
The Lottery Begins!

In a lottery, depending on the numbers needed to win, you have a probability to win. For example, getting the jackpot will need you to hit 8-9 numbers precisely. Just from that, It will already give you 1/32 chances of winning.

Adding to the fact that the lottery you're going to join is in a nationwide basis. It means that all the people in the country who also joined the lottery is a competitor. That will give you a 1/64 chances of winning.

It's already so low even from the beginning, so why would people still bet at that? It's because It's not zero percent, and even if you don't get the jackpot, if you can hit at least 3 numbers, then you will win a considerably huge money too.

The one thing they don't realize is that this lottery, is slowly eating you, devouring you! At the end of the day, you'll realize that you've already spent all you cash! Since you've already spent all your cash, you've got to hope for a miracle to come! A miracle that will let you win!

If you actually won, then that's good. But If you didn't, you'll be devastated. With no money to spare, you've got to spend your days until your next payday.

That's my impression of a lottery, but I never expected that I will enter that same lottery. But It's a bit different. I'm right here, standing while the announcer's calling our group's name one by one for us to draw a piece of card that contains our numbers.

I won't let anyone see my number. If this lottery was a setup to make the veterans and beginners to face off at the Round 1, then as long as they don't know my number, they can't do anything!

I bet that they held this lottery for beginners to see that this league is completely fair and square. If they just announced the face offs and setup for beginners to face the veterans, I'm sure they will have some suspicions.

The Veterans will crush the beginners at Round 1, giving them a low rank that will not make them rise anymore. If you've already got a low rank, then the audience will not even bother to come to your concert!

While the veterans was fighting with themselves, the beginners was left crawling at the ground, still trying so hard to achieve a high rank. But... because of the way of winning, no matter how they struggle, they won't win. That's how cruel this system was.

That's why we can't afford to lose the Round 1! We need to face a fellow beginner, then make ourselves rise! Failure is not an option!

"The representative of Cherry Blossoms, please come here to draw your card."

I stood up and walked towards the platform and stopped in front of the lottery. For some reason that I don't know, the platform's light is so bright but I didn't minded it for now. I gave the announcer an intense stare. There's no reason for that, I just figure he might look at my card. But he just gave me a little smile and stretched his left arm towards the lottery, as if saying "Go ahead and draw."

Now what kind of hell would this number put on me? Time to find out!


I stretched my arms and entered it at the hole of the box. After that, I felt a stockpile of cards. I tried to reach my arms for every nook and cranny of the box. But It seems all this box contains is just cards.

In the end, I decided to pick on a whim. I took one of the cards and raised my hand along with the card. I looked at the card I got and the number 26, was written on it.

So 26, is my number, huh? I didn't let the announcer take a peek and just put the card directly into my pocket. I don't have any bag with me now, so my pocket will do.

After that, I stepped down of the platform and came back to my initial seat. I tried to look around for anyone who's looking at somebody else cards. If I saw someone do it, then that will only prove my theory.

I found none but It doesn't mean that this is not rigged. There are still methods that they can use, but as long as they don't know our number, they can't have a step forward!

After a little while, all of the participants have drew a card.

"Okay, the people who has the number 16, please raise your hand."

At the announcer's words, two people raised their hands. After that, they approached each other and did a handshake. Maybe wishing for a good match.

I bet that the guy is a beginner while the other is a veteran! From the way that guy speaks, he's already accustomed to this.

I turned my head forward and just didn't minded their little exchange. It's okay! I'm on guard! I didn't let anyone see my card! If I don't raise my hand here, this number will be useless!

We're going to face a beginner like us! It's going to become a huge dilemma if we face a veteran! I didn't let anyone see my card! I'm safe!

I waited and waited. Number 26 seems to be long. I did nothing but sit and wait for the number 26 to get called. After some minutes, the number I'm waiting for... finally came!

"The people who has the number 26, please raise your hand!"

I immediately raised my hand! After that, I turned my heads left and right to see the other people who has the number as me! Which is it!? Veteran or Beginner!?

I turned my head backwards and saw the other guy who has the same number as me but...

My luck is really... terrible.