
Chapter 29

Claudia walked up to Imperial Square and looked up at Imperium. The building still stood imposing, impenetrable. Not in the literal sense of course. Anyone with a powerful enough ability could destroy the tower easily enough. No. What made Imperium impenetrable, was the fact that it was the home of the most powerful Royals in New Miami, and attacking it would mean certain doom. No one in their right mind would even consider assaulting it and believing they could do actual damage. 

No one except Spectre.

But Claudia wasn't concerned about Operation Overthrow at the moment. Her brother was in there now, with the Lord Ruling doing Lunam knows what.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, boss lady?"

Claudia looked at Klaus, saying nothing, but hopefully conveying her determination through her look alone.

"I see…" Klaus said, seeming to finally understand that nothing was going to change Claudia's mind. She will go into Imperium, she will speak with Ada, and she will find a way to free William. "Looks like I won't be successful in stopping you." He added, "And I doubt reminding you of the risks of walking directly into our enemy's home will change that. Here." He handed her a gold bracelet.

Claudia took the bracelet with a frown, watching him put one on himself. Even the idea of pretending to be a Royal didn't feel right to her. Still, this was the only way to meet with Ada at Imperium. It was the only way to move freely about with drawing Royal attention. Royals rarely tended to bully themselves.

"Let me remind you, this a fake." Klaus said. "It won't get us past the lobby floor, but it'll at least let us walk around without getting harassed by Royals. Alright, let's do this."

Claudia tapped the earpiece hidden in the back of her ear. "Jake. All's good?"

"Yes ma'am." Klaus had an earpiece himself, so he heard Jake's voice too.

Claudia motioned Klaus to follow as she walked up to Imperium's front doors. They entered the building acting as casual as possible, walking past Royals that barely gave them a second glance after noticing the golden bracelets on their wrists. The large majority of people walking about the lobby, going about their business, were Royals. 

On a particular corner, a Royal was bullying a Commoner. The Commoner looked like a High Tier employee. A kind looking man who looked like all he wanted was to be left alone and get on with his business. But the Royal wasn't going to let him go without humiliation. Claudia was about to head over and intervene when she felt Klaus's hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

"Best not to draw any attention to ourselves right now." He advised. "We are here with fake IDs, fake bracelets, and wearing these uncomfortable suits. Let's get about our business as soon as possible before we are discovered."

Claudia clenched her fists, but nodded. She was here to rescue her brother, and Klaus was right. Provoking an unnecessary fight now would be a terrible idea. She sighed; "Yeah, okay." She ignored the bullying display, then proceeded to look around the place. She had called Ada before coming, and she had said one of her Royal Knights was going to meet them at the Imperium lobby to take them past the counter checkpoint. "Where are they?" She asked Klaus.

"Don't know," Klaus shrugged. "Let's just wait over there." He pointed to a bench by the lobby entrance. A group of Royals were there chatting amongst themselves there. They were likely on their lunch break by this hour. Claudia and Klaus sat on the bench. Claudia decided to eavesdrop on the Royals while they waited.

"...did you hear? There's a mysterious man from Spectre recruiting Commoners to their cause. How pathetic is that?" They were referring to Hendrick, no doubt. Claudia knew the man to be charismatic enough to ignite the Commoners rebellious fire even after they had been extinguished once by the capture of Spectre's hero. The Vigilante Lord. After William's capture, people had started to believe that Spectre's chances of winning had been a delusion.

"I know, one of my maids let it slip during a party." Another Royal said. A woman with a mean face. "Had to beat the rest out of her. Said he's going around talking of Spectre's secret weapon. Wonder what that could be?"

"I thought their secret weapon was that Vigilante Lord." A third Royal mention. A short man with a thick mustache. "I was even starting to have my doubts on the Lord Ruler's competency before the capture. How do you even fight someone who can copy our abilities and use them against us."

"Still, it doesn't change the simple fact." The Royal who first spoke said. "Specter will fail. The Lord Ruler will never be overthrown."

"There he is." It was Klaus who spoke. Claudia took her attention away from the Royals and followed his gaze. The Royal Knight that was to meet them was the one with the long hair. "Hello, my dear Wren." Klaus said, standing to shake the man's hand.

Claudia stood and did the same. "Where is she? Where's Ada?"

Wren smiled and nodded. "Follow me." He led them to the lobby counter. Before the woman who worked check could check their ID's, Wren whispered something to her ear and motioned to Claudia and Klaus. The woman looked to their wrist, at the golden bracelet, then nodded. "Go on ahead.

"What did you tell her?" Klaus asked Wren once the three of them were inside the elevator, alone.

"The truth." Wren said simply. "Or rather… half of it."

"Oh?" Klaus raised an eyebrow.

Wren shrugged. "You 'are' a spy for our Lady, are you not? She spoke to the counter girl earlier and showed her your picture. Adding that Claudia was working for you was a believable enough lie."

"It could be." Klaus said, looking at Claudia and smiling. "Right, boss lady?"

Claudia said nothing, simply crossed her arms across her chest.

"You're serious about this aren't you?" Wren said, pressing a button on the elevator. "Rescuing your brother is not exactly something that can be done just because you want to. Fighting the Royals won't help here. You'll lose eventually. Unless you found a way to beat Heimdal at least."

"I've dealt with Heimdal once before." Claudia reminded him.

"By having your ability amped up by Lady Ada, yes." Wren reminded her. "But if you remember correctly, you didn't actually beat him, just stalled him long enough for your people to run away. And even if you somehow beat Heimdal, what about the Lord Ruler? You should already know what his ability is if you've watched and paid close attention to the video of your brother's capture."

Claudia did remember. She had watched the video multiple times. "He was there." She said, "The Lord Ruler. He was also there during our negotiation in the Docks and Piers district. The old man who led us inside the warehouse." Though Claudia didn't remember his face very well due to being hooded. That and she believed him to be someone of no importance. She was aware of the irony.

"Then you already know-"

"That I'll do anything for my brother." Claudia interjected. "I don't care who I'm up against, and whether or not I'm strong enough to beat them. I 'will' get my brother back." It was because of her that he had rejoined Spectre. Because of her, he had revealed himself after having built a life free of Royal conflict. Claudia felt guilty, and rescuing him was the least she could do.

"I see…" Wren said. He was about to say something else, but the elevator stopped at floor 39. "Follow me." He said instead, and led them through a hallway, walking past a couple of Royals gossiping about the recently captured Vigilante Lord and how Spectre will soon follow suit. Claudia was going to prove them wrong. She will get William out, and she will destroy the dome. The Lord Ruler will fall, and his Royal Hierarchy System will crumple in the aftermath.

Wren led her and Klaus to an office room. Lady Ada was there, sitting in her chair, talking to another of her Royal Knights. The one called Johnathan. Claudia had remembered the man having an honest and friendly look about him each time she saw him. Now he seemed to be worried about something. Claudia ignored him and focused on Ada. The woman sat like a queen. Regal and proud. She was living proof that Aura did slow down the aging process, albeit by a small amount. Still, it was very noticeable on Ada, who Claudia had learned was over a hundred years old. She looked 70 at least.

"Where is he?" Claudia asked, skipping the formalities.

"I've been hearing rumors flowing about Imperium." Ada said, ignoring her. "A member of Spectre claiming to have a secret weapon in an attempt to convince the Commoners to rise in rebellion."

"It's Hendrick." Claudia told her. "He has a way with words. The blow we took with… with…" Claudia staggered on her words. "With the capture of my brother is quickly healing. I trust him to have enough people behind our backs when we make our assault."

"I see…" Ada said. "Good. As for your brother, I'm sorry. I've been trying to help him escape, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for him."

Claudia cursed under her breath. "Why? Are you afraid of your own brother?"


"Then why? I thought you were on our side, Ada!" Claudia wasn't leaving this building without William. She will fight if she has to.

If Ada was bothered by Claudia's outburst, she didn't show it. "Your determination is admirable." She said, her voice calm and collected. "Reminds me of me. Of what I'm willing to do for my family. But even if you decide to fight the Royals alone, you must know that eventually, you'll lose. I understand your pain, Ms. Dia. I've felt it too. But rushing into a fight will solve nothing."

"Then what do you suggest?" Claudia said.

"If only I knew where he was, I could do something. But my Lord brother won't allow me to see him."

Without realizing, Claudia started pacing. It was something she did unconsciously when contemplating an answer to a problem. She had come to Ada for aid. Helping Arlong get to William. With Arlong's ability copied, William wont have a problem walking out of Imperium.

"William told me he could sense people's Aura after he'd witnessed their ignition." Claudia said, stopping and looking at Ada. "He didn't need to see me to know where I am if my Aura's ignited. But you, Ada. You said you had my brother's gift too, but better."

Ada thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I'm able to sense everyone's Aura in Imperium, whether ignited or not. But I cannot sense Mr. Dia's. Your brother has had his ability nullified."

"The Lord Ruler's ability?" Klaus said. 

Ada nodded. "You already know of the serum, I'm sure. I'm unable to sense the Aura of those whose ability has been nullified by it."

Claudia cursed out loud. "Fuck!"

"Well, this sucks." Klaus said. "And having Arlong check all the top floors thoroughly will take at least a week. At least if we want to do it safely."

And in a few days, Spectre will make their final assault on Imperium. It would've been too late. Hendrick's plan seemed to be their best option. Arlong had to get out before then. Claudia shook her head. No. There had to be a way. Think damn it.

Then she remembered. "Hey," She turned to Ada. "You mentioned being able to sense everyone's Aura in Imperium." She didn't wait for Ada's confirmation to continue. "Everyone's Aura is distinct, like a fingerprint."

"What are you suggesting, woman?" Wren said, raising an eyebrow.

"That's true…" Ada said.

"So, it stands to reason that you can identify everyone in the building simply by their Aura." Claudia waited for Ada to nod, then proceeded to explain. "My brother received a gift from a woman named Jill. A silver bracelet. He also told me that the bracelet was somehow imbued with Aura. Aura that came from someone that's not a Royal."

"Oh." Wren said, after hearing Jill's name.

Ada was quiet for a moment, then said; "Yes… and I recognize every Royal's Aura. And are you certain your brother still has that bracelet on?"

"He promised to never take it off." Claudia assured her.

Ada leaned back on her chair and closed her eyes. She stood still for a long moment. "Is she?"

"Trying to look for that Aura." Wren said. "That is, if the Lord Ruler hasn't confiscated it. You probably already guessed it. He also has that 'gift' to sense Aura."

After a few minutes, Ada opened her eyes. "It's faint." She said, "But I sense it. And you're wrong, Wren. If that bracelet is of emotional value to Mr. Dia, I doubt my brother would be cruel enough to take it. Despite what you all may think, Adrian is not the monster you think he is."

"So you know where William is?" Claudia said.

Ada nodded. "Yes."

Claudia pressed the hidden button to her earpiece. "Jake, you heard that?"

"Sure did." He said. "I'll contact Arlong and guide him. We'll need inside help."

"Seems we have a plan." Klaus clapped his hands in front of him. "We can count on your help to get Arlong to William safely then?"

"I'll do what I can." Ada nodded.