
The Creation Of Magic

a failed expirament transformed a scientist life into a none stop, action packed, adventure.

ViciousReturns · Fantasie
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7 Chs


When Grim woke up that morning their was nothing. Looking out the empty pit left behind Grim was around 50 feet under sea level. The inside of the metal dome was a scorched black but still in tact. When Grim looked around he found nothing. When Grim checked his cloths were missing, but Grim was too shell shocked to noticed. When Grim made his way to the end of the ditch he looked up in desperation. He had never rock climbed before. When Grim attempted to climb out up towards the dome's door the dirt wall crumbled leaving Grim in a helpless situation. When Grim looked up again he felt the pressure of death bear down on him. Originally the dome had lights to simulate the day but they had all broken. Their was nothing Grim could do in the dark besides wait.

He should feel invincible after surviving an explosion like that but Grim's mind had gone insane. If he wasn't dead before he definitely thought he was now. Grim layed down as the walls around him rumbled slowly. Eventually half of Grim's body was covered in dirty. It had been hours and nothing had changed; He didn't waken up, he wasn't approached by a demon or ghost, ruling out pergatory, plus if the medication made him hallucinate he would have snapped out of it by now. When Grim thought back to his Snat he started crying uncontrollably. His Snat had gotten instantly vaporized. Grim had caused the whole situation. Grim knew the crystal was unstable and he still risked playing around with it. Grim cryed as he slowly pulled himself into a ball.

Their has to be a reason he survived. Either he was a ghost or their was something about him . Inside the dome time started to slow down. Grim had layed their motionless for almost 24 hours before the door in the dome opened.


Grim had heard a loud thud noise but remained motionless. After a few secound Grim heard a loud scream.

"F**ckkkkk!!! I…I I I think it's broken. " The poorly lit dome didn't show the bottom just a small random patch of dirt was lit. The next moment the voice's arm lit up with a display screen. After the man groaned for a bit a dialing noise eccord thru the dome. When the call picked up the man in the green hazmat started talking. "I need a evac right now!" As the man started to groan again a women picked up the conversation.

"Yes sir!" The women answered very quickly. Grim who had layed their motionless got up with dirt falling off him. The hazmat suite almost glowed with the screen lighting it. Grim slowly took step towards the man who was laying in pain 40 feet under the door frame of the doom. When Grim got to the man only his outline was visible to him causing panic to fill his heart. When Grim crouched down to check on the man he heard a noticed something familiar about him. The face of his boss was bearly visable as the man layed their motionless.

When the man noticed Grim he found that Grim's eyes were glowing a grey color. The pressure he felt staring into them made his head hurt more than his broken leg. "Grim?" The man asked as he held his head. "What happened here?" The man asked as he looked at Grim horrified.

"Their was an explosion." Grim's voice sent shivers down the man's spine.

"How are you alive?" The man almost dropped dead when he heard what Grim said.

"I don't know." Grim replied out of habit but he was just as shocked as the man was. Everything inside the dome was obliterated. It doesn't zero sense that Grim survived. Making the man grow increasingly nervous. Grim sat down next to the man grunting relentlessly.

"Your eyes are glowing, can you see in the dark?" The man asked trying to distract himself from the pain.

Grim stayed silent as he looked around. "I don't think so. I can see radiation." As Grim finished talking he stared at his hands. "Theirs radiation comming off me." Grim's words made the man shudder involuntarily.

Although the man had made that comment as a way to break the tension he realized how serious the situation was. "I'm sorry." Grim had shut the man up with a few words. Guilt started to fill his mind as he began to think about what could have happened. Regardless of what kind of explosion it was their is no explanation to how Grim had survived.

"I though you had just taken off your arm band when the signal dropped. I didn't think anything of it and came to personally drop off a few things." When the man finished talking he passed out leaving Grim to speculate.

No one knew their was an explosion. His boss was the one who asked for an evacuation. Grim knew they would be their in a matter of minutes. Grim was unsure of how to feel or what to do. The explosion had caused him to doubt his every thought. As the minutes passed Grim started to feel increasingly tired. Before Grim realized it he had galled asleep sitting down.

When Grim woke up he found himself in a hospital gown. Looking around he realized he was in a hospital room. After looking around he realized he was alone and went to sleep. When he woke up again theirs a group of men and docter around him talking rather loudly. When they noticed Grim had woken up they had stopped talking and stared intently at Grim.

"What's going on?" When Grim asked the room started to talk amongst eachother. After a moment a Docter stepped up.

"You are dead. He have no way of helping you." The man was very straight forward when he spoke. Grim was mortified. He had no idea how he should take the news.

"Am I a ghost?" Grim was still lost in thought when he asked out of reflex.

"More like a zombie." One of the men in the background spoke up. The man's eagerness unsettled the crowd as they shifted around a little.

Grim looked down at his hands as he started to shut down. Half the room left leaving behind 4 men. Their black suites stood out inside the bland room.

"Where here because we are worried you will pose a threat to the states. You can either let us study you or wear an explosive collar." The man's blunt words made Grim snap out of his daze.

"What kind of sadistic shit is this?" Grim was annoyed that the first thing he heard after waking up was nonsense.

"You are no longer human or part of our nations. We would have made you disappear already if you weren't so famous right now." The man at the end wasn't loud, but his aggressive tone filled the room.

"Grim. Theirs no easy way to say this, but your going to be experimented on." The room became tense but Grim was drowning in his own thoughts.

What does he mean by dead? The words played back in Grim's mind endlessly. The only future Grim had was being expiramented on. Grim started to panick as he thought of what waited for him. Grim yanked out everything inside of him and jumped for the door. The men Grabbed Grim pushing his body against the bed. Surprisingly Grim pushed all of them back as he attempted to jump out the window. When Grim broke thru the window he fell 5 stories before splatting on the floor. It looked like a gallon of blood had been shot out of Grim's body making him look like a busted tomato. When Grim picked himself up he felt his body's control had been reduced, but was perfectly fine. When Grim started to run the glass in his feet caused him to slip around. Grim finally maneged to gain traction when he was on the grass. When Grim started running he finally was able to think again. His instincts told him if he wanted to live he had to run. Before Grim could get 30 feet Grim's back was riddled with bullets. Grim fell motionless but with the amount of blood he lost he didn't bleed much. Surprisingly Grim wasn't entirely dead but he was worried what'd they do if he got up again. After a moment Grim decided to risk it and dash for cover. When Grim started running his movement a no longer looked human as his limbs struggled to work properly. Surprisingly Grim wasn't met with any shots. Grim didn't question it as he made his way down the building. When Grim got to a parking he we shocked to see no one around. Grim broke a window of a car before realizing that he didn't know how to hot wire a car. With that in mind Grim started to run franticlly.

When Grim started to cross the street he got smacked into the air for a moment before landing a houndred feet from the car. When the person got out and ran to him Grim took the chance and pushed the man down before making his way into his car. Grim stepped on the peddle leaving screech marks and a confused man.Grim's thoughts started to race as he drove off. As the time pass

Grim started to run out of gas. When Grim thought about his options he thought the best course of action would be to rob a bank. Grim needed cloths first he couldn't rob anything in a hospital gown. Grim was honestly waiting to die from the bullet holes but he didn't. Grim drove his car into a store at full speed. When the airbags deflated he stepped out and picked the clothes that fit him. After a while cop cars started pulling up and one by one they made their way in threw the hole in the wall. When they stepped in they were surprised to find nothing. When they were heading out to regroup one of them got tackled. Grim had jumped onto the roof and waited till one of them was alone after a few moments of struggling Grim maneged to knock them out. With a Gun in hand Grim ran out the back and stole a open cop car. Grim droving off sent off red flags inside all the cops heads. Jumping into action they drove after Grim without thinking things threw. By the time Grim made it down the street their was 4 cop cars close to catching him. Grim didn't want to kill anyone so he decided not to empty his clip. Grim chose to turn on the sirens and drive to somewhere he could buy some time. Grim was surprised to not recognize anything around him. The hospital he was at was clearly not the closest hospital to Grim's house making him disoriented. As Grim was freaking out he finally saw his opportunity. A golf course entrance was down a street. Ramming threw the fence Grim looked for a lake. When Grim spotted one he drove top speed into it. The car bounced a couple times before sinking.