
The creepy twins of darkness

adTHEweeb · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2. The kingdom of pain.

Before we start i just wanna say all of the girls naruto get in his harem are all bisexual and so they do get into girl x girl actions from timt to time this includes mito.

5 years had passed and there was a new enemy on the rise.

Death the king of the kingdom of pain and his angel that goes by the angel of death.

Yes it was the due of the god known as death himself and his angel of death.

The ninja world had been relatively peaceful for the most part tho the 5 great nations were in great tension as all of the nations had been very suspicious of konoha and were worry that they would do something big but they did not know of the true treat that had been growing over the years and they were not ready to take their first steps.

Lands of demons, kingdom of pain, main sleeping chambers.

ONII-CHAN ONII CHAN ONII-CHAN!!! Scream a feminen voice who sounded like she was enjoying herself a lot.

I-im coming! Said a more manly voice who seemed to be enjoying himself just as much.


There was a dripping noise and the 2 people screamed in a great pleasure and they both ended up pretty exhausted. The female dropped to the bed naked not long after the male landed on her. He started to kiss her furiously and enjoyed the taste of the female's mouth as she did the same.

Look at the mess you made sis. The male said with a smirk on his face, hearing that the girl blushed and smirked, you know you enjoyed it and you made the most of it.

Nah i don't know what you're talking about, really then how about i do you until you can't move? The girl said as she grabbed onto the guy's junk and started to stroke it making the male tensed up.

Time skip 5 hours later, pain kingdom's main sleeping chambers.

The same girl was on the giant bed, her hair all messy with her hair along with most of her body was covered with semen a daised look in her eyes.

The male looked very tired but he looked more conscious than the other.

The male suddenly got up and quickly picked up the girl but she didn't even flinch to show any hint of being scared or hesitant or anything with any other girls would be if a man just picked them up especially while naked.

The man carried the young girl in their private bathroom/bathhouse. He put her in the pull size bathtub and joined her.

Time skip, pain kingdom on a giant statue made of vibranium.

Naruto stode on the top of the head of the statue he had on his vibranium clothes and his cloak had the kanji for Death on it.

Next to naruto was his sister mito she had on her vibranium cloths as well the top looked like a fishnet long sleeve shirt and over it was a cloak with the kanji for angel of death on it and she had a long black socks with one of them having the kanji for kingdom of pain and the other having the kanji for queen she had a black short witch showed off her very well developed assets with the kanji for happy on it.

(all of naruto's and mito's cloths are made out of pure vibranium but theirs is advance where their army's is just like the wakanda worries where they can be beaten by the king/black panther)

Naruto and mito looked down at their massive army the army was filled with man's and womans alike and even some childrens tho there was not nearly as much as the adults and they all seem to be very strong for childrens but they also were not underaged kids they were all 13+ witch is the age to be considered a 'adults in the pain kingdom'.

(13 is also the age of consent in japan and that is the age that i will be following for this because this is made after a anime that is from japan sooooooo)

The army listened to the speech that the king and his queen was giving as they looked at the giant vibranium statue of naruto holding a weird special looking sword. There was something very odd about the weapon but it seemed to be Naruto's main weapon but something just seemed very odd about it.

The army cheard as they listened to their beloved king and queen.

My people today is a day that shall go down in history as today we of the kingdom of pain shall make our first move on the world and let the people of the world know pain they will be forced to their knees and have no chance against us the world itself will bow down before us!

Many Shears were heard as the army cheard with all their might.

Naruto and mito smiled remembering how this massive army all came to be.

But before anything could happen they were snapped out of their thoughts as a man with long spiky red hair, gray armor and a very demonic aura around him.

My lord, the air crafts are ready to deploit.

Naruto nodded approvingly, let us go then.

Naruto and mito walked away from the statue to their royal talon fighter witch is the royal airship personally made for naruto and mito tho other people do ride it when given permission but it is only the right hand man of naruto kurama the 9 tails fox and naruto's other females that he had a sexsual relationship with like karin uzumaki, tayuya uzumaki, kin Tsuchi, shion she had been approached by naruto and mito and they explained that they had planned to use the vibranium that people had not been able to use since the time of the clans war after they had help her kill the demon moro, pakura she had been saved by mito and they started a relationship as pakura had started to have distrust of mans as the whole team that betrayed her were all mens but she soon got with naruto as well, kazahana koyuki she had been saved by naruto after she left snow to go to the leaf she had encountered naruto and mito killing one of her grandfathers highest ninja's and she asked for their help and they helped her become leader of snow and then had a threesome in her palest, Shizuka naruto and mito went to Nadeshiko Village naruto beat her in a 1v1 making her be put in marriage with him they sealed the deal that same night with a threesome with her naruto and mito and she soon became the leader of Nadeshiko Village and actually fell for naruto mito and the other girls guren she was saved by naruto and she fell for him after explaining to her how orochimaru was just using her and did not care for her or her brother, fuu the seven tails jinchuriki she had actually became a perfect jinchuuriki after joining naruto and mito but before that she had been unable to defend her save and was violated in all ways but sexualy witch would have happened were it not for mito coming in like a shining light of death she had kill all of the mens that were going to use fuu for their enjoyment and she comforted fuu and not long after she had started to date mito and even did it with her a few times but After a month or 2 she tried it with Naruto and she ended up liking him but developed a very sadistic side that she did not have before and gained the ability to make an army of bugs and insects but she had to get a vesal to grow her army or use random ones that she finds but she enjoyed making new childs as she was considered the queen of all insects and there are some other girls in the harem that shall not be named for the time being.

Naruto walked down the giant alleyway on the red carpet alongside mito.

They soon as they entered their spaceship to see Karin, Fuu, Guren and Pakura. They were all sitting in the spaceship waiting for their king and queen.

So we are starting the process of world domination now. Said Guren as she was licking a popsicle.

Naruto simply nodded as he sat on one of the floating chairs.

We will start by taking over iwagakure then we will move on from there.

Onii-chan can i really use those people down there as i please? Said mito in a sweet pleading voice with a face to match it but what she was asking and what she had planned was the absolute opposite of that face.

Yes you can do as you wish with the ones that are too stubborn and don't want to follow us.


You're the best onii-chan! Mito said as she gave naruto a quick kiss on the cheek before she started to go celebrate with fuu and started to make out but they slipped and fell with fuu being on top and they started to get more into it.

Naruto just watched the scene in front of him. It was honestly quite hot and got him quite turned on and Guren saw thi she slipped her way there and undid his pants and started to please him using his giant popsicle that barely fit in her mouth.

Karin saw this and joined in as she started to play with his balls while pakura started to kiss him while he played with her boos with one hand and used his other hand to play with karins private very sensitive parts.

Time skip, 3 hours later.

A massive amount of fluid came shooting out of the girls as they had a squirting orgasm, Naruto had been doing all of them for the 3 hours which was not enough to satisfy them but enough to keep them calm for now.

Naruto had let out a river of semen on the girl and as it mixed with the girls flewids the room smelled like animals had been let loose in the sex department.

Naruto got up and picked up his sister and they went to the spaceship's bath to get themselves cleaned up.

Meanwhile konohagakure.

Minato had watched as manma grew and to say that she was spoiled was well basically saying you were in denial.

Manma had gotten major training from jiraiya who came by time to time and each time he trained manma as much as possible when jiraiya left manma was trained by tsunade and manma was also trained by kakashi most of the time but also by minato when he had time to do so.

Manman was considered a prodigy in konohagakure and he was in his own right but he was more overconfident than anything.

Manma had been the rookie of the years in the academy with sasuke as his rival and second best in the academy, the kunoichi of the year hanabi hyuuga (she's 2 years younger than hinata in this one) and lastly yakumo kurama she was not as high as hanabi but she had a special kekkei genkai that made her be able to make genjutsu into reality witch was very deadly but in exchange she had weak physical strength and had a demon in her with tried to take over her especially when she used her kekkei genkai and so she passed only on genjutsu and so was put in the middle due to the lack of genjutsu and other but strangely enough she had always cared a fuet to her side but never used it in battle only to herself and had always had painting materials witch she used in battle.

Team seven which had sasuke, manma, yakumo and hanabi was especially made for combat and so they got a special mission to go to the land of waves as a c ranked mission they completed it but it became an A ranked but they made it in the end.

Then team seven was put in the chunin exams where they all passed and became chunin many girls tried asking sasuke out but he refused as he was more interested in killing his brother for revenge but he was far to weak for that but he was hoping for his one or both of his female teammates to ask him out but that never happened he wanted to rebuild his clan with hanabi because she was strong and her byakugan was quite pure and if a sharingan mixed with a byakugan it would be stronger and he also wanted yakumo because her genjutsu kekkei genkai would make the sharingan have a much stronger genjutsu than it already had.

But for all the plans sasuke had they failed for the simple fact that none of the girls had any love for him and hated him quite a lot as he had been quite a d*ck head to them as after the exams sasuke had approached the 2 girls who were almost always together because yakumo had a weak body she was not crippled and could walk but she tried to save what little strength that she had to be used in her fights so she used a wheelchair and hanabi was pushing her but sasuke came and tried to grab her forcefully but she had tried to use a genjutsu but she gasped and held onto her head and scared as ido came out of her and attacked sasuke and chased him away.

This had made yakumo be stuck in the hospital for a week to recover and hanabi had beaten up sasuke for hurting her friend and stayed in the hospital with her.

Sasuke did not get the curse mark in the exams so he did not leave the village but he stayed and trained with kakashi and a lot of special jonins hanabi and yakumo tained together with yakumo also taking time to draw her genjutsu to be able to cast them much faster and more prices and hard to break free from but both girls hashly refused him.

Manma had been dating Hinata so he did not go after them but had tried to make Hanabi suffer to make Hinata happy and one way he did so was by physically hurting or verbally abusing her or yakumo.

Not long after they got a mission to go get a mission on tanzuka bridge and orochimaru surprisingly joined them as he had not attacked the village and he started to help tained orochimaru while manma trained with jiraiya and tsunade.

Unknown location.

We see hanabi walking with a calm look on her face as she pushed yakumo who was on her chair.

Their hair moved as the gentle wind blew in the grassy field hanabi suddenly stopped as they got top of a small grassy hill, she took out storage scroll and unsealed a camping tante yakumo started paint something but hanabi did not focus on that instead she took out 5 other scrolls and unsealed things from them one of them had food in it, another had cooking utensils, another had cloths in it, another had towels, soaps, shampoos and others, and the last one had a small portable bed.

It's a nice view isn't it

Yes I like it very much and I will make a painting to keep with me at all times as I know this is a special place for you after all...

Yes it's very special, more special and important than anything in this world... afterall... that's where I met him.


Yakumo suddenly drew a line and a portal which was like a line appeared in front of her. She put her hand in it and took out a painting.

You see this castles, this is where i use to hate the most in the entire world i hated it more than anything as you see i was stuck there ever since my apparent died i was kept imprisoned and i was in a constant mantle war with ido witch was very hard for me and made me have a great hatred for that place, my previous sensei and the village as a whole but that all changed when he came...

He saved me from that place and made me be able to use my demon in battle and work with her, fixed my problem of being physically weak and most importantly gave me a purpose.

Yes he gave me one and i don't have any intention to let him down. Hanabi said with a determined look in her eyes.

The 2 stayed in silence for a long minute thinking about the person they cared for the most in the world and how he had helped them so much.

Yakumo suddenly got up walked up to hanabi and started to kiss her they had a quick battle for dominance with their tongues but she won and pushed hanabi on her chair they parted and hanabi got up with yakumo's arms and legs wrapped around hanabi's weised and neck.

Hanabi dropped her on her back and started to kiss her again, this time being the winner of the tongue war they continued to kiss until hanabi separated gasping for air as saliva dripped from her mouth dropping on yakumo.

Hanabi got off of yakumo and sat back as she started to play with one of her boobs which was very well developed for her age.

Yakumo spread hanabi's legs open to see that her pantie was wet and was even dripping fluids.

Yakumo smiled and took a deep breath as she smelled the delightful smell.

Yakumo used one of her fingers and started too rub hanabi's sweetspot making her feel good soon she pushed her finger in as she pulled hanabi's pantie down and she slwoly went in deeper in her sex partner.

As the finger started to go deep in her hanabi moaned in pleasure Yakumo smirked as she pushed in 2 fingers instead of 2 and started to go in much deeper than previously.

Yakumo suddenly pulled out her fingers from hanabi.

Oh so he took your virginity.

Yeah and he took it a while back also the second best day of my life and one of the most wild ones too.

Yeah he is pretty wild as she remembered how she had been ravished by him destroying the bed that they used she blushed slightly and spread her fingers to see the sticky substance on them.

Yakumo licked her finger and drank the fluid and she liked the sweet taste very much.

She got close to Hanabi's sweet spot and started to eat her out and pushed her tongue inside her and she drank much more of the fluid.

As Yakumo lucked her sensitive spot and she felt the fluid be sucked out of her the more pleasure she received.

10 minutes later, Hanabi suddenly put her hands on the back of Yakumo's head and she screamed in pure pleasure as she came into Yakumo's mouth and Yakumo drank all of the godly fluid.

After the stream stopped yakuma felt hanabi's hands come off her head and she heard her collapse on the bed as she looked up she saw something quite unexpected she saw white liquid coming from hanabi's pink nipples she smirked.

Oh hanabi dear i didn't know you could make milk she said with a smirk as she started to suck on hanabi's niples and fingerd herself with one hand while she played with and squeezed hanabi's other breast.

Time skip, hokage tower.

Team seven i have a special mission for you it is a S ranked mission because of its potential danger and importance.

What is the mission hokage sama? Hanabi asked, even though she did not really care.

You must go to iwagakure and give this scroll to the tsuchikage.

Why is this a s ranked mission if there is no fighting the dumbass duck head uchiha asked.

It's because you might get attacked by all of iwa and the land of stone and this is a peace treaty between villages so it is very important.

Is that all hokage sama? kakashi asked sounding serious and he didn't have the book in his hands

You will be accompanied by a squad of anbu.

Hai hokage sama!


Naruto sama. Said a feminin voice.

Did you make sure that no one is listening to us?

Yes I used my abillied and there is no one within a mile radius of me.


When will the attack begin naruto sama?

It shall begin in 5 hours.

I shall make the necessary preparations as you have asked.

Good, make sure nothing goes wrong on your part and tell the others to head back home.

Hai, I will let them know.

4 hours and 59 minutes later, gates of iwagakure.

Konoha's team had just made it there and had given the guards their permission to enter and go the onoki but something caught their eyes on their their way there they looked behind a hill of some kind to see a large group of people with black hoods over their heads get covered in light and just vanished.

Royal ship of the kingdom of pain.

Naruto sat down on his chair with a smirk on his face as his eyes pulsed ever so slightly as he was excited to begin his and his sister's conquest to conquer the world.

Soon this world will know pain. Naruto said in a menacing voice as his sister stood behind him with a blood thirsty look on her face.

End of chapter 2