
The Counter GARdian

‘Kay so, let’s start from the beginning; I woke up in a different world, there is magic mind you, that is plagued by monsters and shit, There are lunatics who want to summon an evil god whom they believe would bring salvation but actually is just gonna kill and destroy everything, There is a prophesied apocalypse which involves dragons and a dragonborn, There are corrupted lands, with their habitants becoming husks of their former selves, And most importantly there are goddamn players who come from a different world and are wrecking havoc wherever they go And all I have is a bow and… arrows? Technically. -No harem -Love interest will be Artoria. -I own nothing. Maybe my OCs. -I can’t make any promises on updates. -I’m not a good writer. -English is not my main language. -I love you

SplendidPuma · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 23

"I am the Bone of my Sword."

With a simple chant, the sparks intensified as a sword shaped like a drill started taking form in his hand.

"Ugh it's tough." Max said through gritted teeth.

He was trying to project Caladbolg III finally and even though he finally had mana reserves to accomplish that feat, it didn't make it painless as a huge amount of mana was coursing through his circuits within a short period of time.

Except for getting better at Projection, he also became more adept at using his Phantasm.

He felt like an idiot for using it without understanding anything behind it. Even now he didn't understand much of it, but he was learning.

Previously he thought of the Phantasm as an ability he could use like in games but now he understood better.

It was a part of him. It was the world in his consciousness. It was the reality he forced upon the world in the shape of a marble. A Reality Marble.

In the battle with the Tyrant, Adrian could've activated the Dawnbreaker without any chants. But that would have made its power much less than when he chanted.

The same thing went for his Reality Marble.

He could manifest it without any chants, but that would make its power much lesser.

He could only come up with one line until now as the lines had to represent both himself and the Reality Marble. But he was trying his best.

And also chanting the line before Projecting a blade, especially the heavy cannons, which was only Caladbolg III at the moment, (Dawnbreaker couldn't count as he couldn't Project it right now anyways), would strengthen them further.

For basic weapons without a name to them, he could project them very close to their originals, like 7 points out of 10.

But for the weapons with quite the legend and history behind them, it would be a 5 at most. But if he used a chant, it would increase to 6 points out of 10! And with a lower cost to boot!

And here he was, trying out the differences with a chant and without a chant.

Soon, the Spiral Sword finally took shape in his hand. 'It is really a drill.' Max thought.

But he was not done yet as the weapon wasn't ready to be used as a projectile.

He poured his mana into the sword, both strengthening it and also changing its shape.

The sword elongated and thinned until it looked like an oddly shaped arrow. It was made more aerodynamic.

"That's an odd looking sword." Medb commented from the side. She felt weird when she first laid her eyes on the sword but then dismissed it as it was nothing important.

Max didn't respond to her as he was fully focused on the task ahead.

He knocked the Caladbolg III onto the bow and pulled the string.

The surrounding mana churned upon sensing that a magical object was about to be activated.

Wind started howling around the sword as a gale made their clothings sway from side to side.

"Huuu" Max exhaled as he took aim in the plains without any innocents nearby, "Caladbolg!" And released the string after chanting the name of the weapon to activate it.

"Uwoh!" Max was thrown out of balance from the force behind the sword.

The sword, now an arrow, flew true by twisting the air around it. The birds or any other aerial creatures that flew close to it was sucked into the center from the arrow's rotational force.


And when it finally made contact with the target, it exploded. Turning the area around it into ruins.

*Whistle "Wow that was great! Do that again!" Medb exclaimed and turned to Max, only to find him slumped on the ground face first. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"I can't move a muscle!"

"Since Projecting only that sword was this taxing on you, why did you do it? I always thought you were a cowa- ahem cautious guy."

"The risk I took was calculated… but boy am I bad at math." Max said. "Now, give me something to eat! I'm starving here!"

"…" *sigh "Be grateful that I'm going through such lengths to help you."

"Yeah thanks."


"Hey Wrought Iron, I need this fixed."

"Hey can you help me repair my axe?"

"Hey can you polish this armor please?"

"Hey can you-"

"Enough! What is going on here?!" Max yelled.

Currently he was surrounded by nearly 20 hunters who wanted either their equipment fixed or wanted to make a commission.

He has never had this many orders at once before. 'Something is up.' He thought.

"Didn't you hear? A dragon was killed."


"And its hoard was untouched! It is there for the taking! People started calling it One Piece as all the treasure were left in one piece."

"One Piece?" Max asked with a tilt of his head.


"So, you are all going to try finding it?"


"Do you even know where it is?"

"We don't know the exact location but they say that it is to the west, around Falinesti."

"Hmm, okay got it." Said Max with disinterest. He wasn't going that far just to look for a treasure that may or may not exist.

"Some even say that there is an artifact that can grant the wishes of its wielder!"

"Granting wishes?" Max looked thoughtful.


"I see. So, that's why the commissions shot through the roof." He nodded thoughtfully.

"So? Are you going to search for it as well?" A hunter asked Max.

"Nah. I'm not interested, good luck everyone." He said and turned back to the smithy to jot down the requests.


"I'm super interested."

On the second floor of the Bravil Hunters Guild, in a room sat Max and Medb who were contemplating the rumors.

"Are they true? Is there an artifact that can grant wishes?" He asked.

During the time he spent with Medb, instead of only seeing her cons, he started seeing her food sides too.

For example, she was a great danger radar.

Her abnormal luck would allow her to dodge any dangers unaware. That's why Max started valuing her opinions as any whims from Medb could save his life.

Of course, her luck would only work for herself and wouldn't extend to him. It may even put him in danger to save her but as long as he paid attention to his surroundings and didn't believe her words fully, he could be prepared for what is to come.


Wow! Who knew that being a dirty author and accepting bribes would be this profitable~

Okay, as usual; If you enjoy it, throw some stones and GIVE REVIEWS, for crying out loud!

…extra chapter is on the way 🫡

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SplendidPumacreators' thoughts