
The Crazy Tomboy

♡✿♡✿♡✿♡ Ever been in a worst case scenario, where your once wealthy family becomes poor and began eating from hand to mouth, and how you have to take on soo many part time jobs just to fend for both yourself and your entire family? Well that was the case of LALISA BAL, popularly known and called Lisa. She is a pretty nineteen years old and the only child of her parents. She and her family are from Thailand, but they had to move to Australia, because of her father's job which he later lost. She is tall and slim in figure, and still has the killer shapes to make any guy go crazy. But all this beauty was hidden behind baggy clothes and huge trousers why?? Lisa's father came home one day that he had lost his work in the oil company. He was the general manager of the company, in charge of overseeing the funds and finances of the company, but all of a sudden something went wrong and he was instantly fired. Not too long after, he became in debt and highly burdened by his once light weighted responsibility, and had to borrow money from a loan shark. He used his wife's mini bar which was their family's only source of income, as a collateral for the money he borrowed. Lisa's Dad tried so hard to get another job but all to know available, he began working on a construction site, but quited when he was involved in an accident that claimed one of his legs, since then he became idly useless cause no one wanted to hire a disabled man. When it was time to pay back not to mention the interest added to the money he borrowed he couldn't pay up and his wife's mini bar was taken away from them. Because he couldn't pay up the interest, every night by 8pm the thugs would appear and beat him up for twenty minutes before going back to their base. Things became worse when his now jobless wife became a chronic drunkard and also a gambler. Lisa had to shoulder her dad's responsibility at the age of fifteen, so that she would be able to fund his hospital bills and also send herself back to school. Amidst that crazy personality stood a nineteen years old young girl of wild dreams, and the greatest of all her dreams was that she wanted to become a student in her dream school, a school meant for the rich and not the poor. Finally another scholarship session came and after applying for the second time that year she was accepted, but she still needed to gather more money for her textbooks and writing materials which was surprisingly very expensive, because it was to be purchased in the school and no where else. After striving to get into the school, she finds out that all she dreamt and thought about the school, was not really what she expected, and things even become more worse when she finds herself entangled between the two most popular boys in the school, who are most likely arch enemies!! What do you think will become of Lisa in Geelong high school? What do you think could be the situation that led to her dad's misfortune? Note: Lisa has a high level of fighting spirit, and also a stubborn rigid mind that when she makes it up she never changes it, or will she? For who and whom?

Fave_Gold · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
58 Chs



Lisa came out of the shower in only her towel only to meet Dylan on the bed playing video games on his phone and her eyes widened instantly, while Dylan turned away to avoid seeing her.

"I just came here cause I'm not still over giving my room to you okay? Don't get me wrong?". Dylan said, still avoiding Lisa's gaze.

"Well now you'll have to leave cause I'm naked!". Lisa yelled and Dylan grinned.

"You're not naked, you're on a towel". He chuckled.

"What did you just say?". Lisa glared at him.

"Nothing. I'll see you later". Dylan said as he stood up from the bed and began heading outside.

Lisa sighed in relief and right when she was about to take off the towel, Dylan came in again and she flinched as she hastily held her towel tightly.

"Sorry, I just wanted to inform you that we'll be eating out for dinner…

"Get out!!". Lisa yelled and Dylan instantly ran out shutting the door before him.

"That perverted jerk!". Lisa spat.


"Is this the fool you recommended as a good meat butcher? This idiot doesn't even know how to hold the knife properly!". Granny Agnes spat as she forcefully snatched the knife away from terrified Aiden and Isla just chuckled from where she stood.

"Go take off my gown. It's not for lazy b*tt heads like yourself!". Granny Agnes snapped and both Aiden's and Isla's eyes widened.

"Wait…does this mean she won't let you go out with me?". Aiden asked Isla worriedly, and she nodded with a sad pout on her face.

Then Aiden instantly faced Granny Agnes, who was now busy cutting the meat herself with a strong expression on her face.


"Who's your granny?! I can never have a lazy grandkid who knows how to do nothing. And quickly go off my gown you look like a weasel in it!". Granny Agnes said harshly and Aiden glanced at himself, while Isla fought back her laughter.

The gown was light brown in color and a long pencil one at that. Which truly made him look like a weasel. Though he wouldn't deny he felt comfortable in it, mostly because it was neat though rumpled because it was old, but it still looked presentable.

"I'm sorry. Aunt…

"Just call me Agnes I'll be the one to decide whether you're fit to be one of my grandchild or not". Granny Agnes said her focus completely on the meat she was molesting.

"Agnes, I was just warming up. Hand it over to me I'll do it best this time around". Aiden said, taking the knife from her with so much confidence.

He had noticed the way she held the knife earlier so he held it right this time around but right when he was about to cut into the meat, he fumbled and ended up cutting his hand instead, then blood began gushing out of it.

Isla's eyes widened as she quickly rushed to him, while Granny Agnes shook her head and continued her business by herself.

"Let me help you treat it". Isla said worriedly and Aiden nodded. Then she took him out of the house but it's still inside the gate, and made him sit on a bench chair while she went inside in search of the first aid kit.

"This is what I get for once being a bully". Aiden sighed as he stared at his bloody finger. Then Isla came back with the kit and settled beside him, then she began treating the wound tenderly while Aiden's entire gaze was on her.

"It's just a minor cut, so long as you don't stress it, it won't hurt…

"I'm sorry". Aiden cut her off and she gave him a puzzled look.

"Huh?". Isla muttered.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you during your first days at school. I was a real jerk and I won't deny it. I had a very bad mentality of hating poor people who I believed were gold diggers, but thank goodness I'm changed now, and it's all because of you". Aiden muttered sincerely.

"Me? How?". Isla asked and Aiden chuckled, pecking her on the lips.

"You won't understand. Now that my cut has been treated let me head back in and help butcher the meat this time around. I wouldn't want her to be the reason why you can't date me". Aiden smiled as he stood up, and began heading in.

"She already gave her approval, there's no need for that". Isla said standing up and Aiden stopped on his track before turning to face her.

"She did?". He asked curiously and Isla nodded.

"But how? I thought she didn't like me?". Aiden asked as Isla walked up to him.

"Well I like you and she hates interrupting my feelings so she had to agree". Isla smiled and Aiden laughed in excitement.

"Wait…then why did she make me do all those things and even put on her gown if she has already accepted us being together". Aiden asked and Isla bit her lower lip before answering.

"She was only following Lisa's orders that's all". Isla replied and Aiden scoffed.

"If you're not going to accept my friendship with her then it's best we don't date at all". Isla said and Aiden's eyes widened.

"You're joking right?". He questioned.

"Of course not!" Isla snapped and Aiden sighed.

"I never mentioned you can't keep her as a friend. Just don't let her influence you too much, I want a peaceful and not troublesome girlfriend". Aiden said and Isla scoffed, then she began feeling chilly and she hugged her body. Aiden, noticing it, took off his jacket and wore it on her.

"Thanks". Isla smiled at him.

"It's not for free". Aiden smirked, and like that he claimed her lips kissing her tender lips, warmly and passionately.

"That's the only thing he's good at…Good for nothing!". Granny Agnes spat as she watched them through the kitchen window, but then she smiled when she saw how well Isla was responding to the kiss.

The duo kept on kissing for a good ten minutes with Isla's palm on his firm chest and Aiden's hands on her soft cheeks as he used them to pull her closer to him.

He wouldn't deny he had already gotten so addicted to her lips and he isn't ready to stop making it swollen with his hot kisses.

"That's enough!". Granny Agnes finally yelled and the duo gently broke the kiss, facing the old lady.

"Come here pretty boy I have something to tell you". Granny Agnes said and Aiden instantly went to her. Then she led him into her little study room and shut the door behind them leaving Isla to wonder what was going on.


"I thought you mentioned we were eating out for dinner, how come your parents aren't home yet?". Lisa asked as Dylan pulled her by the wrist towards his car in the parking space.

"Well, something came up and they'll be home late". Dylan replied as he opened the door to his blue Ferrari for her to enter.

But Lisa frowned at him.

"What? You don't like it?". Dylan asked.

"I told you anytime we're to drive together, I'm the one who picks the car, not you!". Lisa snapped as she began making her way towards his new red Lamborghini, almost like the one she destroyed but even better and Dylan's eyes widened as he immediately ran towards it blocking her from moving closer to it with his two hands spread vertically and Lisa smirked evilly at his reaction.

"This car or no dinner for the both of us!". Lisa announced with a smirk on her face and Dylan's eyes widened.

"Okay we'll take it. But please be careful with it. I would die of heartbreak if you destroy it like the last one". Dylan pleaded and Lisa chuckled before holding up his cheek.

"You look more like a kid when you beg for something. Don't worry, I won't do anything to your beloved lambo. As long as you don't piss me off". Lisa smiled, patting his cheek before opening the door to the car and entering it, before shutting the door roughly and Dylan's heart pounded thrice.

"It's a billion dollar car. She just shut the door roughly like that. Oh God, I have a feeling I'll join you soon because of a heart attack". Dylan muttered before entering the car and driving off.

Few minutes after they left the house Lady Emily's car drove into the mansion and she alighted with an angry expression on her face.

"Once he comes to apologize I won't forgive him!". Lady Emily fumed as she went into the mansion.

The senator's Limo pulled up thirty minutes later, and the senator, knowing what trouble he had gotten himself into, sighed deeply before alighting the car.

He knew his wife to be so childish and he knew apologies without gifts were useless in her presence.


The moment Oliver went into the club the first person he sighted was Maya dancing among eight different guys.

He frowned at the sight before taking his seat, just by the corner where he had a greater view of her and the men.

He ordered two bottles of alcohol and he was drinking with his gaze fully on Maya who danced intimately with the guys.

She didn't look as though she was doing it for the first time as she began twerking for a particular one and Oliver's eyes widened while he tightened his grip on his drink in rage.

Then suddenly she finally caught a glimpse of him and she smiled before excusing herself from the guys to go to him and Oliver scoffed as she approached him.

"Hey!". Maya smiled as she settled down beside him and Oliver ignored her as he drank from his drink and Maya snatched it from him.

"Are you drunk? If so then you should stop drinking. I can't take you home". Maya said as she gulped down his drink in one goal and Oliver frowned at her.

"Just because I ignored you makes me drunk? F**k off Maya". Oliver said as he poured himself another drink and Maya was the one who frowned this time around.

"Why are you suddenly being rude to me?". Maya asked calmly.

"Haven't I always been rude to you?". Oliver questioned back.

"Yes but I just thought that…

"After what happened between us in the physics lab the other day everything would have changed?". Oliver finished it for her and Maya bit her lower lip.

"Do you take me as one of those guys you were twerking for over there who can always be nice to you?". Oliver asked and Maya scoffed.

"We're just fun mates okay? And you're not my boyfriend so you have no right to question my actions. I'm in a club not a church. You don't expect me to sit down quietly looking like a rejected soul even though I was rejected countless times by the jerk I have a crush on! Among all my friends around me I'm the only one who's single! I've been single ever since I got into highschool and now very soon I'll graduate from highschool and you expect me to still keep my distance from guys?!". Maya questioned hurtfully and Oliver blinked profusely as he stared at her.

"No guy would find themselves secured in a relationship where the girl dances freely among numerous guys in a huge city club like this". Oliver replied and the tears that had been threatening to drop down from Maya's eyes finally dropped and she stood up.

"Davis would be heading to the airport on his way to England to stay with his parents. His flight is scheduled for 8pm tonight so do Olivia a favor by seeing him off. He has no friends now and being the only one Olivia could turn to in time of need, it's only proper if you see him off and bade him goodbye ''. Maya managed to say before walking away and Oliver sighed as he stared at her leaving figure.

Then he began crying when he remembered his late sister Olivia.

"He should have f**king waited for her burial to give her his last respect before he leaves if he was truly a friend to her". Oliver muttered…

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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