
Chapter 20

"Has there been any intel from Arlong?" Claudia asked Jake. They were at the base awaiting Hendrick to discuss the next phase of Operation Overthrow. The exchange. Claudia had already contacted Lady Ada, who had in turn convinced the Lord Ruler to meet. So far, everything had been going according to the plan, Claudia only hoped it remained so. With Spectre out in the open, now the popular topic of conversation amongst the people of New Miami, things could go awry with the slightest of missteps. 

"Nothing yet." Jake said, typing on his keyboard. He, Claudia, Maya, and Sara the Mermaid, were the only people in the room at the moment. Sara had decided, following Claudia's advice, to remain hidden at Spectre's base of operations. The Royals were hunting for her and this was the safest place in the city for a superhero in hiding. She kept Jake and Maya, who practically lived here, company. "He's searched two floors so far." Jake continued, "Nothing on the dome's weakness. My guess, the Lord Ruler keeps his secrets on the top floors. But, it's still advisable to have all the floors checked just in case. It'll take Arlong another day or two to get to the top floors."

"And what about the other matter I asked you about?" Claudia asked. She had asked Jake to use his ability to hack Hendrick's cellphone, to keep tabs on his calls and texts.

Jake looked up at her, understanding. "Also nothing. Unless he's figured out I'm using my ability and is actively deciding not to use his cell phone without our knowledge, he suspects nothing. As soon as he makes a move, I'll let you know."

"Thanks, Jake." Claudia said, a bit relieved to hear that. There were only two people capable of noticing the use of Jake's hacking ability, and that's because they could see the presence of Aura. "I doubt he'll make a move any time soon, but let's just be sure." She didn't like spying, but Hendrick left her no choice. No doubt when the time comes, and Claudia's opportunity to destroy the dome arrives, he'll stand in her way. It was better to be prepared, to know when and how Hendrick's betrayal would come.

It would be half an hour later when Hendrick showed up, followed by Narika and Klaus, who had been working on a way to incite a rebellion when the time came to attack Imperium for their final step of their operation. Ambassador Jiang was also with him, deciding to see the operation to its end. 

"Let's go have our final chat with our prisoner." Hendrick said, motioning for Claudia to follow. Straight to the point, she thought, following him to the lower levels of the base where they kept Beodulf under lock and chain. It had been days since she had visited the man. There wasn't really a point, his will was that of a madman, refusing to reveal anything about the Lord Ruler and the dome no matter what kind of pain Hendrick inflicted on him. Claudia found the man's resistance somewhat commendable.

Beodulf looked like a madman. His hair and clothes were disheveled, and he had developed a distinct twitch masking his grimaces when it ticked. When he noticed Claudia and the others, his eyes narrowed and he charged at them, the steel chains halting his advance. 

"You…" He growled. There was a twitch, a grimace of pain, as he raised his hand and a small ball shot from his palm. Hendrick slapped it aside, the fire vanishing in a puff of smoke.

"Seems your serum isn't as effective as you'd thought, ambassador Jiang." Hendrick said. 

"It has never been used for this long." Jiang replied, watching Beodulf painfully grimacing as he tried to ignite his Aura. "And this man… he is very stubborn. He fights the serum's effects almost like a madman."

"Regardless," Hendrick said. "The Lord Ruler has developed his own. And from the intel we gathered from Mermaid, it is much more effective. I thought your people were the only ones with the means to develop it."

The short man was quiet for a moment, a thoughtful look on his face.. "It… seems we are not."

"I can feel its effect dwindle." Beodulf rasped, a ball of fire materializing in the palm of his hand. It grew to the size of a soccer ball, then was extinguished. "Once it does… I'll burn all of you."

"No need." Hendrick said. "Congratulations, Mayor. We're setting you free tomorrow."

Beodulf blinked.

"The Lord Ruler has agreed to our exchange."


"One of ours was caught." Claudia interjected. "Captured within Imperium during our attack. He tried to assassinate the Lord Ruler. Foolish, but he's one of our strongest members."

Beodulf let out a laugh. "You lie."

"Believe what you want." Claudia told him, though she understood his skepticism. Few were foolish enough to attempt a personal assassination on the Lord Ruler. "We still want Obex back. Even if it means letting you go." It was crucial that Beodulf believes that Obex's object was anything but masking Arlong's infiltration. Beodulf will no doubt tell the Lord Ruler everything he knows about Spectre. About the interrogations. What we've asked, and why we've asked it. Assassination was a reasonable enough lie. 

Claudia worried that the Lord Ruler will learn of Spectre's, of Claudia's, true goal. Which was the destruction of the dome. Lady Ada had sent one of her Royal Knights to warn Claudia about revealing that to the Lord Ruler, who currently believes that Spectre's object was to overthrow him, and that was the reason he hasn't made a move against the organization. That was also why Claudia was letting Hendrick lead the interrogations, as that was his goal with Operation Overthrow.

"And what makes you think that once I'm free, I won't hunt you down?" Beodulf said.

"We've beaten you already." Hendrick said. He understood Claudia's plan to deceive Beodulf and played along. "We'll do so again. You're not a threat to us, Mayor. You have been reduced to…" He looked Beodulf up and down. "...this. The Lord Ruler's reign is coming to an end."

Beodulf laughed. "...We'll see."