When a nice young girl bumps into Canada's most wanted assassin things take a drastic turn.After choosing to follow her heart she finds herself in a the middle of one of the worst gang wars in Canadian history. Will she make it out alive or will things go from bad to worse?
"W-why are you helping me?" I asked the blonde girl in front of me. She pressed her lips together before speaking. "I was in your spot once. Then Randy found me, he was the one who saved me. So, I stayed with him. A while ago I heard your screams. I convinced him to let me help you. I tried reasoning with him, I asked him to let you go but he wouldn't so instead I convinced him to let me help you, I made him see you would be no good if you were dead."
I looked at her with a blank expression on my face. Should I be thankful that she is helping me or pissed that she is keeping me alive only to get tortured some more by her boyfriend. My thoughts were interrupted when I see her look at the camera and then looked back at me "but don't get used to it, Randy is right and you will have to die soon" her voice was loud and evil. I was confused at what was happening but then I see her mouth the words I'm sorry before getting up and walking away. I am not sure what to think.
-3rd Person POV-
Shadow, Michael and another 10 gang members where on the road towards the direction were they believed Randy was located and AJ was. Weapons ready, silencers placed, protection worn, and phones ready in case they needed to call for backup, the gang was ready for whatever came their way. Matt, Cole and Nathaniel hacked the satellites and viewing the area from above trying to see any signs of danger but have not seen anything yet. Two minutes before arriving Michael and Shadow excited the vehicle and went on foot. They both knew they were at their best when they weren't seen.
The rest of the gang continued in their vehicles towards the location where AJ's phone was. A minute later they arrived. Michael and Shadow Cat awaited for confirmation to AJ and Randy's location. They were ready to attack upon receiving the signal. "Boss" the radio went off, Shadow being quick to answer, "what's the status" "we have located AJ. Unfortunately, he was shot three times, two in the right side of his chest and once in his stomach. Besides that, the area is clear, no signs of Randy of the Kyojin."
Shadow Cat ran his fingers through his hair putting his arms on the side of his face in frustration. Marie and his child are dying and once again he hit a dead end. Shadow cursed his luck. Why was life so harsh with him? This was so unfair. The radio sounded again, "Boss we have a pulse." Finally! Maybe his luck is changing.
"Get him in the car, I need him alive. Two of you get him to the medical facilities in headquarters call Dr. Johnson, give him any help he needs, he is no good to me dead. Go now! The rest of you search the area further look for any signs of hideouts. Randy has to be around here somewhere. I want you to find him, I want him dead and I want my princess by my side. Get to work!" Shadow knew there had to be more that they weren't seeing. He would find Randy and he was determined to end this tonight.
-Marie's POV-
I am so hungry; I can feel my stomach grumbling. The baby kicks every now and then most likely due to hunger as well. Oh god please let my baby get out of this one alive. My body aches all over, the cuts are stinging so bad. I truly hope they aren't getting infected. My eyes burn I no longer have tears. It has been hours since Katy came to clean and bandage my wounds. Or at least I believe it has. It's been hard to tell time when you are locked in a room with no lights, no windows, no clock, nothing.
Katy said she would bring me some water but she never came back. Maybe Randy wouldn't let her. Sometimes I feel like he hates me more that he hates Shadow Cat but I can't seem to understand why. "Oh god help me I don't want to die." I whispered slowly.
Luke, where are you? You promised you'd protect me but you haven't. If not for me please come for our baby. At this point I wished he could hear my thoughts. If only I could tell him how sorry I am for sending that letter. I don't want to die before telling him I love him; I always have and always will.
I can't help but wonder if he is looking for me? If not, him would AJ? AJ always called me at least 2 times a day. I wonder if he figured out that I am missing. What am I thinking? Of course, not Marie. You hadn't answered his calls for the past 2 weeks. But he always showed up after a day or two to make sure I was okay. Will he show up now?
*Ring, Ring* my phone lighted up. AJ's name appears on my screen. I pressed the red button hanging up the call again. "Why does he keep trying?" I think to myself. I sit behind the table covering my stomach. Mom and Dad are close to figuring it out, I tell them tonight but not right now. A few minutes later the door of my room opens. "Hey sweetie" my mom calls don't bother to look up my eyes still glued to my phone. "Hey ma" I reply. "Someone is here looking for you I went ahead and let him in." Him? At her words I look up and see AJ standing by the door with a worry look on his face.
"I see you have your phone." AJ speaks quietly. I look towards my mom and she seems to understand as she nods and walks out of the room. "What do you want AJ?" I ask hastily. He looks at me hurt. "Marie I've called you a million times, you weren't answering I got worried I have to come see you I had to make sure you were ok."
-End of flashback-
My memory is interrupted but the door opening. I look up to see Katy. "Hey I brought you some food." Her voice is shaky, I can feel something is wrong. "T-thanks" I reply. "Let me get the lights" she says soon after the lights turn on and I shut my eyes trying to keep the light from bothering me. I open my eyes slowly letting my eyes adjust to the lights and when they do I look towards Katy who is holding a tray. I smile at the all the food that is on the tray and then look up to try and meet her eyes but when I do, I can't help but gasp at the sight.
"Katy! What happened to you?"