
The Control Curse

Fumi Sendai, a soon to be college student dies and meets and entity beyond her comprehension who offers her a new chance. How will this turn her life?

ZetzuSensei · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Deal with the Devil

A/N: I finally got a hold of my computer, as before that I was typing out chapters on my phone.

So grammar should no longer be an issue, aswell as the speed of chapters. There will be no scheduled uploads as I am known to be terrible with thoes. But, i'll drop one atleast once a week.

But until Monday, i'm planning to drop one everyday I got a little motivation. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.


"Yawn!" Ah, why did I choose to meet up so early in the morning. This might be more troublesome than I thought. If heading staight into enemy territory wasn't enough, I also have to negotiate with them as well.

Why I am doing this? Well it's simple. First and foremost. With Kenjaku's plan, I need protection from both sides. I don't want to be on the losing side of this of course. And the second? I think it would be more fun to be honest.

I would recieve protection. In turn I would make a deal with sorcerers to sacrafice cursed energy to summon me. What would I get in return? When they die they become shikigami's in my collection. This can be a win win for both of us. Neither side lose any strength as at my command they can do their prior tasks. But thats only one side of the plan.

Aren't I a genius? Ahem! Anyways, when is Yumiko going to get here? I hope she isn't going to make me wait all day.

"Hey are you lost?" I hear a voice call out to me. I turn to see a boy, around 14 to 15 with pale green eyes and dark black hair walk up to me. "Where are your parents?" He said looking around confused, causing me to frown.

'He isn't a jujutsu sorcerer. But he does have a more cursed energy than a civilian…Maybe I should play along? Nah, I got things to do.' Without moments notice, I send a chain of cursed energy into his head, deciding not to kill him.

"Ah-" He muttered out before going limp. "I now own you. Be a dear and go away for now. I have no use for you at this moment." I say waving him off as he got up almost mechanically and walked away.

"Now that thats done…" I say before feeling a familiar cursed energy with another smaller one approach. "Ms. Makima! I'm sorry i'm late!" She yells up while running up to me. The person behind her looks confused but still ready to fight.

"Ah, Yumiko. Perfect timing. And who is this?" I ask, turning my attention to the young girl behind Yumiko who practically jumps out of her skin.

"…Yumiko… Did that curse just talk…In perfect Japanese!?" She yelled out in surprise. "Haha, why of course~" I say enjoying the sight of her realizing just what is standing in front of her. Due to Satoru Gojo being born the strength of curses increased dramatically. Meaning unregistered special grade curses were appearing all over Japan.

With me being one of them. But even then, it was extremely rare for one to even talk. There are only 2 possibilities for that to happen. Option A being the curse being extremely strong. Being able to wipe out multiple peak grade 1 sorcerers with ease. Or option B, speech being involved in their cursed technique. I happen to be the option B this time around.

But that did not mean I was weak by any means. At this current point of time, the strongest grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer would have trouble even keeping up with me. 

(A/N: At this point of time I believe that title would be possessed by either Kusakabe or Naobito.)

"Ah, Utahime this is Ms. Makima. She's the cursed that helped me with becoming a jujutsu sorcerer." Yumiko said trying to calm the girls nerves. "Its nice to meet you." I say extending my short arm up to the woman.

"N-nice to meet you..." She said stuttering over her words before shaking my hand.

"Now, onto important matters. I wish to make a deal with jujutsu higher ups so ensure my protection as i've said before." I say leaning back onto the wall once again.

"And to do that I need a vessel so I won't be either killed or sealed before that." I finish crossing my arms.

"So, Yumiko. You up for the job. While i'm at it I can help you with your poor cursed energy control." I say smirking as I look up to the girl once more.

She's developed more ever since the last time we met. Now standing at 5'6, opposed to her previous 5'4 frame. And even developing some muscle on her body as well.

"...Sure why not. I can get in contact with them within a day." She say pausing a minute before answering. "Then its a deal!" I say stretching my hand out to meet hers while activating my technique. "Deal..." She says shaking my hand as the feeling of my soul entering hers happens once more.

"Ah… home sweet home." I say while being greeted to the sight of my innate domain. I decide to ignore my current vessel for a moment as I map out my current goal at hand. And to do that i'm going to need a plan.

First i'm going to I want to make a deal with jujutsu headquarters to esure my protection of course. In return, I would offer to protect Tengen until he merges with the star plasma vessel. But thats just a set up to a larger plan.

After, i'll make a deal with Tengen herself. Kenjaku plan is to merge humanity with cursed spirits. So i'll make a deal that makes me her guardian of sorts. Or atleast try to. Thats the only iffy part of my plan being honest.

But I can get to that later. For now i'll just have to worry about thoes old men they call Jujutsu Higher ups…

-POV, Kenjaku-

Ah, this might be the best vessel i've created yet! This boy is absolutely magnificent down to his very core!

Looking down at a pink haired baby with brown eyes, I cant help but smile. "Now then. Now that creating the vessel is complete…" I say leaving the babys room and heading into my bedroom where Jin Itodori resides.

I don't plan on having any lose ends lie around. "Hey Jin. I say sticking my head into the doorframe. "Hm? Yes what is it Kaori?" He replies putting his book down.

"Could you come outside? I have a surprise for you~" I say with a smirk on my face. "Haha okay okay. I hope its nothing bad." He replies getting out of the bed amd follows me down the hallways to the back door.

"Theres nothing out here?" He says confused before his body went limp. "Jeez, I was wondering how much longer would I have to use this disgusting disguise." I say, pulling my arm out of his chest.

The look on his face was one of shock and betrayal causing me to snicker a bit. "Don't be angry. Jin. Our child will grow up to do great things." I say bending closer to his face.

"I just couldn't leave any loose ends to trace me. Thats all." I say before backing away.

"Well this is goodbye Jin. I must say though… I did rather enjoy our time together." I go inside after finishing thoes words to grab a blanket to wrap the body in before lighting it on fire aswell.

"Now all thats left is to give Yuji to his grandfather." I mutter to myself, looking down at the pink haired child once more before grabbing him to leave. "Ah, before I forget. Urarame. Could you cover my tracks. Raze everything in the house." I say passing the white haired woman/man.

"Don't order me around." She/he says with a snarl on her face. "I'll only do this for the sake of Lord Sukuna's arrival." She/he says before heading into the house after me.

"All according to the plan…"

-End of chapter-

I lost the charger to my laptop… I'm sick to my stomach. Anyways, I may or may not have made a small lapse in judgement in how many chapters I would upload. So ill take all the blame of that.

After monday ill try and upload a chapter every other day or every 3 days.

And lastly. Do you guys wan't Makima to make contracts with Jujutsu sorcerers like devils in chainsaw man? Or do you wan't her to remain how she is.

Current strength rankings.

1. Kenjaku


3. Toji


5. Gojo (hes 13)

Top 3 are interchangeable, especially toji because their techniques carry them for the most part.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed, stay safe!