in silence. We are meant to be and you will always be my princess. Now I will make a new promise to you. One I will keep. I promise to be the man you'd be proud of; I promise to love you for the rest of my life, to make you happy and to give myself only to you. I promise to be better princess, for you.

Princess I have wanted to come back for you for a while now but I knew I was still not worthy of you but I will be and when I am, I will come back for you. I will be the man of your dreams, the man you would be proud to call your husband. I will come back for you my love, I will stand by your side through the good and bad times, I will grow old with you to be your future and your forever and I will love you for eternity.

Princess I wish I could have given you the ring myself but I couldn't since I noticed you are still being watched but darling I want you to know that I never once doubted the fact that you are the one. The ring in the box was my mother's, she once told me the love of her life gave her a one-of-a-kind ring to prove their one-of-a-kind love, and she hoped that one day I could find the woman worthy of it and guess what? I did.

Marie you are the only woman I can see myself spending my life with. I love you. I had the ring personalized for you to prove to you that you will forever be the love of my life. I might not be by your side now but I will be soon. This ring is my promise to you, my promise to come back for you this is proof of my love for you. Keep this ring safe because I will come back for you and when I do, I will take the ring get on my knee and place it on your finger as I ask that you become my wife, I will always love you princess. ALWAYS.

With all the love in my heart

Luke (Shadow Cat) Smith

Marie hugged the letter tightly. At that moment all the hate she once felt disappeared. After talking to AJ then reading this letter she finally understood, it was clear why he had left her. AJ was right leaving her only proved how much he actually did love her. "He cares honey he really does" Marie rubbed her stomach while speaking to her child. That's when Marie froze. There was still one thing that could change everything one thing that she had been hiding. Her pregnancy.

"Do you think we should him about you?"