
Chapter 25

William pocketed his cellphone and returned to cleaning cups and bottles at the bar. The Calming Clam was slow today, only a handful or so guests had decided to come this evening. Just how it was meant to be. The news played on the wall T.V. while the soft music played a soft tune. While keep an eye out, William thought about Jill. They had been texting everyday since she left for her daughter's birthday. William never thought that his relationship with Jill would prosper through textings, but it has. He was feeling happy, knowing that once this thing with Spectre was over he would return to Jill and spend the rest of his days with her. She was still with her daughter, and he hoped she stayed away from New Miami for at least another week or so. He didn't want Jill to be in the city when Spectre launches their final assault on Imperium. 

Two outcomes will result from that assault: Either Spectre fails, and all their members get captured, including William, and the Lord Ruler would succeed in squashing any future rebel groups from even thinking of forming again.

Or Spectre succeeds in the assault, and the dome is destroyed. Then every Ability User will lose their Auras. The Royals will be no more, the Lord Ruler's hold on New Miami will be no more, and… Well, William hadn't put much thought about what happens afterwards. What will the people do once the Royal Hierarchy System falls, and the chain of authority breaks? He shrugged. It wouldn't be his problem. His thoughts were on Jill, and the life he'll live with her.

William resumed his work, serving the guests, cleaning, and maintaining the bar. He was at the counter, preparing a drink for a young man when the doors to the bar were opened, the bells ringing. An old man wearing a black suit walked in, his hair white as snow. He took a seat by the counter, a smile on his face, and called for a drink. William finished what he was doing before walking over to the old man, checking his wrist for a gold bracelet. The old man was dressed like a Royal, yet he wasn't. William guessed he was probably one of those High Tier citizen that liked having Royal company.

"What will it be, sir?" William said. The old man looked familiar, but William couldn't place where he'd seen him before.

"Whiskey, if you will." The old man said, then turned his attention to the television on the wall. 

William nodded, then prepared him the drink. Orion returned from the back office and joined William, helping with drinks. 

"Who's the old fellow?" He asked, motioning over at the old man who looked engrossed watching the television.

William shrugged. "Donno. Probably a Royal wanna be." It was odd to see someone from High Tier visit a lowly bat at Lowtown. Still, the man looked harmless. William couldn't sense Aura on him, so he paid him no mind.

"He's clearly from High Tier," Orion said, "charge him a little extra for the next drink. We need the money."

"Will do."

"The Copycat superhero," The old man said, drawing their attention. William looked over, a little worried, but the old man was still looking at the T.V. The news Channel was covering the new hot topic of New Miami: Spectre's new hero. The Copycat superhero. "First they called him that," The old man continued. "Now they're referring to him as the Vigilante Lord. The Commoner's hero. Tell me, friend, do the people really believe he can challenge the Lord Ruler?" He turned to William and Orion. "Though will his ability, that could certainly be a matter of debate. What are your opinions, gentlemen? With this new lord, could Spectre succeed in their revolution?"

William and Orion shared a look. "I wouldn't know." Orion said. "We don't know what kind of ability the Lord Ruler has."

"True." The old man said, then smiled. "I certainly hope not."

"Oh. And why would you think that, sir?"

The old man paused for a moment. "I know the Royal Hierarchy System has its flaws, but would a revolution really be the answer?"

The old man's voice sounded familiar to William. He was certain he's met this man before. Then he remembered. The abandoned warehouse at Docks and Piers district. During Claudia's meeting with Lady Ada.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking,"William said. "Have we met before?" 

Before the old man could respond, the bar doors were opened again. A tall, bald man walked in, drawing everyone's attention. It didn't take long to recognize him. Wearing a black suit and a golden bracelet. A Royal.

"It's Heimdal." Someone at the bar said. William had met the man in person before, at the warehouse.

Heimdal looked around the room, then silently walked over to the counter. He walked past the old man and leaned against the counter. The room became suddenly quite, the old sound that of the soft music playing in the background. He sighed, then regarded the gest.

"Please, worry not." He said, "Go about your business, I seek no trouble."

Though the guest were visibly nervous, they did return to what they were doing, though a few kept glancing nervously at the Royal.

"What is this?" Orion said, walking over to Heimdal. "What business does a Royal Knight have visiting such an insignificant bar by Lowtown?" William noticed his friend's Aura ignite.

Heimdal smiled. "Relax, my business won't end up ruining your bar for- what was it now? The third time?" 

William wasn't too surprise about a Royal Knight visiting the Calming Clam. Though Orion didn't know, it wasn't the first time. Natalya was also one of the Lord Ruler's top generals. The woman had charmed Orion, but William was certain his friend wouldn't betray him for her.

"What do you want, Heimdal?" William said. He ignited his Aura as a precaution, copying Orion's. He noticed the old man smile for a second, or did he imagine that?

"You're a smart man, William Dia. You should've known we'd come for you sooner or later."

William suspected as much. In fact, he was expecting it. "Like you said," He told Heimdal. "I don't want the bar to be destroyed a third time." William noticed that a few of the guest who'd overheard the conversation, were getting up.

Heimdal turned to them. "Hold!" They all froze. "Though there will be a fight tonight, sort of, you have my word, none here will come to harm. I do, however, want everyone here to see that their Vigilante Lord holds little threat to your Lord Ruler." He set his gaze on William, making sure everyone in the bar knew who he was referring to by talking loud. William wasn't afraid of his identity being fully revealed to the public, in fact, he wanted it out. That way, he no longer had the need to hide. He could walk freely, and possibly bring a measure of reassurance to the Lowtown people that no Royal would dare disturb the peace in the district. 

"What say you, Copycat superhero?" Heimdal continued. "Care to play a little game?"

"Not sure what you mean."

"First, why don't you turn off the music, while I set the stage."

"Fine." William looked at Orion, who nodded. He went on to turn off the music and television, while Heimdal moved the tables and chairs in the middle of the room to create an open space. The guest took position by the walls and counter. The old man was smiling, watching it all. When done, he beckoned William to stand before him by the open space. William saw that some of the guest were pulling out their phones to record it. This would certainly be on the news tomorrow. And what a news it'll be.

Heimdal waited a little until he made sure that people were watching closely and recording.

"What would the people say when they see a Royal Knight lose?" William challenged.

Heimdal smiled. "You have a very powerful ability," He said. "With this little game, I want to test my ability, against itself. Call it an experiment of sorts." William noticed his Aura ignite, powerful. Its golden fire burned bright, like Beodulf's. Like Claudia's. But compared to Ada's, it was still a speck. "Go on, then. Copy it." William didn't need to be told that. He already had a grasp of what Heimdal's ability was, seeing in action during the Imperial Square fight. Where Spectre fought and kidnapped the Mayor of New Miami. Claudia had said that Heimdal could somehow predict incoming attacks.

"The game is simple." Heimdal said at length. "First to land a single blow on each other, loses. But let this be known by all," He looked to the people around the bar. "He will be coming with me tonight." Then he turned to William. "Make no mistake, William Dia. You'll be a prisoner of ours after today, that's a fact."

"We'll see." William noticed Orion's fist clench, ready to jump in. He looked at his friend and shook his head. Better Orion not get involved.

"You go first." Heimdal said. "Try to hit me once. If you do, I'll leave you alone. You have my word."

William put all his speed and strength into his punch, aiming to break the Royal's nose, even though it'll be healed by Aura. But Heimdal's reaction was instant, lazily moving his head to the side.

"Now, my turn."

Before finishing his sentence, William saw a golden shadow, like a ghost, or spirt made of Aura, detach itself from Heimdal and aim a punch at William's head. A second later, Heimdal's form moved, mimicking the Aura ghost's movement. William already knew where the blow was coming from and moved in anticipation. So he truly could see attacks coming.

"Not bad." Heimdal said, smiling.

William threw two punches this time, one to draw Heimdal's dodge, then the other to strike in the direction of his dodge. Heimdal anticipated both. Then, he proceeded to throw four punches in quick succession. William saw his ghostly form move seconds before his body, he dodged them with ease. When it was William's turn, he had to wonder how one would land a blow on this guy when he could practically see the attacks coming before they even came. This wasn't a fight, there was no way William could land a blow. But with Heimdal's ability, neither can the Royal land a blow on him. They kept exchanging blows. They both kept dodging expertly. Effortlessly so. Everyone was watching in silence, their cellphones recording.

"Seems to me this is a draw." William said, throwing three varied punches, all of which failed to land.

"I believe I already told you," Heimdal raised his fist. William wasn't expecting to see his ghostly form, but it didn't appear, yet. Seems Claudia was right, his ability only activates when the intent of an attack is present. That's how she was able to trap him in her Time Freeze spell. "You're coming with me to Imperium tonight."

"You said if I lose." William pointed out. "And with your ability, you know you won't be able to hit me. Where in your game is the rule for a draw."

"For everyone watching," Heimdal said. "This is your fallen Vigilante Lord!"

"I already said-" Then William felt something strange, like an Aura being ignite, but only for a split second. He felt his Aura vanish, like a candle being snuffed out. "What-?" Then he felt pain. Pain on his jaw. He was thrown back, crashing over the wooden tables and chairs behind him, his Aura gone. Through pain he had rarely felt in so long, he heard the cries and gasps of the bar guest around him. He pushed himself up, using the table for support, and tried to ignite his Aura. But just like in the abandoned warehouse, something like an invisible force was preventing him from doing so. "...How?"

Orion jumped in front of him, an Aura sword and shield appearing on his hands.

"Orion, was it?" Heimdal said. "I didn't come here for you, so please step aside. I'm already being nice enough to let you go because I gave you my word. I came for your friend there, not you. But if you force me to fight you…" He gestured at the guests standing around, shocked and confused. "They will finally see that we, the Royals, aren't the bad guys here."

William pushed his confusion aside, and put a hand on Orion's shoulder. "It's alright, Orion. We made a deal."

"I can't let them take you, Will." Orion said. "I won't."

"There's nothing you can do." William said. "He won. I'll go peacefully." He paused. "I'll be fine, trust me."

Reluctantly, Orion stepped back.

"Good choice." Heimdal said. "Natalya said you were loyal. I see now why she's fond of you."

"What?!" Orion snapped.

Heimdal shrugged.

"Orion," William said, turning. "Stand down. Go tell my sister what happened here, though…" He looked around, four of the guests were still recording. "She'll know either way." He touched his lips feeling the blood on his fingers, then turned to Heimdal. "My Aura…I can't… What did you do to me?" 

"The Lord Ruler will tell you all you need to know. Now, if you will," Heimdal pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "Put this on and come with me."

William shot a glance at the old man, who was smiling, then handcuffed himself. He followed Heimdal out the bar and into a black limousine.